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Everything posted by sumongkhwai

  1. I did not know that you could "decline a police meeting." Interesting. While I have always practiced staying under the radar (except for the one time we went to get a massage in the city and when we left it was dark and I couldn't see much out of my sunglasses driving back to the village! and maybe a few others I've forgotten) it is good to know that if the police ever come round, I will politely decline their "meeting".
  2. .287? That's close to a coma for the average person unless, that is a regular amount. At .4 for most people they would be dead. I reckon this was probably close to his normal BA, just scary. Just terrible for the officer's family. Maybe the low pressure was due to lack of blood from his injuries? Really doesn't matter as the injuries proved fatal.
  3. Her flight should leave in 30 minutes but, fly her to Germany and maker walk home.. Lifetime ban.
  4. One night, many years ago, my wife and I were walking along the beach walk in Pattaya back to our hotel. It was super late. We saw a farang getting into a fight with a motor bike taxi driver. The motor bike taxi driver got on his phone. My wife and I both looked at each other and said the same thing, "there's ten guys coming round the corner". Nothing good happens early in the morning with a bunch of booze on board. Just my opinion.
  5. We went to the bank and got 400K baht and piled all our gold on top. It was presented to the parents and shown around. It was given back to us after the wedding and for the last 20 years we have continued to take of her parents. My wife had some land her village, and we built "apartments" on them which give us an income stream for us and to help take of her parets who, being simple farmers, don't want for much. It worked out well for us.
  6. I've heard the shots for rabies are a beech. It's like 8 shots, long needle into the abdomen. He will clearly need to be rerstrained during said treatments then, off to the next waiting plane where he can proudly declare; "I went to Tahiland and all I got was this lousy rabies certificate". Good riddance.
  7. I've heard the shots for rabies are a beech. It's like 8 shots, long needle into the abdomen. He will clearly need to be rerstrained during said treatments then, off to the next waiting plane where he can proudly declare; "I went to Tahiland and all I got was this lousy rabies certificate". Good riddance.
  8. "a convulsive street battle." Sounds like the writer might have been enjoying it. Interesting adjective.
  9. I thought you had have R/T ticket when entering the Kingdom, assuming he flew into BKK. I guess coing from Laos or Cambodia land crossing maybe not an issue?
  10. Is he seriously just pointing at "a" mushroom as in just one? Agree with above poster that this appears to be a token arrest. Did they find any that would support sales or is it just that one lonely mushroom?
  11. It seems highly unlike that a 15 second discrepancy per passport would result in those lines but, I wasn't there and could be wrong, "Normally, the processing time from presenting a passport to receiving a stamped clearance by immigration officers at Suvarnabhumi Airport takes no more than 45 seconds per individual. However, due to the system failure, the time required per passenger exceeded one minute"
  12. Stomp of the gas then hit brakes, can claim it wa a giant soi rat that would have wrecked his van.
  13. I'm thinking that the answer might lay within the jeans..............
  14. Seemed reasonable although they'd have to build several proper police stations to house the coppers. And then with their train coming through soon maybe a military base or two to protect the train say Lopburi and Bangkok. Kind of an insidious way way to get a foot hold IMO.
  15. Destroy his Indian passport and send him back to Vanuatu, I'm sure he be welcomed with open arms and spears.
  16. Has he started his GoFundMe page yet?
  17. Well I will certainly miss my Rotis in the evening when I hear his horn on his bicycle or, some warm roasted peanuts with a cold beer. Oh well.
  18. Wait, the taxi driver told him the price, 300 baht or about $US8. If the kid didn't like it, find another. We always try and find a working meter but, on occasion where there isn't, agree on the price up front. It doesn't say where the trip orginated from. He could have offered the guy 150 baht. (I am assuming the TikTok star is an avid Bangkok traveler and knows what the right price should be from where he was trying to get picked up). Honestly, if $US2 is gonna ruin your trip, stay home and get an $US8 coffeee somewhere.
  19. I guess I got very lucky and married a smart lady. We had a wedding of about 350 people from the viallage and the nine monks in our house. I paid for everything, no problem. We talked about sin sod and she said it was more show as long as we would take of parents in the future. Went to the bank, got $4 million baht, put all of our gold on top on big plate in front of her parents. After the wedding we got our gold back and the money went back to the bank. And, for 20+ years we have helped take of her parents every month. Seemed reasonable to me.
  20. I'm guessing he's the pin and she's the cushion? Dating online? Ok, I guess it could work. But, kind of leaves you wanting more, no?
  21. Well, that's as full as they are going to be in a long time. And, old Thai smuggler trick, drop a dime on the three and the other three go through with nary a problem.
  22. And, RTP are very afraid of skateboards. It looks like he just stole hat (tags still on it) and probably the skateboard, brand new, clean wheels etc. The one guy has an ASP, couple of quick whacks to the knees would have disabled him. And, not sure why RTP don't have Tasers, very effective in CQC.
  23. He was on he was to the top to do his best Superman impression like that Russian guy but, slipped and fell. Give his appearance, it appears he has more problems than cannibis.
  24. That is funny. At Swampy once, 6 Indian guys ordered one dish and asked for 5 extra plates. They each ordered a bottle of water and wanted separate checks. It was hard to keep from laughing out loud.
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