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Everything posted by dsj

  1. Actually Airbnb's are illegal here in Thailand, as we have problems with them in our Condo building. That's probably why there owners don't do TM30's
  2. Most of the bars from Soi 22 have relocated to Soi 7 just before Beer Garden. Also Soi Cowboy is dead, I was there about 7 weeks ago and it's dead as 1/4 of the bars are still closed. Nana Plaza is the place to go to.
  3. I did my online report more than 24 hours ago, and still waiting to see if it gets approved. I did receive an email that I they received my information successfully. I will wait awhile longer.
  4. Does that also apply to when you do a new extension?
  5. The rejection email just says to report to my local immigration office. Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. For further information regarding The 90-day Notification Report Service. Please contact the Immigration Branch Office in your residence area. Full Name : Dxxxx xxxxxxx Jxxxxx Passport No : ARxxxxxx Nationality : CAN:CANADIAN Kind regards.
  6. Because, like me the 90 day online reporting keeps rejecting my report, every since they started the new system, on the old reporting site, I had no problem with online submission, so I have to go to CW in person.
  7. So strange. In my case it is the opposite. The old system use to work for me, but never can get the new one to accept my report. Does the address have to the same as on your TM30?
  8. Yes, they still do income verification. Find attached the form that they make you fill out at the embassy. Affidavit confirms pension other income 1.pdf
  9. I keep getting rejected as well.
  10. Put you old TM6 number. Unless you are entering with a new visa or changing addresses a TM30 report is no longer required. Thanks, Do you know why I can't do my 90 day report online? I keep getting rejected and I don't know why. Does the address have to be the same as your TM30? The last 2 times, I had to go in person to do my 90 day report, so their system should have my updated info. I was able to do it on the old system, but every since I got a new passport last October, it hasn't worked. Any suggestions?
  11. What do you do now that starting July 1st when you enter Thailand you no longer have to fill out the TM6 and you want to do a new notification of residence (TM30) online and they ask you for your TM6 #
  12. when you do your 90 day report online, do you have to use the exact address that you put down on your TM30?, I am asking as my last several attempts do it online all came back rejected, after the first time I went to immigration and did it in person, right after the new system came into effect, but since then I haven't been able to do online reporting. Any help would be good.
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