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Posts posted by johna

  1. Thai Rath


    Police in Rayong are searching for a mugger who uses pepper spray on his victims.

    The first victim of this new type of attack was a foreign resident identified as Kriswillems.

    Police found Kris late at night on a lonely stretch of highway incapacitated by pepper spray. In recounting his horrific ordeal Kris said he had bought the Pepper Spray after being bitten by a dog, and when stopped by the mugger he pulled the canister out of his pocket and pointed it at his attacker saying “go ahead dude make my day”

    “I was counting down from 10 before I sprayed him but he leaned forward took the can out of my hand and laughed at me as he sprayed me in the face” said the distraught victim.

    Kris was robbed of 40 Baht and a fake Rolex watch.

    Kris whom admitted illegal possession of the pepper spray was fined 10.000 Baht by the Police.

  2. I have lived in Thailand for quite a few years and never had a problem,

    You have had one unpleasant encounter and now need advice,

    would you seriously consider carrying a baton and pepper spray back home?

    Some of the responses to the OP non violent request for money are over the top.

    I suggest to the OP the next time some one ask's you for money “just say no”

    If this is all it takes to freak you out, better stay home.

  3. "Mr. Kasit asked the Thais not to follow foreign news on this matter, adding that they should wait for the Indonesian government to finish its investigation first."

    The only access to foreign news the majority of Thais have is TV, at least one of these TV channels is owned by the army, so Mr. Kasit can rest easy on that point.

    Newspapers are available but not often seen in my neighborhood, and most Thais agree with throwing these people back out to sea.

    It’s been 20 years since Aung San Suu Kyi NLD won Burma’s election, a year since the Cyclone Nargis tragedy, and we are treated to the never ending farce of Mr. Gambari negotiating some settlement.

    Don’t hold your breath on this one..

  4. It was a lot more interesting when girls burnt bras to protest.

    Wonder how we can email the Home Office to register our shock and horror? Not that they will pay a blind bit of attention, I guess HM Inland Revenue are rubbing their hands at the percentage they will make on the 3 billion baht profit on his sale of Man City coz I would somehow doubt any of that will get back to Thailand. Seriously though it may start an element of anti British feeling which we can do without, maybe we should email HE the Ambassador in Bangkok ???

    This is a good idea, I googled FCO UK and bitched about this, if enough people complain we might get some action.

    Lets fight back,Its time the rich and powerful payed for their crimes

  5. Don't the Brit Embassy staff organize something similar on Sunday, get directions to a place where you must find some paper giving directions to the next place ??

    This was some years back that I heard about it and it was a family orientated thing

  6. Looks like the Taiwanese know who to blame, and Mr Yeh was only in office for a week.

    From the BBC

    Taiwan's health minister has been admitted to hospital after being allegedly attacked by opposition MPs over the tainted Chinese milk scandal.

    Yeh Ching-chuan was pushed around and grabbed by the neck as he tried to leave parliament, according to lawmakers from the governing party.

    Hospital staff say he suffered heart palpitations and dizziness.

    The opposition, which is angry at the government's response to the milk scandal, denies its MPs attacked him.

    Mr Yeh became health minister last week after his predecessor resigned amid accusations that he had been too lax about products from China contaminated with the chemical melamine.

  7. When Samak was governor of Bangkok there was a dispute between street vendors claiming extortion by the BIB for their spots.

    Samak held a public debate between the two and declared it a draw after which the police designated a precise spot to each vendor and issued documents to them.

    So the property must belong to the BMA, there was also talk that vendors could sell, lease or use these "property rights" as collateral, not sure if its listed on the stock exchange ?

  8. The Nation

    Public Health Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung is scheduled to meet the Chinese ambassador to discuss the imports of melamine-contaminated milk and milk-based products.

    He said he was afraid the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s report on the contaminated imports would affect Thailand's trade ties with China.

    "I did not mean that I am afraid of China, but we [the government] have to be concerned about our commercial relationship, because Thailand trades a lot with China," he said.

    So commercial interests before public health

    Chalerm has also advised the FDA to issue a press release instead of holding a press conference to explain the situation. He said public declarations of the problem would have an adverse effect on China.

    Limit information to the public

    He worried that China might think that FDA's action would create trade barrier for its product import to kingdom.

    As far as contaminated food products are concerned that's exactly what it should mean

    The FDA is also planning to issue regulations that allow no more than 1 milligram per kilogram of melamine in milk powder and no more than 2.5mg of melamine in milk-based products. Anybody caught abusing the law would face six months to two years in jail and be fined Bt5,000 to Bt20,000.

    Is there such a thing as a safe level of contamination ?

    Melamine has now been found in Dutch Mill and Cadburys products, the number of milk based contaminated products will probably grow, but its the silence from all these companies that worrisome, if their products are safe why are they not saying so

  9. 40 year old female relative of my wife down on her luck moved into our spare bedroom living here for free.

    Every morning she cleans the house and sweeps out side before going of to work, the house has never been so clean.

    Cleaning picture frames etc does not take so long, do it yourself.

  10. When I started building my house there was only 1 building materials supplier in my neighbourhood and the nearest hardware store was 7 Km away now there a 3 hardware stores within 1 Km and 3 building materials suppliers within 3 Km

    Any good idea gets copied to death, notice the distance between 7/11's in BKK

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