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About Captor

  • Birthday 04/04/1957

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  1. The article says it is linking Bangkoks main airports!? Is there really a need for that? Or am I missunderstanding something?
  2. And their own families dying from PM2.5. Amazing!
  3. He is retired why still having a gun? To many guns in Thailand with all the unstable men with lost faces. It can only be one outcome.
  4. That is something to take into consideration before deciding about taxation on expats. Same might happen there... But then it will be big scale.
  5. To high speed.
  6. Why not doing that every day of the year?
  7. I have never seen one of this before. I will order one.
  8. I wonder why this happen over and over again in Thailand? They are charging the phones and then falling to sleep while still charging? And then maybe they roll over the phone while sleeping? And then the short circuit occurs when "breaking" the USB? But there is no high voltage on that end of the USB I think. Or is it? But they say it is not the voltage that kills but the Ampere? Maybe someone with electricity knowledge can lighten up the issue?
  9. It looks like a micro-USB B. It is definitely not an USB-C. I attach a picture of a USB-C.
  10. No, it does not look like an usb-c.
  11. The picture is not showing an USB-C cable.
  12. Yeah...thats what I wrote...
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