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Posts posted by welshchris

  1. Hi there

    On arrival to the UK i was just wandering if me and the wife have to go into seperate queues (me in the EU and her in the non EU), or is there a way that i could either join her in non EU queue or vice vera?

    Only asking because even though she has her visa she is still a little nervous.



    p.s forgot to mention arriving at Heathrow

  2. Did you actually point in the direction of South Pattaya? most people do find out where the bus is going first before boarding.

    But to be honest would it have broke the bank to pay him 10 baht?

  3. To be honest, i cant see him getting back in the side, look at the wingers that are there now, Rodothoko and Hewlett the 2 best wingers in the world. I´m afraid to say he might only be a bench warmer and the occasional first choice against the weaker teams.

    In his prime he was without doubt the best winger in the world but does anyonerealy think he can reach those hights again, im sorry to say i cant.

  4. oops lets try again still merry by the way.

    3am her in Peru so must be 3pm there in Thai so i take it most of you are absolutely f·cked or lying???

    im bordering on merry to pissed myself but no doubt ill get the self rightous i drinked a litle bit brigade!!!

    by the way i enjoyed myself i hope u all did to?? wish i was there to be honest!!!

  5. Just a fun poll on how drunk you were last night. I would say i was merry but if i'd stayed out longer then i would have been worse. the gf was pretty drunk. More so than me. So what about the rest of you? And what time did you crawl home. I dont remember.

    Its 12:20am Pacific Standard Time. The dog is still biting me.

    I'll get back to you later. :o


    ps.. happy new year

  6. Hey Guys

    I think ive seen something similar to this in the past but cant find it, my wife has a Thai friend married to UK National, Anyway they have been married and living in UK for the past 2/3 years she obtained a settlement visa and now has an indefinite stamp.

    She has a national insurance number but recently he has started hitting her , she was asking if i knew that if she left her husband would she be able to stay in th UK as she can support herself?

    She would prefer to stay in the UK (surprise surprise) but she has said that she would rather go back to Thailand than stay with him now.

    So just wandering if anyone did know if she could stay in the UK?



  7. In Bangkok i used Professional Translation, the translator speaks perfect English and reasonable prices some where 300 and some 500.

    In Pattaya i used a law office on Soi Post Office cant remember the name but if you enter Soi off secend road its not far down on your right with black windows, again the women speaks perfect English and i think it was 400 per copy.

    Hope it helps.

  8. Hi Guys

    Im currently in Peru with my Thai wife, thing is our visas are expiring soon and need to do a visa run into Chile, I know its a long shot but does anyone know if my wife will need a visa into Chile? Had a look on internet cant real find anything, fired off a few emails to the Chile embassy in London but nothing from them either.



  9. Ive started putting on loads of weight drinking too much beer (and eating to much) but whats the best drink to drink all night that isnt to fattening?

    Ive started drinking Vodka and tonic i know its girly but tastes quite nice and have been told its good if your on a diet? any others?

  10. I got the Yellow Fever jab in the Uk but i was trying all over Pattaya for it for my wife before coming to Peru and to no avail.

    I tried all the small clinics and the big hospitals and was told because they havent got Yellow Fever here there is no use for the Vaccinations.

    I ended up travelling to Peru without it and my Mrs got it done here.

    If you do find anywhere would appreciate it if you let me know for future reference.

  11. Agree about Carefour in Pattaya, def the best prices even if not the greatest selection.

    As for DVD´s costing 35 quid true but now you can also get a multi region DVD player for 29.99 to from Amazon, cant believe they´ve got so cheap everywhere.

    I always thought DVD´s where cheap in Thailand at 130 baht but since ive been in Peru can pick them up (great quality copys) for 80 baht maybe i was paying to much in Thailand?

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