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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. " At Chaengwattana site, the police moved in with teargas firing, protesters sat down and prayed with no resistance. At Pan Fah bridge, police form the Second Region Provincial Police were seen firing at protesters with shotguns. Many protesters were injured and several ambulances were seen moving into the area to take the injured to hospitals. "

    This ugly, ugly administration is now showing it and Thakin's true colours. Protesters that were sitting and praying have had canisters of tear-gas thrown at them, and other protesters have been shot at by police, as reporters are now witnessing.

    Chalerm was obviously very upset yesterday. He was humiliated. What we are seeing now is the true face of Chalerm in action - pitting Thai people against Thai people. He is a coward, and a bully. And he has perpetrated a great sin today. These images are being broadcast all around the world. They are not subject to the Yingluck administration's spin. They show a savage, savage administration, that has over-reached in their response alarmingly. The army is watching, and one's guess is that they will not be able to tolerate this much longer. This administration is out of control, and is at war with its own people.

    Not according to the news I've been listening to, BBC, AJ, ABC, or are they as bias as hmmm what's your fav channel, blue sky???

    I haven't heard them saying that the protesters were sitting and praying, but what I did see was protesters throwing glass bottle's, rocks, chairs, anything they can pick up, and now shooting and throwing bombs, HARDLY THE STUFF OF "PEACFUL PROTESTERS" HUH???

    and er' you really should have a think at what you spew, IT'S THE POLICE GETTING SHOT, so who do you think might be doing that huh??? the vile mongrel's that do all this killing should be dealt with as quickly as possible

    Actually, two civilians have also been killed today.

    PTP, who you apparently support by all means, has lost. YL and PTP could have exited the stage gracefully, but they have decided to launch a wave of violence and mayhem instead. Everything is collapsing around PTP's ears, and I guess they just decided to take as much down with them as possible.

    Why would you say that PTP has lost. When this started,they took the middle ground and called for fresh elections. Its the opposition that has taken this course of action for fear of losing again and again and again. Historically every cause that is championed by the majority of the people have always ended with victory. Same would be the case for the PTP. Suthep and his band of idiots, will lose sooner or later. You can call the Shin clan whatever you want, but as long as they have the backing of the majority, they will always be around. This is a fact. The sooner you face this and get on with life the better.

    I am just glad that Chalerm did not resort to tactics employed by the "Butchers of Ratchaprasong" (Bloodbath Vejjajiva and MadDog Thaugsuban), or else Mr. Suthep would have already been given the Seh Daeng treatment and many more protesters would have lost their lives. All this shows is the restraint being shown by the current government.

    I hope for this to end with dialogue and no more loss of life, but given the unreasonable attitude shown by the MadDog I fear this will not happen.

    • Like 2
  2. Once again the PTP and Yingluck give more ground and Suthep refuses to even sit down and talk.

    At the end of the day Suthep can sit down and talk about reform and if the PDRC don't get what they want they can go right back to protesting as is their right.

    Once again its painfully clear Suthep has no interest in peace or negeotiation merely stirring the pot until finally the army are forced to step in. Beyond that he has no real hope for victory or any other avenue for acheiving any of his stated goals.

    Even the Democrats are sitting down with other groups today for peace/reform talks and if they can get what they want Suthep will be hung out to dry or at the very least forced into a humiliating retreat after all his grandiose rhetoric.

    The government has been in power for 2.5 years

    The government had it's chance for reconciliation - and blew it

    They had their chance for a just amnesty bill for their supporters - they blew it

    They had their chance to use their house majority to legislate fairly and legally - they blew it

    Who in their right mind would trust them now?

    Vote them out?

    cant - elections all rigged and people bribed and threatened

    Yep, and the Democrats have admitted to spending more money than PTP to bribe and buy votes. The EC clearly looks like they are in favour of Suthep.

    And now everyone is against the current government, over 5 million people showed up in Bangkok the last time to oppose them.

    I don't see how the PTP will have a chance in hell in winning the election.

    I think Suthep should take them on in an election. They have everything going against the PTP.


    • Like 1
  3. That's how Thaksin made most of his money ... a telecom monopoly. He didn't want to share it with anyone.

    Correction, he did not want to share the cake with the rich elite's. Which was his biggest mistake, IMHO. For the rural poor, well his contribution can be seen repaid through the election process time and again.

    Wasn't it the "rich elites" that gave him the monopoly?

    Well, he bit the hand that fed him. Big mistake. Should have cut them each a slice.

  4. The solution then is to improve the education system.

    Took 2 pages for someone to say it.

    Democracy only works if people are educated.

    And most would agree that democracy is the least worst type of government

    So the real answer is to educate people, not to end democracy.

    Same reasoning with the distribution of money. No one works more than 24 hours a day. Even though the pay should also represent the qualification, we're already a few zeros past the acceptable difference.

    Of course, in Thailand, improving education means putting an h bomb and rebuilding from scratch. But since that's the only way, it has to be done.

    Unfortunately would not work in Thailand. Education leads to equal opportunities. The elites like to have first dibs on business opportunities, and not have to share it with capable educated poor people. That is a big no,no.

    That's how Thaksin made most of his money ... a telecom monopoly. He didn't want to share it with anyone.

    Correction, he did not want to share the cake with the rich elite's. Which was his biggest mistake, IMHO. For the rural poor, well his contribution can be seen repaid through the election process time and again.

    • Like 1
  5. The solution then is to improve the education system.

    Took 2 pages for someone to say it.

    Democracy only works if people are educated.

    And most would agree that democracy is the least worst type of government

    So the real answer is to educate people, not to end democracy.

    Same reasoning with the distribution of money. No one works more than 24 hours a day. Even though the pay should also represent the qualification, we're already a few zeros past the acceptable difference.

    Of course, in Thailand, improving education means putting an h bomb and rebuilding from scratch. But since that's the only way, it has to be done.

    Unfortunately would not work in Thailand. Education leads to equal opportunities. The elites like to have first dibs on business opportunities, and not have to share it with capable educated poor people. That is a big no,no.

  6. if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

    Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

    .... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

    Oh wait ... maybe Abhisit isn't guilty. He's certainly not guilty in a personal capacity (which is how he's been charged) as everything that he did was in an official capacity.

    Correct. One one can charge him on a personal ground. The question is, did he made a wrong decision by ordering the use of live bullets? I reckon Rubber bullets should be fine at that time, but that is just my opinion..

    Were you there? Facing men in black snipers, molotov cocktails, sling shots, and a rioting mob of arsonists?

    Have you ever been in a situation like that?

    Were you? Taking a page from your previous comments, "Men in black" snipers have not been tried or convicted yet. Neither is there any concrete evidence as to their affiliation. Just a lot of talk and rumours. If you keep repeating the same thing again and again, eventually in your mind it becomes fact.

    It looks like the guilt of the Dems have to be determined by due judicial process, but the guilt of others would suffice by rumours.

    But, like all Democrat and Yellow Shirt apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

    • Like 1
  7. only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

    Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

    So all the Shinawatra kids and teens, aunts and uncles are destroying the country as well? You claim that this Suthep is the only one with balls leading the way in totally eradicating The Shin clan from Thailand.

    Let me get this straight, for the mistakes of one man, you are ok with destroying/getting rid of his family. Huh! I did not think this form of backward thinking still existed today. You might do well under a communist regime.

    I said no such things. The anger, violence, hatred and trolling have come from your finger tips my friend. Pointing out the obvious is all. Why so jumpy and defensive?

    Communism? What?

    Take time to get acquainted with Thailand, books on Thaksin etc. There is where you shall find the characteristics of actual dictator style handling of things-since you want to steer conversation in the direction of communism. This Lord of Swindlers should definitely help you get your fix.

    I only pointed out that Suthep is being a real man of action among herds of moaners who talk yet do little.

    The topic was about how Suthep is targeting the entire Shin clan. A poster replied that he was mad to do this. You replied that Suthep is the only one leading the way to stop PTP and Shinawatras and the only one with balls to do this. If we stick to the topic, don't you think your response was more in support of this man's plans to get rid of the entire clan. A little clarity that your quote was not related to the topic of getting rid of the Shin clan but more of singing praises of Suthep, would have gone a long way. IMHO.

  8. Well I can't definitively prove that there are no unicorns or tooth fairies. This does not mean that I believe in them.

    When was the last time you heard of an evil mastermind plotting the downfall of a country from thousands of miles away. Have you even heard of someone like that in recent history? You guys give T too much credit.

    And the idea that millions of people decided that a middle aged mum with no political experience whatsoever should be their next Prime Minister without his influence is believable?

    You betcha. She has fair skin. This is Thailand, fair skin = Money + brains . Ask any Thai.

  9. Suthep had plans of getting all of Thaksin's cronies out of the picture. Yet today more of Thaksin's muscle men rejoin the scene, the Police show their willingness to avoid more bloodshed and conflict.

    Suthep goes on to declare a partial victory. Maybe victory is defined differently in Suthep's dictionary.

    He has not come close to getting the government he wanted, his 48 hour deadline given to YL is almost coming to an end.

  10. He also voiced his concerns to the ambassadors over possible interference from a third party.

    well that leaves a wide interpretation! Third party as in interference from one person (in Dubai) or more than one person (the army)? Or a polite way of saying to the Ambassadors we are happy for suggestions, but don't expect us to act on any of them!

    You guys gotta make your mind up. Is the man in Dubai running the show here via his sister and going up against Suthep (as many have claimed). Or is he now out of the main picture and coming in as a third party. I believe there are more parties involved and operating from the woodworks.

    However for some reason, most TV posters get a hard on for bringing in the man whenever there is a suggestion of a invisible hand in play.

    Some of you guys have been watching too many James Bond movies. There is no master criminal sitting in a desert fortress stroking his pet cat creating chaos a thousand kilometres away.

    How do you know that?

    Well I can't definitively prove that there are no unicorns or tooth fairies. This does not mean that I believe in them.

    When was the last time you heard of an evil mastermind plotting the downfall of a country from thousands of miles away. Have you even heard of someone like that in recent history? You guys give T too much credit.

  11. He also voiced his concerns to the ambassadors over possible interference from a third party.

    well that leaves a wide interpretation! Third party as in interference from one person (in Dubai) or more than one person (the army)? Or a polite way of saying to the Ambassadors we are happy for suggestions, but don't expect us to act on any of them!

    You guys gotta make your mind up. Is the man in Dubai running the show here via his sister and going up against Suthep (as many have claimed). Or is he now out of the main picture and coming in as a third party. I believe there are more parties involved and operating from the woodworks.

    However for some reason, most TV posters get a hard on for bringing in the man whenever there is a suggestion of a invisible hand in play.

    Some of you guys have been watching too many James Bond movies. There is no master criminal sitting in a desert fortress stroking his pet cat creating chaos a thousand kilometres away.

  12. Paddy was a youthful and hard working Irishman at a Coastal village in Ireland . Daily he would pole

    a heavy old punt out to sea then work a heavy iron grapple to bring up the sand oysters which he

    sold to the local ice works. He was a man of regular habits he always arrived home each day at a certain

    time. Sadly, Paddy did not realize the heavy grappling was taking a toll on a faulty heart.

    One day he failed to come home so his wife contacted the Police to investigate him being missing. They

    rowed out and found Paddy dead in the punt beside him a huge grapple full of oysters he'd tried to hoist


    Headlines next day in the 'Irish Times Newspaper' read.........................................



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  13. The old man in his mid-eighties struggles to get up from the couch then starts putting on his coat. His wife, seeing the unexpected behavior, asks, " Where are you going?"

    He replies, "I'm going to the doctor."

    She says, "Why, are you sick?"

    He says, "Nope, I'm going to get me some of that Viagra stuff."

    Immediately the wife starts working and positioning herself to get out of her rocker and begins to put on her coat.

    He says, "Where the hell are you going"? She answers, "I'm going to the doctor, too." He says, "Why, what do you need?"

    She says, "If you're going to start using that rusty old thing again, I'm getting a tetanus shot!"

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