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  1. Only ones making a stink are foreigner and those pushing alarming for their business! Thais opened a can of worms like most then can't figure out how they got into this mess. A Thai lawyer was asked about this tax he said nothing but 🤣
  2. Actually, the old guy took his advice they weren't trans so he thought it was ok🤣
  3. This guy shouldn't be let out alone!🤔
  4. So we can expect more tents with officials sitting under them playing with their phones the while death pile up declare after it was a success!🤣
  5. Life is cheap in Thailand unless it happens to a official. Less than being killed by an insure vehicle coverage in general 300,000, these people were slowly cooked.
  6. Yes Whoopie! Exactly! Hear that ops!
  7. These guys are all crooks! too busy lining their pockets! I've seen leaders destroy the Indoor stadium project 20 years behind, then destroyed a perfectly good facility like the Park in Jomtien off Soi 7. It is about roads and more roads doing something for the people isn't in their DNA
  8. Curious, was it purchased with your money? It is in her name " brother till now has lived there with his wife and son " your guess if right bad credit use to be in his name? was put into her name which is normal Thailand so creditor can't get to it. I have a friend currently sorting out his mess, his wife I happily note Ex now! put everything she stole in her son name so creditors can't get to the assets since she is always in bankruptc.... In my opinion an Estate Agent isn't really necessary, There is much to your story that is missing in my opinion. This is what many Thai mother do is helping, sure all kids need to grow up but what type of rent is she missing out on from a property worth 1 million baht! at that price tops a studio or one bedroom.
  9. You notice this isn't about right or wrong it is about Trump. You notice no one identifies their own orgin that would shine the light of hypocrisy on them as if their so call orgin is without faults. Yet they defend a country their leaders who hate our guts. These fellas talk as if they were born in heaven if there is such a place 🤣
  10. What isn't relevant are guys like this who think their S Don't stick. Look at it this way who he is what he is where he is from all not relevant because there is nothing one can say to a person who has a H up their A! But I do believe he did he went silent during COVID especially when he Q up in Bangkok for his Pfizer donated by the U.S. when the situation turn deadly cases rise to 25,000 plus a day. Thai front line workers who only got Sino were dropping like flies the country was in major lockdown. 250,000 doses save for any expat, including Chinese mailand Chinese. On top U.S. donated another 20 million cash another 40 plus Million in medical supplies, ventilators. What we call people like this HYPOC!
  11. Funny, I'll take a real good guess those length of stay data was there already. Now they got hooker from everywhere it's a problem🤣
  12. For example: My 90 day report was Feb 17th, which I did not do! I left for the U.S. Feb 15th, I returned March 2nd, my reset 90 days report will be June 2nd, 15 days before or 7 days after, which I have to do in person at Jomtien there after I will be able to do it again online.
  13. For Jomtien! If on a retirement Extension whether traveling domestic or International Returning to SAME address do not need to file a new TM30. If domestic 90 day report can still be done online. If International, your next 90 report must be done in person.
  14. Is there no shame or pride with these official as they continue to get rich off the misery of their people. Until Thais demand blood it will never change.
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