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Posts posted by pgangeles

  1. I live in a rural area near Sie Que. 1/2 hour from Kolat.

    Need to connect my computer.

    No land line source

    No cable

    Anyone with any DISH experience? I assume that's my only choice.

    Availability? Cost, one time, monthly? Company to contact?

    Would appreciate any help.


  2. I doubt very much that he will be extradited back to Thailand now as the penalty is death and the UK will never extradite someone back to face the death penalty even if they rarely give foreigners the death penalty they wont extradite to a country that has the death penalty.

    They might do it if they guarantee he will not face the death penalty but I thinks its very unlikely.

    The smartest thing he could of done was get out and get home and plead innocent cause this is not going to be easy for Thailand now to get him back he will get a lawyer (for free of course) that will fight to not have him extradited, the cctv video could be argued its not him as his face is not clear but for sure now the law will be fighting on his behalf as he is presumed innocent until proven guilty in the UK

    Shame the wanke_r should get whats coming to him but now it will be a lot longer coming.

    the cctv video could be argued its not him as his face is not clear but for sure now the law will be fighting on his behalf as he is presumed innocent until proven guilty in the UK

    That should not be a problem. When extradited, he will ID'd by the employees at the store.

  3. ATM's in the USA are the same as here, when you are finished with your transactions, they ask you if you want a printout. You push; yes or no, then the card comes out. They are probably even made by Diebold in both countries. Never seen an ATM that was any different, in NZ, Australia, US or Thailand. I guess it's just Europe that gives your card back before you are finished using the ATM...

    A recent change in Chicago IL., insert card, enter pin, retrieve card, enter the amount you wish to withdraw, collect cash and receipt.

  4. A recent change in Chicago IL., insert card, enter pin, retrieve card, enter the amount you wish to withdraw, collect cash and receipt.

    Grumpyoldman highlights a problem with Thai ATMs. They dont eject your card until the very end of the transaction, so it is very easy, when preoccupied with putting your money into your wallet, to walk away and forget your card. Especially if you r not feeling 100% for any reason. In the UK, this cannot happen as ATMs, give u your card back, and u must take it, before u get your cash.

    We should lobby the banks to modify future Thai ATMs. Anyone know email address for Thai wanke_rs, sorry bankers, Association?

    Well done for the honesty GOM -sets a good example.

    ATM's in the USA are the same as here, when you are finished with your transactions, they ask you if you want a printout. You push; yes or no, then the card comes out. They are probably even made by Diebold in both countries. Never seen an ATM that was any different, in NZ, Australia, US or Thailand. I guess it's just Europe that gives your card back before you are finished using the ATM...

  5. No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

    And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

    The problem is, if you don't try to educate those kids, there going to explore anyway. Your damned if you DO and damned if you Don't. Either way it's going to happen.

  6. Actually Thais are very proud if they can afford a brand new vehicle and they love to how it keeping their red license plate as long as they possibly can, we know a thai BMW Series 3 owner who accepts to pay 'fines' as long as possible, he doesn't want to change for a white license plate, its over a year now and he still proudly presents his 'brandnew' car

    Man someone help me, I got a ticket everytime I drove my new toyoto with the red plates. It took for ever to get the new white ones (at least 2 1/2 months or more) We did a lot of travelling and never stopped before dark. I just can't understand why you cannot drive at night with red plates. My girl friend could not explain it to me and the dealer did not speak english so had a problem. Every policeman I ran into looked at those plates if it was after 6PM and either a bribe or ticket was given. If they change it again how do you get those dealer type to get off their keawsters and get the tags for you. I plan to purchase a new truck soon and will go throught this again.

    The reason you can't drive with red plates after dark is as obvious as the nose on your face.......... Can I ask why on earth did you let the dealer away with it?......don't have to be able to speak Thai to go to you local cop station and complain about the dealer who was legally bound to supply the plates within the given period.

    You did not explain

  7. Those with the urge to let loose with a volley of snide put-downs, should instead consider that this man is playing by the rules. He's exercising his legal rights to seek redress before the courts. His protest is peaceful and not an imposition to anyone else's rights and liberties. At the very least, he is entitled to appear before a judge who can then render a decision based upon the evidence. What we see is the same type of delay that some U.S. states employ with wrongfully convicted people on death row. The Innocence Project has cleared alot of innocent people based upon DNA evidence that prosecutors and police wanted to suppress or prevent from being used. According to the Innocence Project more than one-third of the first 250 people exonerated by DNA testing were 22 or under when they were arrested. They spent decades in jail being abused and denied their rights. If an advanced society like the USA can send people to prison, what happens in Thailand to those without the means to defend themselves and that are wrongfully condemned?

    What's the alternative for this person other than the court system? Do you want him to get violent and start making things boom as has happened elsewhere in Thailand? Justice delayed is justice denied and justice denied is an indication of a corrupt judiciary. ( Corruption does not necessarily mean the taking of bribes but includes interference by political and vested interests.)

    someone always has to blast the U.S. ...

    He's not blasting the US. What he is saying is it ALSO happens in the US.

    And your conclusion " I guess it's the U.S.'s fault this man "MAY BE" wrongfully convicted?" is bogus my friend.

    Do you have some sort of guilt complex? Chill out.

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