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Posts posted by Peterbigeyes

  1. Supprisingly the recipe for a successful cross cultural marriage here really isn't so complex. I would narrow it down to 2 basics.

    1) Open Mindedness on both sides

    2) Stay in one's class (for example, unless your the kind of guy that would be happy with a country bumpkin, semi literate farm hand or a stripper from your country don't go after one here. Find a woman with whom you have some common ground.)


  2. :blink:

    First of all this is not a rant and not a complaint. I'm just stating the facts. The reason why you can't buy those products locally is called "Capitalisim". The middlemen buy up the product from the local producers in batch. It is sent to factorys where it is "processed" and it's cost is doubled or tripled. In is then placed on sale in the high end stores, or often as in Thailand's case exported. At any rate when it is sold it is sold through the retail outlets owned or controlled/supplied by the factory owners. The profits go to the middlemen who buy from the local farmer producers or the factorys that do the "processing".

    I saw this same pattern in Puerto Rico. Sugar Cane was a local crop. It was refined not in Puerto Rico, but back in the U.S. in large sugar mills by companies like Domino Sugar. You would think that as a producer of Sugar Cane, Puerto Rico would have low Sugar prices. In fact, the prices are among the highest in the U.S. Why? Because the sugar refiners charge extra to ship the refined sugar back to Puerto Rico...where it was originally grown. The refiners say that it is "not economically viable to open a refinerery in Puerto Rico as the market there is relatively small". So the Puerto Rican farmer, who grows the sugar cane, has to pay extra for refined sugar from the mailand U.S.

    In regard to that cheese you spoke of....I'm sure if you look you can probably find a Thai company...or more likely a Thai/Chinese company....headquartered near Bangkok that will be selling that cheese abroad via the internet. The price will be high...but the farmers won't be gettting the benefit of that high price.

    As I said at the beginning, this is not a rant or complaint. It's just stating the economic facts.


    P.S. And for whoever said in one post "It sounds like a business oportunity", you're right. Do you have the capital and the energy to work and develop local marketing for Thai products. If so, go at it. It would be good for you and good for Thailand...but it would be a lot of work and a big struggle against the vested interests that will fight you all the way.


    Nice. Now to translate this into Thai and spam the farms

  3. I did read your post. The next time I am in a shopping mall car park and faced with the choice of driving round in circles for an hour and a half or parking in front of another car with my handbrake off and in neutral I will still choose the easier option on the basis that it is highly unlikely to be your car I park in front of.

    I never double park if there are free spaces and don't care how near the entrance I am. I don't know what you are getting so steamed up about but if you were as rude to me in person as you are being on here then you'd have a bloody long wait before I moved my car.

    Then mon amis, we would for sure have a dust up . The ' when in Thailand ' motoring stuff is concerned, do as the Thais do attitude by farangs, well you might as well drive on the wrong side of the road and jump red lights to save some time as well. The word l am looking for is, inconsiderate.


    I can't agree more

  4. I like my own cooking too much. I'm putting on more pounds. I have to wait until I get back to Thailand before the pounds start falling off. I think I baht too much food. ;)


    Pound for pound you are good value.

    I wish I had your problem. The longer I stay here (in Thailand) the fatter I get.

    Anyway - 1GBP = 51THB at Kasikorn today :partytime2:

    Agreed, food here is so dam_n cheap it is hard to resist sometimes

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