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Posts posted by Zyxel

  1. How did Australia get into the Eurovision song contest anyway? complete farce that lost what little appeal it had a couple of decades back

    Australia was in last year to celebrate the contest's 60th anniversary, and Australia's cultural and historic links to Europe. This year possibly down to last years strong showing. They've broadcast the show for 30 years.

    On another note, boy has the result irritated the Russians. lol.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    As for Israel, not part of Europe, but then why not.

  2. US and UK should take all the refugees from Irak and Syria or at least pay for their relocation since the creation of ISIS is a direct consequence of that stupid war in Irak initiated by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Blair and the messy occupation of Irak which followed for 10 years. France bears also some responsibility for helping to take down Gaddafi and leaving the country in chaos from where most of the refugees cross the Mediterranean going to Italy and Greece, countries which have no responsibility for what is happening.

  3. Back on line, I just submitted my application successfully (00:10 March 04).


    Back up and I have the impression that the site is delivering pages faster.

    My 90 day is not yet due so cannot confirm my impression carries through to the reporting pages.

    Yes it is very quick, probably because very few people are accessing the site now (past midnight) and many people not aware yet that it is back on line.

  4. After 3 successful reportings Online in the past, this time I cannot access the site with IE, FireFox or Chrome. A friend of mine is having the same problem with a different ISP.

    I use the link: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do like before.

    After the usual "Security Certificate error" page I continue to access the site and within about 15 seconds I get the following:

    Failure of Web Server bridge:

    No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.

    I am in Bangkok and the problem has been going on all day and also now at 23:00 so I don't think it is because the site is too busy.

    Thanks to anybody who can help or has infos about this problem.

  5. Although I was not there, I will say it is hard to imagine a scenario where the outcome of 5 against 4 ... is improved by making it 5 against 3.

    Perhaps if the "men" had done a bit more fighting .. the women could have done the running.

    Call me old fashioned .. but there is a time to dig deep .. and fight ... like your life depended upon it.

    This is not "Oh, I could have beaten down the 5 fishermen single handed BS" .. really doubt it.

    This is "When your women stand to be raped, there is no "Plan B"

    Fight ... no holds barred ...

    Yeah! Rambo, they did fight until one was badly injured so the other one run for help to the nearby resort, the most sensible thing to do in this situation.

    From Chiangrai Times:

    Pol Lt Col Suraporn Thepsane, deputy chief of Koh Kut police station, said the Cambodian boat crew tried to kidnap the two women, aged 57 and 28, and assaulted their male companions, aged 30 and 29, attacking them when they tried to help.

    The suspects allegedly raped the women after the first man was injured and the second ran for help at the resort.

    The attackers fled after a group of resort staff and residents accompanied by the French man came to help. The three victims were found in critical condition and were initially treated at KohKut hospital before transferred to Trat hospital.

    Read more here: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/cambodian-sailors-accused-of-raping-french-tourists-on-koh-kut-island-thailand.html

  6. Let me get this straight...

    5 small Cambos, already half-drunk, wet, cold and tired after working all day and swimming ashore...

    We're able to overpower 4 well-fed French farangs? What kind of weapons did they have? Couldn't have been a gun--the ammo would have got wet.

    Wait. I forgot they were French. With all due respect to the French people, America had to pull their ass out of the fire. Twice.

    Never mind.

    Good to hear at least one of them was good at sprinting, though.

    If you're going to hang on a beach on a Thai island at night:

    * Don't be wasted.

    * Run faster than your attackers.

    * Have a big piece of driftwood, a club or big stick handy--just in case.

    * Be a trained martial arts artist.

    * Have an "equalizer", if you're not--a stun gun or pepper spray.

    Be prepared. Think. And ask yourself, is it really worth the risk to come to an island in Thailand?

    Why not stay home on the beach. I hear San Tropez is very lovely this time of year...

    Congratulations for your first post ! Hopefully the last one also !

  7. Nothing has changed; same address, same passport and I haven't been out of the country.

    However, on checking the receipt of my last 90 day report, which I dutifully attached to the last page of my passport, I've just noticed a mistake. I can't understand how I missed the mistake when I printed the receipt.

    Instead of my name shown as (example only), 'Peter William Jones', the receipt shows 'Peter Jones William'. My July report receipt, which I saved on my computer's hard drive, correctly shows 'Peter William Jones'.

    Very strange and maybe the reason why my current online report won't process.

    Given name & middle name are not mandatory fields. Better only to provide mandatory information IMHO.

    Just provide your surname, forget about given name or middle name, a friend of mine eventually managed to have a successful reporting on line by doing just that. His given name has a hyphen (ex: Jean-Paul) and that screwed up everything. Immigration took Jean as given name and Paul as middle name. People with é, ç, ë, æ, ï etc in their given name have probably problems reporting as well, not sure.

  8. A friend of mine from Belgium has been trying to use the 90 days reporting online from the beginning with no success, getting the error message "Contact the immigration office ....." each time. He has been in Thailand for more than 30 years, staying at the same address all this time. His given name is Jean-marc, written like this on his passport and also on his arrival/departure card. He does not have a middle name.

    Eventually he had a successful reporting online by writing JEAN as "Given Name" and MARC as "Middle Name". On the receipts he was getting after reporting at Chaeng Wattana his surname was written "Jean Marc" (without hyphen). Writing "Jean Marc" for "Given name" and nothing for "Middle Name" when reporting online does not work for him either.

    Hopefully this can help some of you.

  9. The VAT/GST is too low. Exempt food and some essentials to protect the poor and increase it to 15% so that those who consume, pay.

    VAT is a tax that punish mostly the poor one, not the rich one.

    I think 7% is just right. Reduce corruption, reduce the many useless state employees and keep the state slim.

    And not forget to check how many Generals and top officers the Thai army really needs.

    Low taxes and slim efficient state helps to make the country and everyone wealthy.....high taxes and taking money from the middle class will make everyone (beside the rich) equal poor.

    VAT is not an unfair tax, rich people buy more expensive things and then pay more tax. In many countries luxury items have a higher VAT (sometimes 33%) and basic essentials have a lower VAT. But there are some exceptions like gasoline that everybody has to buy at the same overtaxed price that only the rich can easily afford and then burn it in their gas-guzzling limousines.

  10. I got a policy a year ago. Had no occasion to use it, but had enormous problems with their administrative staff. It took a solid year to get issues with the website sorted out - kept showing "no policy" and when I emailed they repeatedly reset my password which was besides the point. More emails than I can count and a full year to get it resolved. Took another 6 months to get them to send me an insurance card and policy documents. I found them so inept that I finally decided I couldn't trust them to properly manage a claim either, so I dropped it. I've been told by 2 brokers that they have had many reports of this sort of thing but as broker they would "help" run interference. I just don't think it should require a middle man to run interference.

    But as noted, did not have a claim. And price wise they are advantageous.

    Cigna has contracts with big multinational companies and also United Nations. My (ex) company (the biggest Oil Services Company in the world) switched from MSH to Cigna this year. MSH was outstanding and Cigna has proven to be incredibly bad. It took me 3.5 months to get reimbursed for 3 simple claims after many calls to their useless customer service, unanswered emails (they claim to answer within 24 hours), notifications of important emails in my inbox of their secure email system and finding no email there and only showing up after a call to the customer service, asking again for bank details through automatic emails after these being sent more than 10 times previously, their inability to deal with brokerage accounts, their mixed up in using ACH or Wire Transfer for reimbursements, sending letters saying that the payments were successfully done when it is not true, breaking down claims into sub-claims with some labelled as "paid" (usually not true) and other as "in progress" for ever with the amount paid not the same as what you see on your online bank account making it impossible to check properly your reimbursements, the disappearance of the emails sent to them using their secure email system (emails should stay there 1 year) making any reference impossible, and I could go on especially with their CignaEnvoy website with many flaws. And there is a 12% increase of what you pay for the worldwide coverage for 2016!

    Sorry for the rant but Cigna drove me mad so much this year, me and all others retirees from my company using the same brokerage bank and we are many.

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