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Posts posted by macsurf

  1. The whole system between banks & immigration seems to be not ironed out yet.

    For example, I had more than enough for the marriage visa requirement but before my extension date I decided to top up even more out of paranoia.

    So I deposited an additional 200K Baht. With SCB's method of printing in the bank book, they show an entry of 200K Baht because the 'due date' on the interest is a separate due date than the interest on the previous balance.

    So immigration sees the B200K entry and even though they can clearly see by flipping the darn page that the next balance entry is B200K more than the original balance, they say ' Oh! you dipped below B400K !! , rejected!'

    After long explanation they say, 'ok, go back to the bank and get a special letter explaning the entry', Of course since this is SCB's standard way of updating bank books they refused to do this!

    Back and forth I go twice to SCB & Immigration before they finally understand the situation!!

    It's clearly still somewhat of a keystone cops situation down there.

    But what I cant understand is, lots of people must have deposit entries in their bank books which are less than B400K, this cant be the first time.... of course that's assuming they learn from past errors.

  2. no one successful businessman will tell you what is most successful in CM . cos he would be doing it and try to keep it a secret and enjoy the niche market .

    so this poll really lead no where.

    and in any case.

    all business can be be a successful one if you do it right and have the right people helping you .

    then again . if everyone is success in it someone got to fail .


    DO what you know best . and do what you enjoy best . why jump onto any wagon so you cna be drag to hel_l by it when you know notthing or just cos some poll said it most sucessful ..

    you putting your own investment at risk this way


    i do serious advice at $1200 usd per hour pm me if you want :)

    business consultant - niche market Huh !!!!

    serious Pm me i give you a 10% discount . and every 2 hour you get 1 hour free

    I have noticed on many, many of your posts you 'Jokingly' offer your 'advice service' (at exorbitant rates with zero explanation of any expertise or any kind of experience whatsoever)

    Most of your posts contain a line of 'PM' me for consultation fee...' (to that effect) on a WIDE range of topics. I'm beginning to think your not joking anymore. Now you are saying 'serious contact me for 1200usd/hour?!.

    There's a fine line between a clown and a clown pandering.

    The latter has no place here.

  3. As a fully paid up member of the pink scarf wearing brigade, I'm very happy to be living in Chiang Mai and never have any trouble whatsoever getting laid, even by cute university students. :D

    Reading this thread I'm so surprised to learn how much difficulty our straight brethren have in achieving the same, even it seems, after several years of looking. I do feel so sorry for you all. :P Perhaps some really should try swapping sides :whistling:

    Achieving "the same" ?.... It aint quite the same now is it.

    Young women are in the game to select a mate & dna for their progeny as well as a provider.

    The young "men" (or is it boys?) you are looking for are desperate for money, needing only to give up the potty end for those inclined to seek that out.

  4. I've dealt with this woman a few times many years ago before I knew of a better agency. She made me nervous each time. Notice the way she practically drools at the chin when dealing with every farang, semi-comical really..., Lt. Col. Policeman married to her?.... You see Lord Buddha does serve up justice in the LOS. Cute couple.

  5. The silver shops on Wualai rd. do name engravings on silver. Its done by computer/laser because they asked me for the fonts printed out from Word and they came out perfect.I have not tried a photo/image though.

    I used the first shop on the left as you turn left into Wualai. Pimpairin Silver.

  6. Thanks for that great information DK.

    Btw would you be willing to offer some of the best places to find some of these great deals? I know Chantaburi is a big gem hub but not sure about diamonds.

    Understandable if you didn't want to disclose,... just thought I'd ask.


  7. It's interesting that the one and only Thai poster who has also lived in the U.S. agrees with me. For the record, I'm not a tourist, I've been here 8 years and have a local CM wife. I speak good Thai and have spent considerable time with her extended family in Sanpatong & in town. I think what I really meant was that while I totally agree that Thais are at the core extremely 'nice & good-hearted' people (for the most part), and totally committed to family (no one can ever question that), what's lacking in the atmosphere in town is a happy, friendly, convivial feeling. Granted language, economics & culture are factors but all of those are factors in other countries as well. Honestly I can count the number of times I've seen a Thai go out of their way to hold a door open for a stranger one ONE hand, in 8 years. Now I have seen acts of great kindness and selflessness as well, I'm not denying that. The entire buddhist culture is based on that after all. Same goes for witnessing a local just strike up a conversation with a stranger for example in the mall just to get to know someone, countable on ok MAYBE two hands. What I DO see alot of are uptight, stressed, 'money on my mind', avoiding eye-contact faces ( ok maybe i'm exaggerating a little, not everyone but WAY too many imo ). I guess coming from Hawaii i'm used to the 'aloha spirit' in the air, but imo life is just too dam_n short for uptightness....cultural differences, economics, language barriers be damned. We're all heading in the same direction! Let's just enjoy each other.

    • Like 1
  8. It's good to be positive. I'm just saying what I observe around town. Economics and culture are factors for sure, and I can't comment on the UK but I witness far more friendliness and conviviality amongst strangers in big cities in the states compared with here. How often do you really see Thais (sober & non bar atmosphere) conversing in groups in a jovial way? Sure sometimes, but considering this is 'Land of Smiles' I aint seeing it on a regular basis. Or Thais who don't know each other going out of their way to hold a door open or otherwise go out of their way to help a stranger? Again sometimes, but is there really a happy, carefree atmosphere around town? Honestly. Don't even get me started on road manners.

  9. "However; I have always found that no matter how nice you are to others there are always people around that are basically just miserable gits! The world is full of them and we are forced to live with it and rise above it."

    True but i've always thought a decent barometer of the 'happiness' level of a particular location can be measured by how many smiling people you see on any given day. Running around town almost everyday here in

    Chiang Mai I hardly ever see smiling faces. YMMV, especially outside of town but still....this town is getting 'choke' as the Hawaiians used to say back in the day.

  10. Jingthing : "Huh? You don't consider the rather typical Thai response to word Indian with the response SMELL BAD (often with a nose squeezing gesture) to be overt racism. OK, then, that's settled.

    Next ..."

    I've seen Thai people squeeze their nose and say SMELL BAD to OTHER THAIS (Muslim Thais at the airport), they do it to WHOEVER has body odour, that aint racism and frankly I think it's better for everyone that they are indicated as having bad personal hygiene. Next...

    You are not getting the point. Is that intentional? I was clearly talking about typical reactions to even the WORD Indian. Not to specific smelly people of any race or nationality. Do you get the difference? Reactions to individuals are specific to an individual. Reactions to entire nationalities/races, negatively stereotyping is indeed racism. It's simple really.

    Next ...

    Yea I get it, Still I'd say it's more just a matter of bad manners / rudeness than racism. So Thais associate Indians with body odor, why do you think that might be?

    Saying it in public is bad manners not racist. Racist would be not letting someone access or participate in something that is supposed to be available to all people regardless

    of race. Claiming all Indians have body odor when not all of them do is just ignorant and rude not racist. It's simple really.

  11. Huh? You don't consider the rather typical Thai response to word Indian with the response SMELL BAD (often with a nose squeezing gesture) to be overt racism. OK, then, that's settled.

    Next ...

    They say that about the French as well, must be all the curry and garlic :whistling:

    No they don't.

    Yes they do, and yes some of them do. Next...

  12. Jingthing : "Huh? You don't consider the rather typical Thai response to word Indian with the response SMELL BAD (often with a nose squeezing gesture) to be overt racism. OK, then, that's settled.

    Next ..."

    I've seen Thai people squeeze their nose and say SMELL BAD to OTHER THAIS (Muslim Thais at the airport), they do it to WHOEVER has body odour, that aint racism and frankly I think it's better for everyone that they are indicated as having bad personal hygiene. Next...

  13. Good to know solar is more feasible. Is there a particular brand / type of panel you would recommend sinep? I'm starting to see them more around town but it would

    be good to get some recommendations. Thank you.

  14. Lots of yak yak yakking but zero anecdotal evidence from you. And he deserved my retort. What help did he offer? "Tried IE" ? The only IE for Mac is an old 5.1 version. He was being snotty.

    And by the way I did thank all posters for helpful replies. That includes even you.

  15. jackr : " That's rich coming from a Mac owner."

    Really, why? Have you actually had experience with Mac owner's being unhelpful and snotty to you?

    Or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of the stereotypical current view?

    If you have fair enough. By all means share some anecdotal evidence.

    By the way if you asked Mac owners 20 years ago what they thought about PC users

    they would have told you they were a bunch of pirating yuppies.

    • Like 1
  16. In addition to clearing your browser cache, ensure you also clear your local machine DNS cache with:

    dscacheutil -flushcache

    This is the OSX equivalent of the Windows "ipconfig /flushdns" command.

    Additionally, I recommend installing the Google Chrome browser. If find it extremely superior to both Safari and Firefox on both of my Macbooks. (Not to mention, way faster on my Win7 netbook).


    Thanks Mestizo & all the other replies. I wasn't even aware of DNS cache clearing, will try today. I will also try bringing my mac to the net shop, maybe it's some weird

    situation with my 3BB connection... I do have latest version of Chrome but the same thing is happening with it. Thanks again everyone.

  17. I appreciate any posts with the intention to help.

    The essence of your post was simply to thumb your nose at mac users.

    Do you own a mac, use it for business and possibly have an insight which would be helpful?

    If not, why are you posting on this thread?

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