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Posts posted by hayden5650

  1. I always thought freezing was below 32°F.

    10 degrees centigrade? Harden up. It's 6°C here now.

    And you are sitting in a heated house or have plenty of clothing on ... right?

    Im in shorts and a tshirt with singlet on underneath. Heater isn't on but it's probably 55°F in here.

    Where I work is maintained at a constant 42°F so it's reasonably comfortable.

  2. @ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

    You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

    As supplied to me by my Police nieghbour as I mentioned before..

    Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

    "WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

    not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

    his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

    not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

    to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


    "If the commission of the offence according to

    the first paragraph is committed against a girl

    not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

    shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

    to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

    Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

    "If the commission of the offence according to

    the first of second paragraph is committed by

    participation of persons in the nature of raping

    and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

    explosives, the offender shall be punished with

    imprisonment for life."

    From where have you copy and pasted that? From http://www.ageofcons...om/thailand.htm :

    "WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

    not yet over fifteen years of age and not being

    his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

    not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

    to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


  3. Sex with a minor is statutory rape, even if consent is give by the minor,

    because they are considered not old enough to give informed consent.

    You are using legal terms, and laws and definitions of those terms vary in every country. It is rarely as black and white as sex with a girl under a certain age and your in the nick. Especially in this part of the world.

  4. @ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

    You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

  5. Isn't 15 the legal age in Thailand??

    The youngest I've been was 17. But I had only just turned 23. Not quite old enough to be her father unlike most of ya'll 555

    The youngest I've been is zero. How did you manage 17.

    I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

    Meh, she wasn't Thai, so mai pen rai.

  6. We already discussed this. The criterias were how affordable the city is, shopping, eating out, etc. There is nothing surprising about Bangkok being number 1, given the criterias. Bangkok's problems are mostly irrelevant for short term visitors.

    Also, I'm ROFL that a poster mentioned that Auckland beat Bangkok. I'm not expressing my opinion; it's generally considered as one of the dullest city on earth.

    lol well I had to include a city from my own country in my list somewhere. I've never actually been to Auckland except for the airport once when I was 11.

  7. How about actually stocking Marlboro in the dutyfree stores for once, allowing smoking in the open or at least a semi decent sized smoking room, fix the toilets and clean them semi regularly, and of course, improve the immigration officers.

    Well you can't really blame the immigration officers for being sour, they know they make nothing compared to us and they know we'll soon be nailing the finest of their women. LOL.

    I do like the fine line up of Thai women who greet you while you're walking off the aeroplane down to arrivals.

  8. just check what the people who have not to face a language barrier to access the 'real information' do with their abilities and the easy way to get the 'real information' first hand.

    http://www.google.com/trends/hottrends - google hottrend searches of today

    Thailand educations system has other problems as that English isn't 2nd language and to declare English to the 2nd language wouldn't be the immediately cure nor the best thing ever that can be or has to be done. Nor is it xenophobe when they don't declare English to the official second language.

    Firstly, thanks for the hot trends link which threw up some interesting info on Photoshop tutorials. But didn't spot anything to do with this topic?!

    Secondly, you're very very wrong. Information is spread worldwide in the English language. Or perhaps you think Chinese better?

    i repeat myself:

    There is no significance that learning English means you will become smarter or more educated or whatever. The average English or lets say American speaker in some average town in Nevada or Texas has probably an average active vocabulary of 500 English words and not more and be able to carry on with his average life.

    And so will the average Thai in an average town in Nakhon Somewhere be able to carry on with his average life without speaking any of these 500 English words.

    The education system isn't free of flaws and improvement can be done here and there.

    I think it was mark45y who said that in a class of 40 are actually only 3 or 4 that are willing and eager to learn and smart to reach higher education. It should be made sure that these 3-4 smarts kids out of 40 in all the school classes nationwide get their chance and go their way up to university.

    Are those 500 words spoken out their <deleted> like most of your words?

  9. Some Thai friends of mine, in the age bracket of 18-24, seemed to be quite surprised to learn that New Zealand, Australian and British bars aren't also packed with bargirls, and that there aren't 'ladyboys' casually strolling the streets and going about their lives as they do in Thailand.

    Many Thais think that life in Thailand is the norm, and not all that far removed from the way the rest of the world works.

    Your comment says more about you and people like you, than you probably realise.

    Most of Thailand is surprisingly normal, completely detached from the world of bargirls and ladyboys that so preoccupies the barfly/visa running foreigner.

    oh come on let's be honest, if it wasn't for everything being so cheap and the women being so fine looking and available, there wouldn't be a foreigner in sight as Thailand would have about as much appeal as Darfur.

  10. Okay, there is no conspiracy of those in power to let the 'little' people in the dark with not allowing them to learn English, aka the language of the "real" information (aka the only language you can speak).

    Come on mate surely you can't deny that keeping the majority of Thais from learning English is beneficial to the old boys in charge.

    Thai people genuinely have no grasp of how the rest of the world works, on either a political or social level.

    Some Thai friends of mine, in the age bracket of 18-24, seemed to be quite surprised to learn that New Zealand, Australian and British bars aren't also packed with bargirls, and that there aren't 'ladyboys' casually strolling the streets and going about their lives as they do in Thailand.

    Many Thais think that life in Thailand is the norm, and not all that far removed from the way the rest of the world works.

    They certainly don't have a working understanding of their own politics. I asked one of my friends for whom she would vote in the recent elections, and she replied to me that she could not vote due to having been born in a different part of Thailand. I told her to update her details with the Electoral authority, however she just had no idea.

    I strongly doubt anything of note will change in Thailand in the next 20 years. Perhaps after 20 years, when the more IT savy, and somewhat more worldly youth reach their 40s and 50s, some of whom may enter politics, things may begin to change. However that is a long way off yet.

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