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Posts posted by Postmaster

  1. Make an appointment and turn up yourselves ! Do not let your passport out of your sight so near to departure.

    Having said that in the UK Hull Thai Consulate were very efficient and did quickly in about 4 days I got everything back. If you decide to send then do it 'Special Delivery' and put a prepaid pre-addressed 'Special Delivery' robust return envelope inside.

  2. Agree with SantiSuk. RBS in UK refunded me a Chaps £35 fee in less than 2 days after I complained that they wrongly sent an International Transfer from Manchester to Bangkok Bank London Branch in St. Mary Axe- A Domestic Transfer. Should have been BACS or Faster Payment Method I think it is called.

    No delay there. That is something you may wish to consider ie. If your Thai Bank has a UK Office or Bank, use that method. It is cheaper.

  3. Thanks for comments back. I do not want to be unfair to Etihad and I hope they become competitive again in the future.

    As for LHR London Heathow, whatever Terminal, A to Z. Just avoid the whole place! Much more pleasant flying from Birmingham or Manchester. Worth the trip up-country a tad unless, of course, you are in the South then perhaps not feasible.

  4. I am not in full agreement with you about Etihad Airways flights to Bangkok via Abu Dhabi being as good as you say. They have become greedy with their pricing policy and have shortened the life of their airmiles which, if you are trying to save for free or cheaper flights, is so so annoying. I am going back to BKK in September from Manchester. As always I give Etihad a try first but they are way too expensive now. You have to try to book during the 'deals' because other times they are just too expensive.

    I am going both ways with Qatar this time and there was at least £100 saving on Etihad prices. I have been with Qatar before and just as good if not better than Etihad. I do not think I shall use Emirates again. Tight with their 'beverages' and uncaring stewards I thought. Now its Qatar for me and the 23,000 saved up airmiles with Etihad, well I shall just have to spend it on rubblsh.

  5. Malc. Don't now that there is such a thing for Isaan. You can plan your own schedules using the very good VIP buses from most cities in Isaan. Timetables are another matter of course. However accommodation is fairly cheap and accessible in the Isaan cities so that if there is no bus that day you can just stay another night.

    I think that is the case but someone else might know better than me.

  6. Thank you Duncanb, extremely helpful. I assume you must have opened an 'International Account' with Bkk Bank in Thailand

    if you can send funds in that way then hold them there in GBP £Sterling until a rate appears that you are happy with then do the conversion at an advantageous date.

    If senders only have a deposit Bkk Bank account then, although you send the funds in GBP £Sterling, they would be converted to Thai baht imediately upon receipt irrespective of the rate in force at the time.

    Sorry to ask you again but am I correct in assuming you have such an account?

  7. Thanks for response. I am still confused as to the best way to send my UK funds which are in a High St Bank A/c here in UK to my my Savings Account at Bangkok Bank in Thailand. I want to do it safely and and obviously without too many charges because it is my retirement fund and I can't afford to lose it. No urgency is required but would like to lock-in a good rate.

    Could you advise the best procedure if you are UK chap? Thanks

    PS Just for info I have opened a Metro Bank Account in London following hearing some great stuff about this new Bank inc

    no charge for withdrawals abroad. Don't want to load that one up yet.

  8. You didn't answer define 'TT' What does this abbreviation mean ? 'BB' I assume is Bangkok Bank but I have never seen it written like that. It is normally referred to as Bkk Bank or B.Bank.

    I was in the London Branch of the Bkk Bank last week in St.Mary Axe near the 'Gerkin' . Is a quiet strange place and I got the impression few people go there. They can't do much over the counter at all although tried to be helpful. There seemed to be few callers. I was alone in there for 15 minutes. For example they couldn't access my account in Jomtien's Branch of their OWN BANK and they cannot take cash from you in any volume. Don't think they need a London High Street address at all. Could well be on an Industrial Estate like the Hull Thai Cosulate!

  9. Just inquisitive why you moved into city life ? Do you have friends there ? Did you live last in one the resorts or islands? I only ask because I too like BKK very much and was contemplating renting or sharing there ( I normally buy but want to experiment first) I have been told Pleonchit is a good place to be based. Anyone confirm that ? Any other areas eg Klong Toey Is that area good ? (ie for farangs)

    Thanks anyone ?

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