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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. Not this again. Yes, Thailand is in a recession.

    When anyone talks of GDP, they refer to seasonally adjusted GDP. That is the result of a transform on raw GDP, to remove seasonal factors (e.g weather, holidays, etc) and allow better comparison between countries. And it provides a more meaningful number for the underlying health of the economy. People trying to draw trends from raw GDP will arrive at ambiguous conclusions.

    Quarter-on-quarter seasonaly adjusted GDP has been negative for two consecutive quarters in Thailand.


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  2. Thanks for ignoring me.

    An Australian university is named, the subject and department identified (meaning the individual could be inferred), and accused of bribes for grades. How can you allow such a claim to be made?

    Do you think this is a good idea?

    Are you swimming in DMCA notices?

  3. I see there are claims of corruption against e.g. education providers, around the world.

    How do you ensure these are legitimate?

    What do you do if a named business contacts you to contest a report?

    I can anonymously defame my competitors?

  4. Nowadays there's no such thing as a good password, crackers can decrypt "salted" passwords within hours regardless of how many symbols and numbers you use. The best way to protect yourself is to never click on any email you're not sure about.

    Also Windows and IE are a dam_n sight more vulnerable to exploits than Linux based operating systems. Linux Mint is a good alternative to Windows for the usual computer stuff - web browsing and typing a few letters etc.

    Please don't be a scaremonger.

    It took 4 years, 9 months, and 23 days to crack a 64 bit key.

    Estimates to crack a 72 bit key are in the order of 100 years.

    There is no evidence for a 256 bit key being broken, ever. Perhaps quantum computers, but even then there's little theoretical support.

    For reference, a random 12 character password over all printable ASCII is ~79 bits.

  5. Do the bookmark tip I posted above - it will do what you want.

    You will definitely have to build them by hand, but only once. Or find ones built by others (Flavia's SE Lore for example).

    Then it's trivial to concatenate them with "-" and

    " ", either automagically, or more manually in something like Excel.

    You could of course just pull all commercial sites off something like DMOZ and voila ...

    But it raises the important question: is it better for you to filter at time of search, or blanket remove everything (why remove handbag websites from a hot pants search?)

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  6. I think you have to be careful here as the PS3 is still being sold at a loss.

    Also, more and more software is leveraging the GPU to scale computational problems.

    The question therefore is not one of cost vs pretty graphics, but of increased processing power available to the wider system.

    So it's still a point of you get what you pay for. Factor in under optimised code (eg DayZ mod) and you need higher end to run max settings. This becomes even more important as monitor prices drop and resolution increases.

    If you have the money, buy an AMD7990 or a GTX690, they're awesome - dual GPU on one board! (~40k THB).

    Also, consoles and PCs handle things very differently (shaders, memory calls etc).

  7. A 10s cost is warranted, vs, in your terms, the cost of getting all your Skype contacts to switch to another service.

    What is 10s as a fraction of an individual's lifetime? Even if prompted many times over, what significance does it have? ~ 0

    Remember you're at the computer anyway when prompted, you haven't sat down to use the computer exclusively to update Skype.

    I could construct a similar argument that says since I need to wait for a given programme to load, it's a waste of time and therefore computers are inherently bad. You wouldn't accept that argument would you?

    Is using Excel bad because it has a load time cost? Or does it save time vs computing by hand and therefore the load time cost is insignificant? And Libre Office?

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