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Posts posted by macsurf

  1. I'm just having one hel_l of a time here. I'm desperate. For the past 4 to 5 weeks I cannot open PayPal site, sometimes also Godaddy site to do my business. It's completely freaking me out. I even called PayPal customer service in Singapore. The girl on the phone told me "Paypal cannot be used by Macs, use a different computer". The strange thing is, sometimes like maybe 1 out of 100 attempts, PayPal opens on my Mac!!! But most of the time it loads the title, then wait, wait wait wait wait....10 minutes or more but can't load! I've tried turning off security stuff, I've tried using different DNS servers all over the world. Nothing seems to work. I posted in the comp/net forum but no one could help. I'm desperate, any Mac experts in Chiang Mai? I'm in town and will pay for advice that actually works.

  2. Yes thanks for that, good info & appreciated mak mak!

    I did now find it at Rimping in the bakery section but exactly the packages in your pictures which are all in Thai.

    I just was'nt sure if they are really made from seaweed or is it a Thai product they are calling 'agar' but is really just powdered gelatin which is as Wiki says;

    "Gelatin is a protein produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the boiled bones, connective tissues, organs and some intestines of animals ..."

    Thanks for the warorot tip! I will check that out.


  3. "Its all luck what works for you may not work next door and what works in one part of town will not work in another. Its a crap shoot with ISP in Thailand."

    That's kind of why I started this thread, to seek more clarity on that issue. I'm not so sure it's just a random happenstance that a few people in the Nong Hoi area using 3BB have reported problems ( And that people in other parts of town seem to have no issues with their 3BB connection ).

    Although I agree, it may be a street to street issue (considering how things are done here..).

  4. Hey All,

    I noticed on the other recent thread that others living in the Nong Hoi / Train station area are possibly also having problems with

    3BB. I just "upgraded" to the 8 Megabit service and it's SLOWER than ever before! Not to mention some sites won't load at all (Yahoo, ESPN etc).

    Unexplicably the "speed test" on 3BB's site records exactly 8 Megabit download speed !! :angry:

    Thaivisas speedtest? BELOW 1 Megabit (Bkk & Sg servers).

    Does anyone living in Nong Hoi / Train station area have a fast & reliable connection and if so which company?

    I want to dump 3BB but would like to line up a fast & reliable ( Ideally ) provider first.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. My 3BB speed for the past 3 weeks has been very close to the 56k dialup speed I used about 15 YEARS AGO.

    Tried speed test on 3BB's site, it zoomed straight to 8 Megabits which is my package.

    Tried Thaivisas speed test immediately afterwards and it could'nt even manage 1 Megabit !

    Completely and unashamedly rigged. Amazing Land.

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