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Posts posted by thhMan

  1. Interesting read from people.

    Some of the things I have gotten from this are...
    Even we are complacent and believe that it is the way it is, because it is Thailand.

    The other thing I got was a perception that we are trying to westernize the issue.


    The latter, I dont understand as it has nothing to do with westernizing the issue... Its Thai Law, it is a Law that the Thai leaders have put in place and has nothing to do with some of us wanting to westernize things.


    I keep hoping that the next generation of kids will impart some logic in their kids, but unfortunately, the damage has already been done and it makes it very hard to predict how generations will change over the years when nothing is really being done to get the ball rolling with each generation that comes and goes.


    I appreciate people replying and sending me links to petitions on this exact subject as it does concern me greatly, as I have 2 kids that WILL NOT be riding bikes without the proper training and proper safety gear and licences, but more concerned with the peer pressure that may come about to hop on the bike with one of their friends... And as much as Dad has taught them, kids will be kids and peer pressure is a strong influence... Its sad that some of us do everything we can for our kids and accident will happen due to others inactions.. :sad:

  2. There is a problem which I am sure is also in other countries, however, I am referring to Thailand specifically as I have 2 children in Thai schools and have more knowledge (not by much), of this issue as it pertains to Thailand rather than in other countries.


    Thailand has a healthy reputation for being incompetent with its communities driving habits and is doing a good job of keeping a high ranking in that area.

    I am also sure many Thai people have noticed how bad the road rules are ignored and bad habits are allowed to continue.


    My question (and a comment), is that education IMHO, plays a large factor in driving habits and at the very least, bad habits which many do grow and fester at a young age while attending school.

    In saying that, does anyone know if there have been any studies or news articles that discuss the issue of unlicensed and underage motorcycle riders that attend schools?


    I am being quite specific in regards to the school aspect for a few points.

    • In general, entry and exit points at schools are quite specific and schools can monitor these points to do checks on students.
    • Is this issue being addressed at any point with Governments?

    Bad habits start somewhere and unless I am mistaken, schools have a responsible of due care to students, whether its reporting abusive parents to the police or dealing and educating with students who by their wishes or their parents wishes, have decided to bypass the rules and educate themselves on how to ride a scooter and how to conduct themselves on the roads and follow the rules that come with it..
    The victims of course are the students, but also innocent bystanders and at some point, a few of these students will be behind the wheel of a Taxi or Bus and perhaps continue to be unlicensed and still devoid of the much needed rules of conduct on the road.


    So, has this issue ever become a News article and or, does anyone know if there are Govt studies on this?

    As far as I know from personal observation is that this is a non issue with the Police and Govt.
    As part of that personal observation, one thing that is very clear is that Helmets are greatly ignored by students.


    WIKIPEDIA states that to ride a motorcycle, a person must be 15 for under 110cc and 18 for bigger bikes, and they must have a license (Age Groups and the CC they are allowed to ride, I cannot verify, so could be wrong)
    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_licence_in_Thailand


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