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  1. From my personal experience in Nonthaburi, they only came for the first extension. I extended it the second time recently and am under consideration stamp now. I must go there on 28th February and they still didn't call me so it's possible they only come first time to your house.
  2. Not referring to crypto exchanges taking off the tax but when the ones who must pay the crypto tax how to count it.
  3. I've found out. I have a choice to make. I can pay 15% tax right away and forget about it or I can add the crypto profit to my aggregated annual income and then depending on which bracket I am, I pay the taxes.
  4. I believe Thailand has capital gain tax so would need to pay tax on it.
  5. Add it to my taxable income and pay the taxes accordingly or first pay 15% on crypto capital gain (on 50k thb) and plus add it to my taxable income increasing my taxes?
  6. Hi folks, I have a small company registered in Thailand almost a year and a half ago. It is common setup i.e. I am a foreigner (49%) and my wife is Thai (51%). There are 2 Thai employees and I am the director. I had to register this company because my employer in HK said it was on me to obtain the visa and WP which I did by registering my company. So the employer send my salary to my company's business account which means I have 12 international equal transactions annually coming from abroad. The thing is I have a feeling that my accountant overcharges me so I would like to ask if the prices they charge me for my company setup are too big or I am wrong. Every months my wife lists our expenses in an Excel file and sends them to the accountant. I perform the business account transactions (2 employees' salaries, my salary etc.) by myself and the accountant pays all the necessary taxes to the tax department. This is how much I pay for the accountant service fees annually: Monthly accounting fee: 6000 thb (72k thb annually) End of year audit: 30000thb Could you please say am I paying too much or this would be acceptable pricing for the type of company I run in Thailand?
  7. So let's say I invested 50k thb in BitKub and now have 100k thb i.e. my profit is 50k. Do I just pay tax on 50k and that's it or also have to add these 50k to my annual income and thus potentially be in a higher tax bracket?
  8. Thank you for your answer. However, I assume that being on LTR means I can't apply for Thai citizenship. Right? If the above is right, I have a dilemma i.e. I can stay on non-immigrant O marriage visa, pay taxes and have the WP for 3 consecutive years and then apply for Thai citizenship or go for LTR and to not pay for taxes but not being eligible to apply for Thai citizenship. Did I get it right?
  9. Thank you. I will explore this. The other question would be if based on being on LTR I can apply for Thai citizenship. I am married with Thai wife and we have a daughter. I must wait for 3 years to be on non O marriage visa and then I can apply. I don't think the the response will be positive on this one.
  10. Didn't know that if being on LTR and getting income from abroad is not taxed. Is this really correct? If this is correct, I am closing my Thai company and switching to LTR.
  11. Thank you all. I am in Nonthaburi and this is my second yearly extension for the non-immigrant O marriage visa. Last year I used 400k but this year I go with monthly income. I registered a Thai company with my wife (51% : 49%) and have been receiving a monthly income for the last 14 months so I decided to go for that one. Hopefully, I won't need to get confirmation from my embassy for working for a Thai company. I am in taking photos phase now 🤗🤗🤗 and it is so enjoyable! I will update everyone once it goes through. I know whatever I provide, they will ask for something new. Here I found the official requirements: https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=1772 ... and I am attaching the form here if someone needs it. Cheers!
  12. Anyone has the list of requirements for the yearly extension of Non-immigrant O marriage visa?
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