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Posts posted by mkawish

  1. Hum, bail for terrorism charges? Would this happen in a western country? Does mean everything that happened before will be forgotten and these leaders will never be held accountable for what happened? Amazing Thailand!

    something like that and why has Thaksin been so quiet of late?

    They are out on bail awaiting trial, rather. :(

  2. Smart play Abhisit! "New evidence" looks just like an excuse to release them. "Terrorism charges" en excuse to hold them. In the end "watch out guys what we can do to you if you misbehave" message is clear. And yes, collect bail, hit them in their pockets if they stray! It's painful. That's what Singapore government does to opposition with a great success. Shuts them up every time. No protests to "release the leaders" planned now. Good.

    You might have been mistaken.... and too soon.... perhaps....

    The woman red leader just said.... the show goes on....

    but now they are focusing on the release of all reds still behind bar....

    I really wish as you do.... that there is really no more such violent protest ever again.... but that is just a dream.... :)

  3. So what has changed now from the previous occasions that they have applied for bail and been refused?

    There were supposedly SEVEN persons vouching on their good subsequent behaviors and that they would not get involved in any provocation.

    These seven also stated in court that the temporary released based on bail would also MEND the national rift.... :lol:

    Inasmuch as I personally doubt that their release on bail would bring any measurable good result.... however, let's wait and see....

    Let's hope that the 9 months in jail would help modify some of their behaviors....

    What I am personally afraid is that.... everything would intensified and everything else would go under ground even deeper.... from now on.... B)

    This is a necessary step towards reconcilliation and it weakens the double standards argument. That's already a good result!

    Weakened the double standards....? :D

    The yellows have been summoned to hear the possible charges just yesterday....

    Even though they appear to be demonstrating peacefully under the protection of the constitution....

    Nevertheless, the govt summons them....

    Now the reds, several of whom.... during the nine months preceding.... tended toward violence, seizure of whatever and burning of anything that belonged to the opposition, such as the shopping centers and the banks.... and everything and whoever.... not participating in the contribution of the red movement....

    as of today.... have been temporarily released on bail on certain conditions that they do not participate in agitation.... and such.... and would not leave the country without prior permission....

    I wonder.... if double standards have really been lessen.... or that there is a new and different interpretation of the term.... just to cover the yellow leaders who have been summoned just less than 24 hrs ago.... B)

  4. So what has changed now from the previous occasions that they have applied for bail and been refused?

    There were supposedly SEVEN persons vouching on their good subsequent behaviors and that they would not get involved in any provocation.

    These seven also stated in court that the temporary released based on bail would also MEND the national rift.... :lol:

    Inasmuch as I personally doubt that their release on bail would bring any measurable good result.... however, let's wait and see....

    Let's hope that the 9 months in jail would help modify some of their behaviors....

    What I am personally afraid is that.... everything would intensified and everything else would go under ground even deeper.... from now on.... B)

  5. How close are these guys together, or has Cambodia got a secret deep right fielder?

    They are within 30 metres at some points, I agree with those who say Hun Sen will do anything to get the UN or an ASEAN force to step in.

    Wouldn't you want the UN to be around if you had a much stronger army camped on your border with every sign that that army was apparently uncontrolled by its government and where political instability in its nation meant that irrational acts of aggression could not be ruled out?

    I don't like acting as an apologist for a despot but I have some sympathy with Cambodia on this dispute.

    Rather than acting aggressive toward a neighbor, perhaps Camb HuSen ought to do his own thing inside his own territory....

    Going around shooting verbal and cannon assault is not a recommended way toward achieving peace with neighbors....

    Then asking for another entity to come to the rescue and to referee his own aggression is tended toward lunacy.... ;)

  6. I lament for Thailand, particularly Thai citizen along the eastern border....

    The overly timid approach of the current Thai leadership is beyond understanding....

    The country is at the edge of losing its territorial to the Camb and HuSen....

    yet Apisit and his deputies are still acting coyly toward the aggressor HuSen....

    The ability and appropriateness and loyalty of Apisit and his cabinet have already been called into question....

    Just how much longer will the Thai citizen put up with such horrendous traitorlike exhibition of ignorance and cowardice....? :whistling:

  7. How close are these guys together, or has Cambodia got a secret deep right fielder?

    They are within 30 metres at some points, I agree with those who say Hun Sen will do anything to get the UN or an ASEAN force to step in.

    I think you might have missed HuSen statement regarding what his ultimate intent is....

    HuSen already stated that he only wanted UN interference and not any others.... :ermm:

    So he is trying for the second or third time to get the UN involvement....

    knowing very well that his counterpart Apisit and SuThep are just way too inexperient for him.... B)

    The UN door is already shut.... permanently for this matter and at this time.... ;)

  8. At the same night....

    the PAD platform has had responded resoundingly....

    the retired army general stated that he and his men around a thousand would be glad to volunteer immediately to answer the challenge....

    but since Second Army Commander Lieutenant-General Tawatchai Samutsakorn is such a coward who, during a press question and answer session, stated that he did not know that temple Kaew is on Thai territory or in Camb....

    that they would not be willing to go into reclaiming Thai territory under the leader of such a traitor....

    The retired general with his men will go up to defend Thai territory under a new Commander....

    would the ignorant Second Army Commander Lieutenant-General Tawatchai Samutsakorn

    resigned immediately and unconditionally....

    so he can watch the reclamation comfortably in his own home

    with his four mia-noi serving as his personal representatives

    selling crude oil and illegal lumbers in Camb together with HuSen and his sons....? :o

    It has been three days since....

    and there was response nor no deformation of character suit filing against those sharp tongue accusors.... yet B)

  9. What an excellent paper!

    If you have to send only one Thai article to your friends to explain the situation, choose this one. The only missing point is to show how Abisith torpedoed the excellent work of the JCB.

    Cheers to Chula professors.

    Very strange that The Nation publishes that it's against its usually nationalist stances.

    In case you overlooked....

    the French redrawn map.... has not been acknowledged by the committee which by the time the map was finished in print in its final form....

    the authorized committee had already been dissolved....

    leaving the submitted map.... unrecognized and unauthorized in its final present form....

    Regardless of how France (your mother land, oui?) or other country or Camb HuSen himself so badly wish it to be legit....

    it remains to date.... unsigned, unrecognized and unenforceable.... imho..... :jap:

  10. they just "threw" them into Thailand? Maybe true, but sure sounds fishy, waltzing up along the line and casually tossing some hand grenades (especially with rpg's and artillery at one's disposal) then he claims thailand did this? but wait, in the reports they've been separated by at least a few kilos..amazing thailand, amazing reports and media coverage

    From the vintage point around PraVeHarn temple....

    it is conceivable to toss something down the cliff toward Thai soldiers below.... right? ;)

  11. I would go farther than 'very general'. 95%+ of the jobs advertised in the ajarn jobs section stipulate native English speakers only; some even specify a single nationality. :blink:

    Despite that, they get replies from Filipinos and Indians and often hire them. It's all show, no go. It remains difficult to find native speakers with real college degrees to teach outside of Bangkok. TEFL outfits and other agencies run by Thai's seem to have control of the supply side, convincing unknowing(or those who don't care) Thai people that basic Filipino/Indian English is suffice, "same native" "don't worry, him good teacher" "students like".

    Don't get me started on agencies. :realangry:

    I'm sure that (way, way) outside Bangkok qualified teachers are hard to find & jobs can be secured by almost anyone. For example, I know a UK pensioner with no qualifications (apart from GCE metalwork ungraded) who worked in a school in Chayapoom province; for 10k per month. :blink:

    Have you seen how much the Filipino teachers are paid in Bangkok? I'm sure that an Indian gentlemen who is educated enough to speak English & has the funds to even travel to Thailand wouldn't be happy with 15k per month. <_<

    For a non qualified person to teach English in Thailand....

    Is the 10k good..... or not so good.... pls?

  12. The schools (and students) want native speakers, rather than just English speakers, otherwise they would just employ Thai teachers on half the wages. There are no restrictions on any nationality as regards obtaining a work permit, but your friend will probably find his employment prospects very limited.:jap:

    Not so....

    if he/she is willing to pay for a voice and diction coach....

    like trying to change spots on the leopard skin....

    it could be done.... perfect voice and diction could possibly be achieved.... or close to it.... ;)

  13. Whether we like it or not....

    At present, the PAD is the only organization that dares to present views and documentations that are considered as going against current Apisit's govt policies....

    While most media are keeping any criticism against govt very quiet and low key, the PAD is the only group that is voicing all the govt corruption in public....

    Imo, the PAD should really be encouraged to continue its presentation even though Apisit and his deputies are scheming to sweep the PAD under the rug by whichever means they can think of....

    If and when the university students body decides that they have had enough.... and whenever that happens....

    It would almost always near certain that the end is at hand....

    Many of the high ranking military and police dignitaries' children and relatives are in the student groups in different universities....

    At this point in time, I would guess that some of the Apisit deputies would have to go, particularly those considered to be traitors, selling out Thailand interests to Camb and HuSen.... imho.... :unsure:

  14. Who cares who or what PAD supports, they are being complete pains.

    Exactly. Stop publishing their dribble

    Who cares...., you ask?

    Many of us do care very much, when the yellows are telling what is going on behind the scenes....

    If you are a long stay in Thailand, you too ought to care.... because it involves your future well being as well as your life and investments in Thailand....

    I can not imagine, if you are an asset holder or investor of any degree.... that you won't care about what is happening or what is going to happen....

    to you personally and to those significant to you....

    Any way, you surely are entitled to your opinion--whatever they happen to be....

    Just want to disagree with several opinions expressed above. sorry. :(

  15. Amazing.

    When an american marries a foreigner, he can not bring her into the Land Of Freedom, unless they go through months of paperwork, and even then, they can not be sure about the outcome?

    I took my wife to europe shortly after we married - she now has permanent residence status in most of europe, hardly any paperwork was involved.

    And automatically a work permit.

    And automatically national health insurance.

    (But she can not travel to that american island off our coast....oh well, blimey, nothing interesting there anyway).

    Yeah I agree. It's not right. Took a year to get my wife here. I hear it takes like 30 days in the EU.

    My smartass comment on another website:

    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


    Please fill out I-130, wait 6 months for approval, then 3 more months for an interview. (Unless of course we've bombed your country into the stone age, then you qualify for expedited processing.)

    Welcome to the USA!!!

    Just to be fair to all sides and all concerned....

    Most who were not involved in the 9/11 both before and after incidents would, understandingly, not understand why there were so many additional rules and requirements being augmented into the process of securing a legitimate visa into the U.S.

    It was the very same nature of the freedom for all attitude, assuming all the while that everyone is honest and innocent before being proven otherwise.... which attitude is fine with most people....

    However, for a small percentage of people such attitude of offering freedom for all just works in the opposite direction as it originally intended.... for this small group of people just take every advantage whenever and whichever way they can.... which ultimately cause problems for those who are law abiding citizen....

    For many who are not yet approaching 60 yet, would probably never believe that once upon a time, you could walk right to your congressmen office and shook his hands.... sat and watched a congressional meeting....

    toured the White House and shook president's hands, if he happened to crisscross.... and

    heard him asked visitors from various countries, "How are you today?" and "Where are you from?"....

    The violation of the U.S. on September 11, has changed everything having to do with everything remotely connect to all security measures in the U.S.

    The imposition of current security measures inconvenient everyone both the innocent and the not so innocent persons....

    Personally, I hated it when I have to subject to bodily search, particularly when my better half was menstruating at the time.... However, the two female officers were kind enough, in the private screening room, to disobey their male superior, to just comply with the intent of the laws rather than the letter of the laws, thus avoiding further embarrassing my wife....

    If and when everything is taken into consideration, the security measures imposed to date really are not too outrageous .... , however they are altogether extremely inconvenient.... imo :jap:

  16. I have been told by many visa agents that it is nearly impossible to get a tourist visa after you are married. In fact a tourist visa is almost impossible without extensive paperwork.

    My wife has a car, motor bike and land in her name. She was working at a 5 star resort that supplied her with a letter that she would be taking leave and had arranged a return to work date. To no avail. Visa denied.

    It seems a fiance or immigrant visa are the choices.

    She was told by the consulate to return on a date this month to pick up her passport with an immigrant visa. Of course that took well over a year.

    It continues to confound me to no end....

    when a couple is legitimately married and registered appropriately and timely, especially at the proper embassy/consulate....

    doesn't the then foreign spouse have the rights to file as husband/wife of the citizen of, say.... Aus, Euro, U.S. country....?

    Why then the smart husband/wife chooses to apply for tourist visa for the legitimate spouse....?

    Yes, I do understand that we have every right under the constitution to pursue our own happiness as we see fit.... and all that....

    But if spousal visa is most appropriate and applicable.... then why won't we go down that route rather than insisting on getting a visitor visa for our own husband/wife who is more qualified as legitimate spouse (immigrant) under the definition than tourist....?

    Mainly probably because of the waiting time.... to get to utopia....?

    Ah.... I just plainly forget.... it is still the.... HERE AND NOW GENERATION, we are talking about.... :rolleyes:

    Yes, I also do respect everyone's rights to do whatever one wishes and pleases...., even in Thailand....:jap:

    So, I shall humbly shut my trap here likewise.... :D

    But there are even more serious pitfalls after arrival to the States or other country where marriage laws are even more drastically in favor of the female spouse.... should something changes its course and nature.... unexpectedly :unsure:

  17. OP: Our trip is planned to visit our elderly parents who want to meet my brother's wife for the first time and they also want to see their grandson again.

    If that is indeed the main reason then you might consider that all of you could meet up in Bermuda where any Thai citizen is granted up to a 6 month visa upon arrival. Transit in London up to 24 hours no problem ...


    Did you ever consider that it could be a hardship for the grannies to travel....? Just a small thought. :)

  18. My deepest condolence to all concerned.

    When a govt is generally perceived as week and incompetent....

    such incidents do happen frequently....

    Look to Euro, Aus and U.S. where laws enforcement operate on competency level....

    where officers are trained professionally.... and especially for this city warfare....

    Well, such ideas have been tended to Apisit's govt.... with the idea of getting

    retired and proven experienced experts from abroad as field instructors....

    The response from defense ministry was.... we have our own proven experts.... just stay out of our biz.... :whistling:

    I guess many local authorities are afraid to take in any straight arrows to join or lead their long term planning sessions and excursions.... mainly because.... massive budget misappropriation on their parts.... B)

    It is so very sad that southern unrest can mostly be traced directly to govt mismanagement and fraudulent practices of local authorities as a whole.... culminating in unnecessary death of the innocent citizentry. :(

  19. Grumpyoldman - rates start from 350 baht a bed a night, but you may have to share the room with 3 Swedish female students...

    I get the vast majority of my bookings from online, international booking agents, where the customer prepays for the room before their visit to Ao Nang.

    They may well be able to get a cheaper room (by a few tens of baht) if they arrive in town without a booking and 'shop around'. Best of luck to them in this respect. Both my hotel businesses are not based upon walk-in customers seeking the cheapest room rate. They are based upon fully prepaid on-line bookings, and provision of good service to the customer during their stay.

    This is why I do not use local booking agents to fill my rooms. It is 'ineffcient' for me to do so because I have to spend too much time dealing with agents who (by experience), will only generate a few guest bookings.

    I'll digress for a moment and talk about my strategy which can be applied to all types of business, not just hotels.

    I was formally trained in 'LEAN Management', which is basically the minimisation or elimination of all types of 'wastage' in a business. By wastage, I refer to all items/processes in a business which waste time, effort, cost etc - and where the business would be improved if that wastage was improved.

    For example, my hostel employs just 1 member of staff, (a cleaner).

    I do not work in this business - my WP is for my other hotel - my wife owns this hostel business via her 'buk khon tamada' sole trader company.

    We do not need any other staff. The cleaner keeps the place clean and my wife looks after the reception desk. Guest bookings are generated automatically from our on-line marketing and these details automatically received into our 'PMS' room management software. Prepayments are automatically received into our bank account from the on-line agents.

    Since it is a hostel, guests are welcome to (and also want to!) cook their own breakfasts and make their own tea/coffee. They even offer to change their bed-linen and to help our cleaner.

    So we have minimised 'wastage' (salaries and time), due to excess staff and un-necessary booking admin work

    To ensure that my wife doesn't waste time travelling to/from Macro/the laundry, we have them come to us, delivering food/drink as required and collecting/dropping off laundry.

    This means that we all have time to relax and chat with customers, and they feel that they are staying in a friendly, family-run hostel.

    If someone wants to walk in and haggle the price of a room, then that's fine, so long as the time we take to haggle with them is worth the final discounted room-rate that we might offer.

    By eliminating excess staff, un-necessary expenses and un-neccessary admin time/effort, we also reduce our business 'risk' due to unforseen factors.

    Of course, my business is only a small, family business. But I think it is very important to apply these types of business strategy to a small business, where 'wastage' may lead to business failure


    I am on the opposite end of what you described, even though I agree with most of your practices as very practical....

    There is another school of thought which is to offer what others do not.... as a means to attract former and new customers....

    such as, offering FREE water, juice, Japanese candies, Chocolate bar and fruit plates when (Durian!) in season and available....

    They are doing very well as well....

    Where do you think most customers of comparable intends would choose to spend their money....? :)

    Remember, I agree with most of your practices.... so this is not to challenge your hostel, nor your ideas, nor your practices.... OK? :D

    And I'll check out your place when I am in the neighborhood too.... :)

  20. just why did that tune bother you so much....?

    You might have been living around paradise.... to the envy of many of us earthlings....

    that even an ice-cream cart tune would get under your fair skin....:whistling:

    No, no. It's not the tune - it's not being able to identify it that is pouring butter on my tenuous grasp of reality.

    Haven't you ever had something right on the tip of your tongue or brainstem but just couldn't pin it down.

    (Ouch! Bad metaphor).

    Yup, I've had many many of those experiences.... names at the tip of my tongue.... but just can't verbalize it exactly at that moment.... shame on me....:rolleyes:

    Especially, when you came face to face with one of your former lovers.... and just could not whisper the right tune/name to match the most lovely face.... :o

  21. Many years ago there was a computer game called 'Larry the Lounge Lizard', no idea what its called but its the same jingle

    Eh, I think you might mean "Leisure Suit Larry"


    Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of the Lounge Lizards!

    I remember playing that on my Amiga 500+

    great fun!

    Now, we know.... your approximate age.... LOL

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