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Posts posted by manutoo

  1. Hoy,

    I'm on TRUE 512/256 . It's ok 95% of the time, but like Yeti, I got a few very bad days lately in November : disconnection every 2 min, from 11:00am to 18:00.

    eMule can get only 50+ MB on good days, and usually, it's less.

    And I can dl at an average of 5 KB/s with BT, on popular torrents.

    Most of time, web & FTP works correctly or even greatly, and 5% of the times, they just sucks, especially in the evening...

    Good luck ! :o

  2. just back from my 3rd & last appointment, for root canal treatment.

    At total, I stayed about 3 hours & 30 min on the chair, in 3 appointments.

    It cost me about 8500b, instead of the 6500b announced coz I have a "nonspecific root canal" ... :o

    Now, 3 more appointment for the crown are waiting me... tiring & stressing... :D

  3. Hello all',

    Just back from dentist.

    1 hour and half on the chair, quite tired... :D

    And I hurt on that chair, almost a lot, for about 30 seconds. When the rotating tool arrived near the nerve, but still with some part of tooth before it, it gave me really strong pain, enough to put me in kind of lil shock and quite change my breathing speed, and even the not so talkative dentist talked a bit to comfort me. Just after reached the nerve, he used the needle to put anesthetic in it, quite hurting again, but only a few seconds, after my nerve didn't send me anymore signal for long time. Just before its destruction, I hurt a bit again, and the dentist promplty added some anesthetic again.

    At the beginning, I hurt a bit too much, I told the dentist, and he gave me a lil extra dose, and it went ok, till he reached the close part of nerve.

    It was quite long to feel & place the things inside the root. I really don't remember that part from my 1st root canal treatment, which was quite shorter (probably less than 1 hour, including chit chat with my dentist :D ). Maybe it's coz the roots of this 1st tooth were more straight (it was the 1st molar, and this time, it's the 2nd molar).

    The dentist didn't say clearly that I needed a crown, or that it'd be better to put one, but he removed a big part of my tooth, and I guess it's strongly better to put a crown now.

    I asked price, and receptionist told me it was 6'000b for a ceramic crown, 12'000b for one in another material (which I didn't understand the name), and 3'000 or 4'000b per pin (do I need 1 or 2 pins ??? :o ).

    I'm very surprise ceramic can be so cheap. In France, it's about 500~600€ (around 25~30,000b). And most medical insurances will only refund metallic crown, that costs around half of that.

    Did the receptionnist make a mistake in the name of the material ?

    Oh, and lucky me, I have an upper tooth sensible to fresh air, I might need another root canal treatment later... ######, life isn't easy ! :D

    (a later xray shot will confirm or deny this)

  4. @ taxexile:

    yup, u're right, better to have a crown than an implant, I think I'll stick on that..!

    And I'm a dentist phobic, but not enough to request a general anaesthesia for a root canal treatment.

    But I asked for it to remove my 4 wisdom teeth (the dentist probably hammered my teeth to make them out, I really prefer to have not been there when he did that... :o )

    My dentist is France is quite good, works fast : less than 2 min of tool for my last 3 decays, in the past 5 years, and without pain; and he did good & fast job on my crown, too.

    So I was still stressed to go to meet him, but "normally" stressed. Here, in foreign country, with my limited english (I have decent skill, but I don't know the dentist terms :D ), and with the eventual limited english of the dentist, it's a bit frightening... :D

    In 24 hours, I should know if I were right or wrong to worry ... :D

  5. @ jingjingna:

    I'm not sure what is ultrasound as I never had this treatment myself, but it's without blood & fast.

    @ lopburi3:

    Maybe you're right, coz my gum was inflammed (not too bad, but really needed some treatment).

    But on the bill, I just have this generic term : "Periodontal treatment".

    @ taxexile:

    yup, I got :

    1st step: fast rotating tool

    2nd step: hand instruments

    3rd & last step: slow rotating brush

    And yup, I had a lot of scale, but only on back of 3 teeth. On other ones, it was just a little.

    I never had scale like this before, only got it so hard since i'm in thailand... :S

    @ ProThaiExpat:

    where is located your "western style" dentist ?

  6. Hello,

    I have appointment on next thursday for "root canal treatment", at St Louis Hospital. I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not 100% sure of the meaning, but I guess it means "dévitalisation" (for the french speakers here :D ), like remove nerve & pulp from the tooth's root, and put some kind of needles in it, to fill the hole.

    I had a tootache last friday night, nothing too bad, but hurt enough to make me cannot sleep anymore after 4 hours, but a few hours later, I had breakfast, the pain lowered, and I was able to take a long nap.

    I guess this toothache came from eating too much Mentos (lot of sugar) on that teeth, the couple of days before...

    The dentist who cleaned my gum on yesterday (cf: my previous post) told me another specialist would take care of it, and it'd take something like 3 or 4 times (maybe even more ! :o ), but it wouldn't need a crown a last.

    I did 1 crown, with a "root canal treatmeant" (I guess), 2 years & half ago.

    I almost didn't hurt, and it took 2 or maybe 3 times.

    I read some post here, with many guys speaking about their worst pain in all their life... That, humm, makes me a bit worry.

    Should I suppose these guys were in advanced infected steps ?

    Me, right now, I'm alright. I feel a bit strange when I eat (probably coz I worry), but it's not painful...

    I'm quite stressed now, especially after the not so good experience of cleaning my teeth, so if someone has some good ideas about what to do, my ears are fully opened !



  7. Hello,

    I had a teeth cleaning yesterday.

    The dentist did it with the "milling machine" (not sure of the english word), not with ultrasounds.

    As it was quite "unpleasant" to feel the strikes against my gum, I asked him for a anesthesia. It seems like it was almost superfluous for him.

    (sorry, I'm not Rambo, I have trouble to handle the feelings when someone is putting a a 3000rpm rotating tool on my gums... :D )

    It took 30 min (with a few stops to spit the blood & the limbs of my gum), and to have, for a result, good cleaned teeth, but with less gum between them... :o

    And I paid 955b (in St Louis Hospital, near Surasak BTS station).

    It was my 1st cleaning ever, but maybe I'll need another one within 1 year, in Thailand again, so here my question :

    Do some Thai dentists know ultrasounds ??

    And is the cost a lot higher than 955b ?


  8. Hello,

    I have been reading these forums for long time now (a few years ! :o ), and I'm planning my 1st visa run to Penang (it'll be for October), but so far, I never saw this question here :

    I don't have plane ticket to exit Thailand: the back trip ticket to my country expired a few weeks ago.

    Do I need such kind of ticket to get the visa in Penang ?

    Or to take the flight back to Bkk ?

    Or to enter the Thailand again at Don Muang ?

    I'll ask for a triple-entry tourist visa.

    Thanks for your help!

  9. I did the border run with Jack Golf 2 days after the OP.

    They still had the problem with the "new boss".

    But actually, everything went smooth, and I even came back 30min earlier than my previous border run, 3 month before.

    But it was on monday, not on saturday (I read on these forums to avoid week-end! :o ).

    I have waited about 20 min in the room to exit Thailand (under fan, but a bit hot), and I have waited about 20 min, a part under the sun, to enter Thailand again.

    Considering that 1000b is for Cambodgian visa, a 200b discount would have been more fair than the 500b proposed in previous post, imho.

    This time, I didn't see the cambodgian officers, JG's team took care about all this part.

  10. 9,10,11,12,000 baht counted out infront of us my friend signed her release and she was told to go from the Police Station a very lucky lady that we did not press that she go before the local court and detained in the monkey house, still protesting that she did not do it but refusing to have the wallet dusted.

    This crazy aptitude to deny the facts reminds me my ex-thai-gf... even if she was a "good" girl... :o

    Anyway, nice story dude, thanks to have shared it !

  11. ...It's now up and accessible in PDF from my webspace.  It's probably best accessed through my cover note....

    Thanks Richard - I recommend everyone to get this and read it. It is soooo good!

    yup, thanks to Richard.

    It's quite an interesting book. Since I learnt to read Thai classic style, I always wondered about how was created the modern one and how Thai people learnt to read it..! Moreover, knowing the real differences to distinguish characters will be probably greatly improve my common script reading skills (I can read it, but something like 5 times more slowly than thai people :o )

    And so far I was totally unable to read most thai hand writting, but now, my hope is back about this ! :D

  12. Hello,

    I went to Immigration office this morning. Everything ran fine.

    I have no idea at what time the discretion (or the indiscretion) of the Immigration Officer could apply, coz actually, the main things he saw from me in my shirt and my arms. The panel with n°4 on it was hiding my head (I had to bow very down to catch his eyes), and he never had a chance to see my trousers or my shoes... :-p

    I imagined I would enter an office with a desk & only 1 or 2 Thai officers. But actually, it was more like a stamp factory : put the forms, passport & money on a side, get the passport stamped on other side. I really doubt that anyone who doesn't look like _VERY_ suspicious doesn't get his stamp...

    Just 1 thing: the copy of passport (1st page, and current visa page) is needed. From the post in this topic, I believed it was only a precaution, but actually, pay 1900b is not enough for them to do the photocopy by themselves (it was only 4 bahts for a total of 2 pages on other side of the street, when I was ready to pay 10 bahts per page... It's really not a racket :D )

    And all of that took me about 35 min, including 3 extra minutes, coz the lady called number 715 instead of 75. I jumped when she called 76... :D

    There were a good bunch of people in the office, but not much were waiting for tourist extension, only 7 people before me, and 3 didn't show up.

    Oh, and I got the 30 days extension, no problemo, and best of all, from the end of my 60 days, not from the current day.

    The whole thing was really not a big deal...! :o

    So see u around April 26th for my 1st border run, to activate my 2nd entry ! :D

  13. @thaiflyer1 :

    arf :D

    No, she just phoned today (monday March 21th).

    But maybe it's still the same reason, except they're bad in maths, and got 21 from 30 less 7 ..!

    (maybe I'm watching too much spy movies :o )

    @ Dragonman:

    yup, I'm sure my gf doesn't want me to go away...

    I'm just on my 1st entry, so I just have to go to Cambodia to activate my 2nd entry. Humm.... So maybe she just wants to go to Cambodia for Songkran day! :D

    @Everybody :

    Ok, I'll go alone. It'll be the 1st time I'll ask for extension, so I didn't know I would have to fill the form asking by myself the number of days I want.

    It seems a pretty good way to fill 30 days, and then only beg if they say me it's too much.

  14. Go on in and grovel.

    Ok, thanks Doc', grovel should be in my skills ... :D

    I'll give an update on next friday... cross fingers for me! :o

    Hum. Would it be better to go with my thai gf ..?

    Her office timetable is almost like the one of Immigration, so she would have to ask her boss to leave her desk for a couple of hours, so I'd prefer to not ask her to do that, except if it could really help me...

  15. Hello,

    my thai gf just phoned to Thai immigration in Bangkok.

    The lady there told her I could extend my tourism visa by only 21-day (still for 1900b), not the usual 30-day!!

    what happens ?? :D

    I have to extend it on next friday (my 2-month tourist VISA will expired on next sunday), and if I do so, I would have to exit Thailand exactly during Songkran festival ! That sucks too much!! :o

    Anyone heard about this before ?

    I did a lil search on the forum, and late posts still talking about 30-day extension.

    Maybe the woman who answered my gf likes to do kind of stupid jokes ..?

    Any idea ?



  16. this guy doesn't look like an "happy killer".

    What about the facts about the murder ?

    Was it a passionate crime ? Maybe he hit without intention to kill...

    On the pic, he really looks to be in pain... I pity him.

    And all the bloodthirsty avengers here make me sick. :o

    I hope this guy will get Justice. (life sentence would be probably painful enough if he has real remorse)

    If someone kills me, there's no need to kill him. It wouldn't make me come back, or give me better sleep in my death.

    And no need to say the compassion I feel for the victim, her family, and her friends. I'm pretty sure they don't read this forum... :D

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