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  1. It's time for all foreigners to closely monitor the national police chief and all his force since the RTP is probably regarded by Thais and foreigners alike as being the most corrupt organisation in Thailand.
  2. Wrong. Guests are invited and don't pay anything. Expats are what the hotel/entertainment industry call "paying guests" i.e. customers. We pay through the nose to stay here as it is.
  3. From the number of upper case letters used, I'm guessing you're the real Trump.
  4. School directors are paid more the greater the number of students in their schools.
  5. Studies have shown that girls do better than boys in languages, whereas boys are better in science and maths.
  6. Only 5 European countries have VAT rates below 20%. In EU countries it ranges from 17% to 27%.
  7. Not necessarily, High Court is just the name of the court. In England and Wales there are 2 courts that rank higher than the High Court.
  8. She has no chance. I would be surprised if she even submitted a security for costs.
  9. Urinating in public is an occupation reserved for Thais.
  10. That's a total waste of time. It's only interested in commercial tie-ups with Thai companies/government.
  11. Had the same but in van form (with windows).

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