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Posts posted by Carry

  1. My mom who has thick hair doesnt wash with shampoo either, when she first stopped it did become more greasier but after 2 weeks that was gone and it looks good but this is Thailand as SBK mentioned..and besides that, after jogging my hair is all sweaty, nah I stick with shampoo over here [after all not that expensive at my local market and using smae brand as in europe!]

  2. A sitter has been a problem for us too, I stay home most of the time with the baby while my partner runs the business but I am a bit sketchy about finding a good one, not that I have a hard time leaving her with someone but I dont really like the way Thais handle their kids in general, not saying its wrong but if I want someone to take care of my baby I want it to be done the way I please, so no feeding candy or other sugar sugar, to bed on time and the worst one when we once had a sitter do not call me 4 times just because the baby woke up and is making noise!! I pay someone to take care of my baby so I can have a night away and if there's no emergency please dont freak me out by calling for everything!!

    Anyway finding a nanny would even be harder since your baby spents a great deal of time with this one person....is a family member of your husband an option?

    Dont worry about him being so protective...I guess it will get better! once he got used to it all!

  3. Well it is a question I struggle with too, we live on an island several schools around all of them public and the private one on the mainland is ridiculous expensive....

    What do you do?

    I hear many things about Thai education, going back to my home country means separation from my partner and am not sure that breaking up the family just for education does my kid the world of good...

    But I spoke to the local English teacher...and couldnt make out a word she was saying I am not kidding...well that worries me and besides that I want my kid to learn to read and write my native language.

    My neighbour has a 4 year old that got a slap on the wrist for talking when she wasnt supposed to in class...I think that is very harsh espec. for kids in kindergarden!

    I am drawn to homeschooling so I can teach my kid my language and at a level she would be getting when going to school in europe.

    BUt I do think that the aspect of going to school is important too....not easy to know whats right!

  4. Not easy questions to ask yourself but wherever u end up try to have peace with it...

    As for visiting Thailand when the bub is 3 months old, dont promise anything to anyone [enthusiastic family etc]

    I moved back to Thailand with the bub when she was 3 months and yes moving is still something different than visiting but the general reaction from thai people and espec. familiy is predictable.

    I felt pretty insecure still as a new mom when she was only 3 months old...and than all the aunties and grandma's and nieces etc that whisk your baby away and know best made me feel really uncomfortable, also I didnt know my baby that well yet the first few months are so overwhelming!

    My baby is almost 7 months now and I do feel a lot more confident...she is also stronger sleeps through the night etc etc, so when visiting the family now, I know when she is crying because she is tired or other reasons and I am stronger now knowing whats really best for my child!

    I do understand that the family wants to see the baby asap and you want to be there prob. but my advice take things one step at a time, concentrate on birth and see how you and the baby feel after as said before u cant imagine how your life will change...settle in as a new mom and take it from there!

    Good luck!

  5. I found amazing bra's at Central Chidlom....the whole 6th floor is underwear! And the staff was really helpful!

    More than enough sizes and all brands!

    It was my first place to go on a long list but didnt need to look any further! Absolute worth going if u need good fitting bra's!

    Cheapest one in my size was a central brand t-shirt bra made of cotton and some strech stuff for 499 baht.

    And then depending on brand up to 6000 baht!

  6. Yeah I gave up on bringing the expensive ones from home, I used to bring my laundry and not only would my underwear be wrecked but also the rest of my clothing due to the little hooks on the bra's....anyway, in all my bra's its the underlining thats coming out, tried to fix it, not working.

    Im doing my laundry myself now and am very careful with it, still broken, bad luck I guess!!

    Doing a trip to Bangkok soon to get married and I cant get married in a bra with the underlining sticking out now can I???

    So will go and have a look.

  7. My baby is way to young but ofcourse i've been thinking about what to do when she gets to the age of going to school....

    First thing I want for her is to be happy, ofcourse I want her to have a good education but if that would mean going back to europe, I would go back alone, since my husband will never have a perm. visa for my country

    besides that there's been a lot of uproar since they discovered a whole pedofile network amongst teachers and caretakers in daycare centers...that means that going to school will not be as I remember going when I was a child, no more sitting on the teachers lap when you are hurt or a pet on the shoulder, no more touching and paranoid parents [and for a reason!]

    Let alone what else....

    this makes me wonder, I found a program that helps parents homeschool their kids, they also promote to send your kid to a local school [social wise that's what I would want to] and than educate your kid in your own language and any extra course you find necessary.

    I would seriously concider that if that would keep my family together, my child in her familiar surroundings and keeping me from going home working 40 hours a week, sending my kid to afterschool care every day and living on a small flat just for her education...I would do it if necesarry but again our happiness is at stake her to so ideal? No but espec. for elementary school a solution

    As long as she will keep up with the level at european schools that would be whats relevant.

  8. Yeah I did stock up at home [usually buy my bra's at H&M] but some how they are all broken already?! Usually in europe they last a lot longer...maybe have a couple send over

  9. Hey ladies,I know there has been a topic on this prob. more than one, cant seem to find it...Really need some new bra's, no clue where to go [bangkok]Thanks for pointing me in the right direction...

  10. i also think that many thais seem to have been raised in a different style of family interaction and not in a 'couple + child' type relationship, let alone one that suddenly involves a foreigh woman, a new culture and a new baby sort of all at once and not by plan.

    Yes Bina, I recognize this as well...

    I have been raised as an only child by both parents most of my youth and so is the norm, at least in most families.

    Grandparents are there to spoil the kids and depending on the relationship with siblings there's aunties and uncles involved in different ways..but it is usually a couple + child or children.

    Whenever we are visiting the Thai family, they are very hands on and everybody will listen to the oldest sister [when it comes to whats best for my baby when she's crying] although they've all raised a couple of kids themselves.

    They repeatedly asked to take care of my baby for a longer period of time as this is normal for them, like the mothers leaving their children with grandma when they go and work somewhere else, there's many women around having children in young ages who live with their grandparents somewhere up in another province, they only go visit them a few times a year...

    Something that in western culture would not be done.

    I know that my guy would have a hard time staying at home and taking care of our household and baby, not because of the work it involves but purely because he wouldnt provide....

  11. Shopping in Thailand for me is usually not very fruitful or at least a little depressing, love the blunt way someone in a jeans shop will say: No you are too big! ....lol

    True many different sizes espec. in jeans [the ones that just go by confection and not by length...]

  12. It's not easy, thats for sure! when my bf came over to europe we realized quickly we could not live here....the life behind closed doors, everybody on his own, the climate...these are pretty superficial reasons I bet a whole lot more comes to the surface once you are in a situation like you guys for a while,m great respect for both hanging in there!

    I have to admit that my bf is a great household keeper making me feel lazy at times but I guess thats different for all of us and not sure how he would feel about staying home, its a pride thing for a man too I guess or at least for some of them!

    Great point SBK, schooling is that an option?

  13. Ashmantor I do so agree with you! I have a 6 month old now and I wished that someone wouldve given me that advice before, follow your first instincts listen to yourself and do what feels right!

    As a first time parent you are unsure about everything....wanting to do the right thing by the book....

  14. Well bringing stuff from Bangkok to CM is still a whole lot cheaper and closer than bringing stuff all the way from another continent when not necessary! [like furniture]

    I alwaysbring lots of bra's from home since I really dont fit the thai ones, these are things u have to figure out as well when your here...

    Basicly there's nothing that u can't find here in some form or another, the advices are mainly for comfort reasons I guess.

  15. There's lots of stuff to be found on the different nightmarkets in Bangkok, second hand from clothing to furniture to complete tv sets and so on, wouldnt ship any of that stuff from home, even new furniture isnt that expensive here and u need different things than back home, espec. if u havent got a space to live yet...see where thast brings u maybe a furnished app./room?

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