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  1. Cannabis has been freely available since I arrived here in 2010. This law just helps support police bribes and alcohol-producing companies.
  2. But the money quite probably goes to a Thai. They are quick to deport workers and ignore the Thais that brought them here and hired them in order to pay lower wages out.
  3. Arresting foreigners on the road is for a simple reason: they usually can afford the full fines, whereas Thais stopped often have to negotiate a lower tea ticket price....
  4. There further are rumors that the same objectors refused any inquiry into the tea money Lord, heir to reddish bulls, hanging out in Singapore with his homies... and hidden in plain sight. Rumors aside, to date there has been NO request from the Thai government to Interpol to help find the elusive rascal.
  5. He must have disrupted the flow of tea money somewhere, so he is being given a warning to play ball or get off the field......
  6. For the first time in the history of China, each man, woman and child has at least two meals a day. Further, the West is crying over the Chinese state subsidizing Chinese industry, while simultaneously the Western nations... subsidize Western industries... This news bite is team propaganda. Sure, I cheer my Home team, when they are not being obviously sh*tty, but I am not required to boo the other side, nor accept that as a given.
  7. A Catholic Priest and a Rabbi are in a horrendous head-on collision with each other on a busy highway. They crawl from the wreckage and find that they are both uninjured. Better, the Priest retrieved a bottle of whisky from his half of the demolished cars, unscratched and intact. The Priest opens the bottle and says, "I toast our good fortune " He drinks. "I toast the miracle of our survival and attribute it to a blessing from Almighty God" He drinks again. "I also respect and honor your sacred trust." He drinks a third time. He hands the bottle to the Rabbi, who puts the cap back on and smiles. The Priest asks, "Aren't you going to toast our luck and blessings too?" "Sure," the Rabbi replies. "After the cops get here."
  8. All arguments aside, our population is shrinking, and the US has spent the Social Security collected. The only option for long range stability is allowing more immigration. What else can they do--have enforced births........oh , never mind. They are trying that now.
  9. Inmmigration's website for BKK says how to change a Tourist visa to a type O, but the only one likely to be a Volunteer Visa is a visa called a Type O Foundation Visa (number ten on the conversion list). Here is the link.
  10. The Thi government website link below lists a Non-O Foundation Visa at number 10.. Is this what a 'Volunteer Visa' is called by immigration? I want to convert my tourist Visa to work at a registered bona fide NGO. Any help would be appreciated. Fangferang link -- https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=2537
  11. Not any more, and now they do not invite writer essays. Too busy to care now.
  12. Not any more. It did up until two months ago, but not now.
  13. Can you tell me the name of the 28 k company? Spare checked email is <email address removed per forum rules, please use PM system>
  14. I am reading so much contradictory information my head is spinning. Please message with any info FangFerang.
  15. Consider exploring the Volunteer Visa option. Many volunteer opportunities are long term. It allows you to get a work permit, and the digital nomad issue s irrelevant. Good luck. Ignore the many clamoring rude voices.
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