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Posts posted by mkawish

  1. I believe that the DLTV lessons all come from a school in Hua Hin. The teacher wasn't specially selected for her brilliance at teaching English; she's on your screen because she teaches at that school.

    (If you think the English lessons are bad, have a look at the French ones. Unbelievably bad.)

    Which school exactly in HuaHin pls?

    Was there last month, no one wants to admit anything....?

    Know some names pls.... thx :jap:

  2. I believe that the DLTV lessons all come from a school in Hua Hin. The teacher wasn't specially selected for her brilliance at teaching English; she's on your screen because she teaches at that school.

    (If you think the English lessons are bad, have a look at the French ones. Unbelievably bad.)

    Isn't it just bad enough already to bad mouthing English Language taught by superb THAI nationals....

    So what if they mispronounce several words in your opinion.... but if the Thai students understood them.... isn't that what count....? :o

    Now you are going to include French Language also....?

    Nay, Nay, Nay.... LOL :blink:

    But then I have to agree with most of you.... it is pretty bad overall....

    Until the Edu Dept will hire an educated and properly credentialized farang to lead.... nothing would change much, imho..... ;)

  3. The reason Bill Gates for example is falling from #1 and 'falling behind' is that he has pledged to give away 50+% of his fortune and literary gave away billions to the foundation he is involved in.

    People just do not want to listen to all the charitable organizations and events under the Bill Gates' family sponsorships and such....

    You are correct.... Gates gave away billions each year.... to dropped to second place in wealth counting is nothing to be ashamed of.... because of charitable givings....

    Thailand is also a recipient of Gates' charity at the moment.... if I am not too confused.... ;)

  4. I would avoid the so called "stainless steel" filters. They are typically made in Thailand from

    the cheapest stainless steel that there is and WILL ROST through. My first one lasted 2

    years. However, I do have well water which is very iron rich and did fuel the rosting process.

    City water might be a bit better, but I would go the safe route and get one of those filters

    made out of composite materials. They are also easier to maintain, if you ever want to

    replace the carbon inside ... the stainless steel one that I had, needed to have 8 huge

    nuts removed to pop the top ... on the composite one, the entire head can be twisted

    off. Another advantage my composite filter has is that it came with a multi-functional

    head that allows for the filter to be easily cleaned (backwash mode).



    what is the name on it pls?

    I really don't know. It looks like it is made from fiber glass, is about 5 foot tall. With

    a large multi position valve on top. I have seen them at almost every major HW store,

    HW Works, Home Pro, etc ...

    Lomatec (on Teprasit) also carries some and they do installations as well. Foreigner

    run company ... www.lomatec.com



    May I beg for a pix, pls?

    My gigantic filtering tank needs replacement since last year.... LOL

    been putting it off and off and off....

    The replacement of the filtering layers was quoted at 16,000 THB.... :o

    Thinking of replacing it with direct pressured pump....?

  5. The reality is Baskins-Robbins quality doesn't jive with premium pricing. It is closer to Buds of San Francisco grade than a real premium product like New Zealand Natural or Hagen Dross. Marketing is everything, I wish them luck but won't be paying over the top for their product here either.

    Premium ice cream is defined by the quantity of milk fat. BR meets this definition by having between 10 and 15% milk fat. The BR here used to be made locally, and did not taste as good to me as what you find elsewhere. Now it is imported from Canada and is excellent. I prefer BR to HD, but like B&J the best. Problem, I think B&J is off the market here - I have not seen it in a long time. Compared to Coldstone, Swensons and especially to local ice creams, I prefer BR.

    Quickly.... if you hurry along.... perhaps you can get your hand on a few pints of B & J left ....

    in one of the freezers at the basement of the Paragon.... YUM YUM.... :D

  6. Rich,

    Been there, done that...it's heartbreaking. The one thing that caught my attention was that your son is almost 2 years old.

    It is most common that this problem occurs when the baby starts eating solid food, which is usually around the 6-8 month mark.

    Just to give you an idea what is actually going on inside the colon; the task of the colon is to extract water from the stool. If your baby cant pass the stools more and more water will be extracted which eventually creates a situation where the stools are hard as rock (trust me, I've seen babies pass granite rocks while crying and bathing in sweat caused by the pain...). It's a negative spiral. Another problem is that white rice and bananas causes constipation, and that's usually an issue in Thailand...

    The best way to correct this is to give your son's body a way to retain the water in the stool mass - or even reverse the process so that water is pulled into the stool. And the keywords here are LACTULOSE and SORBITOL. Lactulose can be prescribed by a Doctor (maybe you can buy this without in Thailand), but I don't like this at all due to the side effects (every time we have tried this it has caused gastric cramps).

    My advice is to odd sorbitol to the food, this worked wonders for us. Sorbitol is found in fruit and vegetables such as: beans, peas, prunes, apples and pears. We also used a lot of pumpkin. Add this to your sons diet and he should have a good chance of rid the problem. If your son is already eating these, just increase the amount. Also make sure your son drinks a lot of water.

    I know what your family and your son is going through, I feel for you.

    All the best.


    Ah ha!

    So now I understand why giving our babies apple juice always relieves the constipation. Sorbitol. Thank you for that education. Helps me to understand what is really happening.

    To the OP, you say he has lots of fresh fruit, but what kinds? As Forethat points out, some are better than others. Have you tried giving your son several glasses of apple juice if he goes for 2 or 3 days without a bowel movement? Works wonders for our 8 month old twins. Unless your son has a digestive problem, I would imagine the same treatment would help just in larger doses. 39 baht per liter at Big C. Much cheaper than a doctor.

    WHAT..... 39 baht per liter at Big C. Much cheaper than a doctor....?????

    GeeWeez.... we must have been living in another world or another era....

    We squeeze our own apple and other fruit juices and store them in our fridge for a few days at a time....

    Personally, I surely won't want to feed.... 39 baht per liter at Big C. Much cheaper than a doctor.... to my baby....

    however, I do drink those for myself but surely not for baby.... at least not for mine.... Perhaps, I am behind time.... :huh:

  7. Problem in the South has only one exit and it is inevitably going that direction, like it or not.

    Thailand is slowly but surely slipping into secession. Muslim separatist behavior is obvious as strategy everywhere in the world and we could count many examples.

    Thailand has no way out or even the capacity to stop it.

    Fortunately, you are not in any position of power to affect any change in the southern provinces,

    otherwise, Thailand might suffer even more serious encounter.... ;)

    Hold on topic, please will you? Thoughts of this kind keep for yourself as you have no idea about anything-if you could say that. I was living for a while this kind of situation, it was part of my life, life which was changed a lot, thanks to Muslims. So, give me a break, will you?

    There are a small percentage of brothers and sisters Muslim who are aggressive and wants things done now....

    while there are also majority of brothers and sisters Muslim who are willing to work for an amiable solution to problems in life....

    I am very happy for you that your life becomes better....

    And also I am one among many many who wants to see peace.... enduring peace.... in the south

    Do you really think.... murdering.... will bring peace.... enduring peace....?

    There are many relatives of mine currently living in YaLa, PartTarNee and Narrathiwat areas.... they want to see peace more than anything, so they can carry on their lives and biz....

    Perhaps, you should go around outside of your immediate village and talk to Muslims in other compongs.... most might not agree with you, nor do they regard violence and murder a Muslim way of life....

  8. The reality is Baskins-Robbins quality doesn't jive with premium pricing. It is closer to Buds of San Francisco grade than a real premium product like New Zealand Natural or Hagen Dross. Marketing is everything, I wish them luck but won't be paying over the top for their product here either.

    Would you pay premium for .... B & J then.... pls? :)

  9. What reason he has to don't do it so to cut it all?

    Simple. All the time the opposition are flapping around like headless chickens with this pathetic load of nonsense, their purile censure debates and childish writs he just quietly gets on with ensuring he does get re-elected.

    Honestly, the opposition are an insult to the people they purport to represent, they should be rounded up and charged with taking money under false pretenses.

    Except, of course that he's not going to win the next election....if he was going to, he'd have called the election by now!

    Even if he didn't have a British passport, he'd qualify for a Chinese passport - as would 99% of the ruling elite. so lots of options available, unlike for the average poor man.

    A Chinese pp is hard to obtain that you ever imagine.... ;)

  10. I fear it will not be bloodless on the street....

    if and when the parliament dares to vote favorably to accept the Camb HuSen's proposal for the Thai counterpart accepting the past minutes which contains the approval of the 1 to 200,000 map....

    which also effectively would empower Camb HuSen to retain surrounding pieces of land around PraVeeHarn, which belongs to Thailand since 1904....

    Dreams on.... HuSen.... dreams on....

  11. I would avoid the so called "stainless steel" filters. They are typically made in Thailand from

    the cheapest stainless steel that there is and WILL ROST through. My first one lasted 2

    years. However, I do have well water which is very iron rich and did fuel the rosting process.

    City water might be a bit better, but I would go the safe route and get one of those filters

    made out of composite materials. They are also easier to maintain, if you ever want to

    replace the carbon inside ... the stainless steel one that I had, needed to have 8 huge

    nuts removed to pop the top ... on the composite one, the entire head can be twisted

    off. Another advantage my composite filter has is that it came with a multi-functional

    head that allows for the filter to be easily cleaned (backwash mode).



    what is the name on it pls?

  12. Problem in the South has only one exit and it is inevitably going that direction, like it or not.

    Thailand is slowly but surely slipping into secession. Muslim separatist behavior is obvious as strategy everywhere in the world and we could count many examples.

    Thailand has no way out or even the capacity to stop it.

    Fortunately, you are not in any position of power to affect any change in the southern provinces,

    otherwise, Thailand might suffer even more serious encounter.... ;)

  13. Richb2004v2

    What kind of parents are you....? :blink:

    ....He's been like it probably on and off for 6 months....


    It all got to do with what you fed your little pitiful boy.... man....

    Like several already suggested....

    Change his diet immediately.... if you were feeding him Formulae 4, lower it to Formulae 3 to soften up his stool....

    and pls do consult with someone in the pediatrics for the best interests of your little boy....

    Or else, I'll tell on you both.... when he grows up.... LOL :rolleyes:

    Wishing you the best and hope when he matures, he would run for PM.... to help you both becoming better educated parents.... and to help out many farang like so many of us....:D

    Yeah, very helpful, but not at all patronising right?

    Lot's of kids suffer from constipation and there are a number of reasons, diet being the obvious one. Some of the above are correct that you possibly need to look at the formula you are using and change it. Some foods also cause constipation such as prawns, bananas. Give them fruit juice (prune) if they don't like fruits. A good paediatrician can advise. My 2 yo gets constipation also, expecially when we go on holidays and she cannot find a special place for her to poo, as she likes to do it on her own, usually behind a sofa or a curtain. If she can't poo in peace, she tends to hold it in, then it becomes a problem. As I said, the solution is not always the obvious one for the know it alls out there.

    Even though I was kind of tongue in cheek, so to speak....

    But I do tend to a boy about 1 yr and 2 mo who already climbs two meters ladder and stairs on his own to the frenzy of everyone around....

    that is how I learned that if Makro or Lotus is out of the goat milk #1.... and we feed him the #2 instead.... we'll have problem on hand....

    To date, he'll take everything almost.... except all meat products....

    According to his pediatrics he is in excellent health in spite of his not taking in any meat per se....

    He does ingest eggs though....

    Surely, am not recommending this to every family though.... so pls don't shoot me down.... alright? ;)

  14. If you'll pm your email address to me....

    I'll make sure that the Trung Governor's office will point you to the most accommodating agency for your pleasures.... alright?

    Thx for choosing Trung as you destination.

    In behalf of the governor's office, we all welcome you and yours any time of the year....:jap:

  15. somebody in chiang mai shooting club? want to know the price for a glock 18.

    I am a member of two clubs, but why the interest in a Glock 18? They cannot be owned legally here as they are classed a "machine pistol"

    With an absurd cyclic rate of fire of some 1300 rpm they serve no useful purpose. Models 17 and 19 I can understand, as I use a model 19 myself, but an 18.................

    no comment here otherwise i was told that i might have to keep the chicken company.... :blink:

  16. You have nothing to worry about and do not need to keep paying. This contracts have 0 meaning.

    if you stop to pay they will cut off the service, so really you have not used the service. foreigners do not get black listed in Thailand(for some weird reason)

    I had disagreement with True few years ago and did not pay the bills. Just the other month i connected to their phone service and was told that True does not black list foreigners.

    I also had TOT internet line, which did not work for 3 months after the connection, no bills arrived for 6 months, i was on 1 year contract. Since my Internet did not work for 3 months and despite me calling them everyday, after 3 weeks i simply changed. the bills after 6 months i ignored and nothing happened.

    now moved house and got the phone line with TOT with no problem(again foreigners do not get black listed).

    I know it sounds like i am a non payer, but its not the case at all. But i refuse to pay for services which i do not receive, and even if you take into account the 1 year contract, usually Internet is down or way to slow every single week and they never credit customers for being without the service.

    Check again, your name might already have been posted with the Thai credit bureau....

    Why are there so many wise farang congregating in slummy Phuket or Chiengmai.... anyway....? B) L O L

  17. Probably because the airport was well over 2 years ago...before either of us were members.

    Yeah, sure.

    But in any case I was talking about the apologists for yellow reactionaries, repression, feudalism and military hegemony generally - not you personally.However if the cap fits...

    Redshirt demonstrations are no doubt inconvenient but presumably (I'm guessing now) will wind down after the forthcoming elections assuming it's fairly conducted.

    I suspect that if the PT/UDD win, then they will say that the elections were carried out fairly. But if they lose, then they will say that the elections were unfair and full of vote-buying (not by them, of course), and then we'll see more Red Shirt demonstrations. I'm confident, though, that the Democrats, if they win, will pass a law stopping the pointless rallies in the city centre.

    NO No NO

    It is hoped that the new winner will be bold enough to enact new laws

    to prosecute and confiscate any and all properties both tangible and intangible,

    from those found guilty by the court of laws,

    particularly those govt officials including past and present PM.... :)

  18. Richb2004v2

    What kind of parents are you....? :blink:

    ....He's been like it probably on and off for 6 months....


    It all got to do with what you fed your little pitiful boy.... man....

    Like several already suggested....

    Change his diet immediately.... if you were feeding him Formulae 4, lower it to Formulae 3 to soften up his stool....

    and pls do consult with someone in the pediatrics for the best interests of your little boy....

    Or else, I'll tell on you both.... when he grows up.... LOL :rolleyes:

    Wishing you the best and hope when he matures, he would run for PM.... to help you both becoming better educated parents.... and to help out many farang like so many of us....:D

  19. Jokes aside, it could actually be a good sign that Immigration has done what they've promised lately, and that was to bring/transfer additional offiers to bolster staffing at Suvarnabhumi....

    Note the ambassador said "NEW" officer... Probably got one who'd just been transferred in from Mae Sot and wasn't accustomed to getting U.S. diplomatic credentials... :rolleyes:

    maybe its PR to support the NEW immigration officers.

    Actually doesnt make sense to me as Diplomats have their own channel at immigration!!

    Correct they go through the small fast track VIP area between the two main immigration halls. There are still immigration officers behind each desk in that area.


    Come on you wise guys....

    Won't you, if you were a male and a proud almighty immigration officer, sitting pretty on duty at your own desk, minding your own biz....

    suddenly, there appears out of thin air without any warning or any prior notification from the airline,

    a frail looking female overly friendly in a Thai sense and probably overly zealous also about saying hello in Thai, when approaching you....

    Won't you become a little suspicious.... huh....

    Particularly, when she shows you a funny looking colored passport.... which you might not ever had had seen nor touched before in your life....

    In a Thai perception, a person with such a enormous status as THE AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA

    surely would not be acting in such a domestic way very much like many Thai maids approaching a master/mistress....

    Won't you become a little excited.... thinking.... maybe it is my day.... to catch an international fraud.... during my watch.... ? B)

    Could you imagine just how many apologies have already been issued since the unpleasant encounter....

    to that.... the public response has been simply.... MaiPanRai Ka.... :rolleyes:

    And from now on.... every airport imm officer would never never again mistaken her for anybody else.... :D with all due respect, Madam.... :jap:

  20. Yes...A.I.B won't do any thing to help.

    It's a new policy for certain countries including Thailand and the U.S.

    I would change my bank if Iwas at home.

    I thought it was bad enough when the brought it down to 250 euros

    a few months ago.

    I will have to see how expensive it is getting money over the counter

    if you can still do that.

    Some one said B.k.k banks.......what does B.K.K. stand for.

    Thanks for all the prompt returns...

    Just last Friday, through a Bkk Bk manager, there was a six figure withdrawal from one of my overseas cc....

    There was no problem that I was aware of.... to date....

    The fees include 2%.... very detestable as far as I am concerned....

    A 10 euro fee is just about right for a simple transaction like this.... especially when a person is withdrawing from his own cash acct.... :bah:

  21. Just curious, without wanting to probe, if Surayu affords and offers equal rights and protections for the girlfriend or spouse, if any....? :)

    No, the spouse got the priority, in this case they do have different rights :D

    I sure hope Surayu would not interpret "different" as equals to "inferior" in any shape or form.... correct.... ? :jap:

    The mother gender sure has both caused and suffered too many lashbacks already as is.... ;) imho.... :jap:

  22. The PTP is just grandstanding in preparation for the next parliamentary election. Surely they have somebody literate enough to read and understand the constitution and therefore know that having a second nationality and even having used it does not disqualify a Thai national from being Prime Minister.

    Unless and until Apisit either affirms or denounces his ultimate intention in hanging on to dual citizenship....

    many Thai would regard such silence from Apisit as a trait of a traitor.... or a two headed snake งูสองหัว.... at the very least....

    In terms of specificities concerning Thai Constitution, neither does it state that a dual Thai national could become Thai PM....

    Most rural Thai already regard their current PM Apisit a traitor.... to them.... accepting the British citizenship means denunciation of his Thai ancestry.... :o

    Just want you to know.... rightly or wrongly.... B)

  23. Your request is wholly unreasonable on any social or moral grounds. If there is a legal issue then there are procedures to follow.

    I do not agree with this, the OP is talking about his own wife, not a stranger, in a marriage shouldn't be any secrets, also being the husband legally responsible for any debts made by his wife even without his knowledge or permission, it would be irresponsible from him and immoral to not to act promptly in the best interest of both parts and protect the marriage from mistakes, it doesn't hurts and once he find out there are no side games the wife will gain even further respect from him.

    Who is to decide....

    what is or what are in the best interests of either party....?

    It surely sounds like a case possibly to be argued and decided before the bench....

    Or is Surayu the bench to be argued before....?

    It sounds at this juncture like just a masculine favorable argument....

    "and to protect the marriage from mistakes...." is that an argument from the husband or the wife....

    Do husband and wife or either have the same equal rights under the same equal protection under 'Thai' proceedings.... ? :ermm:

    Just curious, without wanting to probe, if Surayu affords and offers equal rights and protections for the girlfriend or spouse, if any....? :)

    It is none of my biz either, really. Sorry. :jap:

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