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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. I disagree on your take on the CEFR bands having no value. There's some 20 years of research that went into the framework, and the bands do relate well to skill levels, and more importantly allow comparison across the various SELTs (IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL etc).

    You can read all about it here: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/cadre1_en.asp

    I also think A1 is probably too low - or the requirement is too narrow skill wise - but remember that a higher standard is expected later. Therefore a lower requirement for entry, where an applicant can benefit from immersive study, is quite logical. Howeer, I still find it odd that reading and writing is ignored at the later stage too.

    • Like 1
  2. No. You cannot do B1 in Thailand, only A1. That is why they have not changed the visa requirements. It was just unclear as links went to the UK border agency.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A1, B1 etc are just levels of the CEFR. All secure english language tests have been mapped to the CEFR. So, A1 represents a certain TOEIC, IELTS score etc. So, one could take IELTS in Thailand and get a score equivalent to C1 for example.

    Applicants are free to take any approved SELT.

    Applicants are also free to study wherever in order to prepare. It is the test itself which must be on the approved list, not the course provider.

  3. Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

    It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

    Take your time.

    Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

    So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

    You see you really havent a clue have you....try 200+k a month, legit every month, no whoring involved and no scam either, I know at least 5 women like that mid 30's in age.

    Don't worry keep the stereotype alive if it makes you happy, Wife meet s many men like you thinking they earn peanuts, usually looking for that 8k condo and then asking if they can pay late each month whilst talking down to them hahahahahaha.

    Hi so's? huh no real Thai hard working women.

    My description applies to let's say 90% of the upper middle class Thai women. Your description applies to 0.1%, or 4-5 women you met. Unless you seriously believe there are many Thai women who make 200K baht a month from investments/rents (because there's no such salary here).

    Case closed.

    There are women in Bangkok who earn 200k +. Some for MNCs, others for banks etc. Sure, not the majority, but those salary levels are available to women here.

  4. For those that are cheering the ruling without knowing the facts is shameful.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful but ... For those that are dismissing the ruling without knowing the facts is shameful.

    A Sovereign Country has the right to make rulings in line with their Laws.

    We are crying out for 'Rule of Law' in Thailand and when, apparently it's imposed in Denmark ... we are crying foul ... not a fair go!

    You can't adopt the Moral high ground without acknowledging the Laws of the Country.

    This is a little silly. History is littered with unethical and immoral laws that people fought to change or indeed still remain.

    Being a law doesn't change it from being unethical and immoral.

    I'm sure you don't need me to give you examples.

    It seems Denmark has a history of such decisions, sadly.

    And for those calling for tit-for-tat parity, let's have a Thai language test for your future visas.

    • Like 2
  5. Don't know why you didn't uncover these issues whilst the project was 100% on paper?

    How have you given a retail price to your customers without knowing the cost of your raw materials?

    Are you more upset with the status quo or this error in planning?

    Please remind me to never ask YOU for any business advice, because you clearly have no clue what the hell you are talking about. I bet you never ran a business in your life.

    If you bothered to read the OP properly you would be able to see that we are in fact still setting up.

    The product has been perfected and the R&D stage completed. The premises located and the equipment and suppliers list drawn up.

    Who the hell issues a retail price to a customer when production has not yet been set up? It doesn't work like that and you don't build in your equipment purchasing costs, that comes back from your profits as it is classed as initial investment. You get a rough ballpark cost and price and just because I never put my costs and price in the OP doesn't mean we don't have one, it means that I didn't put it because it is irrelevant to the post.

    To get the exact costs, you have to start production. Because you have to take into account fuel and running cost fluctuations, shrinkages, and a whole lot of other things you can't tell exact until you start.

    As a matter of fact, we have been a lot more thorough than most start ups in the fact that we have also secured many many order enquiries (in principal) from supermarkets such as Makro, Tesco and Big C and independent retail outlets.

    Another glaring fact that you seem not to understand, is that it doesn't work the same in LOS as it does in say... your country. Because unlike the UK the supermarkets here don't (or very rarely) buy orders to buy from a supplier. If they like the product, they will stock it on a share of the sales basis. So you only need to give a ballpark retail price.

    So please get your facts right before commenting on the inefficiency of others, because you have just embarrassed yourself.

    100% on paper .... my arse!

    I just asked some simple questions and you get highly defensive and aggressive. Why is that?

    I'm not interested in a pissing contest, only to say yes I do run a business here. And have done in the UK. So I'll take your bet and stake whatever you fancy - how about a million baht? Put up or shut up.

    But why didn't you make any of these enquiries as part of the planning phase?

    A simple, non-emotive question that draws anger from you.

    The point being it's easy to identify the issues you are now facing and to plan for them in advance, without resulting in a ranting attitude and lots of stress while you have customers waiting.

    I asked my wife what likely issues we'd face when setting up here and burnt the phones before investing a single penny, to get the lay of the land.

    I fail to understand your outrage at a problem that consumers here understand, let alone business people.

  6. No, I wouldn't want to be in the trenches. Going to war is hard with no Esprit De Corps.

    If the doomsday scenario played out, I'd certainly be lobbying for a PMC licence, for training or direct engagement. But I seriously doubt it would happen, unless the Thais were seriously up against it.

    Which would leave me fighting for me and mine.

  7. Are you serving static or dynamic pages? Is the DB still clean?

    What exactly was attacked? The site or related application, the database server, etc?

    What exactly do you mean by infected? With what, in what way? You just said the site was defaced...

    What exactly has your host told you?

  8. I've got the exact same problem, had it for past three days, driving me crazy. If you click on any part it will open up, even clicking the cross in the corner. I would have thought the rapid flickering could give some people seizures. I have had this same problem before, recently I changed to windows 8. Previously had the problem with windows 7. Being a computer dummy doesn't help. While I'm on the subject of windows 8 does anyone know if there is a windows 8 book for dummies available in English in Chiang Mai? I have been to all the big book stores without finding anything in English.

    Here you go, PDF: http://marketing.dell.com/Global/FileLib/Windows_8/windows-8-ebook.pdf

    If you must have a hard copy, get it printed up locally.

  9. Just to echo what Tony has said, but appears to have been lost in the noise.

    You are desperate to sort your partner's visa and you have the option of 6 months work in the UK salaried, as an employee.

    Take that route, get your family unit sorted, and then based on how your new line of work pans out, take a view whether to incorporate or not.

    Honestly, all this talk of Luxembourg, streamlining for tax immediately etc, is a distraction from what it appears you want most: your family together.

    Good luck.

    • Like 2
  10. No, you erroneously claimed those against your position don't know what the word 'significant' means.

    Your argument therefore has no weight, as you are mis-defining the word 'significant'.

    The OP question is framed very clearly and can be answered with a yes, by definition, because of the word 'significant'.

    Perhaps you could go and check the definition for yourself.

    And yes, several awards; had you made any attempt to read about the invention, instead of being belligerent, you would know that too.

  11. This device is merely a cheap version of something already invented and does not even appear to be in production, so it's not significant. No lives have been saved by this idea. You seem on an hysterical mission to come up with something of meaning but if this is all you can find it just proves the paucity of Thai thought, reason and invention. Like Thai education you must try much harder, but the significant Thai invention is just not out there, so you had better give up, you are just making Thailand look rather silly with your claims.

    Unless you can link someone somewhere who is not a Thai Basher like yourself (lying about the invention, calling me hysterical and so on) I will assume everything you post about about the invention has the same veracity as your claim that it did not work like the bomb detectors.

    He won an award from Switzerland for gosh sakes. Do you think the Thais bought the judges? Get real. He invented something good and got credit for it. You prove otherwise, go ahead find some links.

    Until then you are just a Thai basher who lies (bomb detectors).

    One bronze medal for a copy invention! If you want to call that 'significant' then you must have a different understanding of the word. I am not a 'Thai basher' come up with something better than this joke and I will be the first to say wow yeah that's right look what Thailand did for the world. But we both know you can't and that's it, and even this was very recently so it's entirely unproven.

    The only areas Thais are very gifted in is music and dance, inventions, just forget it.

    End of thread as you've defeated your own argument:

    Clearly the stroke detection invention is significant by definition: it was noteworthy enough to receive several awards!

  12. Yeah right won a special prize -but used nowhere. Every Thai beer seems to have won a special prize but it's still crap.Is that all you can come up with after all this time, give up man you are flogging a dead horse. First you claimed it was an invention but now it's suddenly an innovation, which is really little more than stealing somebody else's idea.

    It won, " Geneva bronze prize at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva."

    Please post your link that confirms it is used nowhere and add how long medical inventions like this take to get into production.

    You are the dead horse flogger first stating the invention was the same as bomb detectors.

    It is an invention and has been recognized as such and significant. Please give us any links that support your contentions that it is the same as bomb detectors and not in use and not an invention.

    So after all this time the only thing you came up with was a bronze medal winner for an improved idea that has not been taken up anywhere. And you call that significant? well maybe it is for Thailand!

    Ask those families who have been impacted by strokes if developments in preventative healthcare are significant or not. Or better yet, engage brain cells and consider the plight of others in this world we share.

    I'm afraid to mention the work Thais have done in developing tech to work with austistic children - you'll probably tell us this work is insignificant too.

    You carry on sticking two fingers up at those who are different to you and therefore occupy no space on your limited horizon.

    I fear that had the West developed the stroke tech in question, you'd be saying: "Clever Western people, inventing something to improve the lives of poorer people and making real impacts on healthcare by making it affordable and useable by non-healthcare professionals".

    But no, Thais worked on it, it must be dismissed at once.

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