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  1. I was recently helping a friend with his finances and notice 15 baht being charged try o use his ATM to withdraw Thai baht from his account Krungthai.
  2. "prompted reflection" No surprise here you got to know the problem to do something about it, expert have told them for years what need to be done but nothing to move the needle forward. Everything is about tourist, appearances as a world class destination while leaders do little.🤣
  3. Years ago my village people were stealing these meters report them take report to PWA, you get a new one. Meantime I got some PVC pipe modified it attached the two ends free water.🤣 neighbors saw what I did followed they came out quick after.🤣
  4. My experience with insurance here. The policy does it indicate it is to be taken to dealer or an independent. If independent the insurance company normally dictates to their shop they do business with. As far as I know you can't decide on your own or get estimates.
  5. Even if you go in clean time in the spin cycle you come out dirty🤣
  6. Even if you go in clean time in the spin cycle you come out dirty🤣
  7. It really isn't the leaders fault The massive problem is there is no real Master plan it is just build as you go, no oversight and those in charge specifically the job given is based on nepotism so stepping on toes come with a heavy price so today it continues. Take roads like Klang and Nua, the have put the wires under able to lay and create sidewalks but still you got electrical poles here and there! They not have a Master plan a standard nor understand the use of Utility Easement to obtain a standard. Then you got sidewalks cement bricks laid on top of sand when it rain water sip in between after time creates a sink hole and undermines the walkway. You hear a lot of noise from leaders and that is the major problem no matter who is in charge they all become corrupt to the core.🤣
  8. I'm Chinese American you got that right as far as Im concern they can drop a bomb on both next time their leaders meet. When Thailand got hit Tsunami is a great example, when Haiti got hit while U.S. billon China gave 250 million 2nd largest economy! The list is so long it isn't funny yet U.S. continues to get blasted over and over even when they try to fix it. People negatives isn't about the issue but who issue the directive.Im not a Republican nor need to wear a MAGA hat to know in less than 250 years the contribution that has been made, but stopping aid and reviewing the give aways is the right decision. I saw another 15 million to El Salvador for their trans gender operation. If it was me in charge I would plaster the head of USAids for it is they responsible fo or any dealth hardship. Our government leaders particular the left pander to Unions/Association's , and I'm a Union person to get votes saying they need the best and b🤣ightest to compete with private sectior how is that working. I ask those who think the closure bashing the U.S. whatever country you from better start looking at your own country.leaders and your own programs before speaking nonsense reasons it is long over due. This is a first, next NATO, UN, WHO, which China pays 35 M, created the virus pandemic, U.S. 500 M, right or wrong provided the world with the Pfizer vaccine. As I remember Thailand! Front line everyone got Sino, at one stage outbreak daily was 25,000, front line who all got Sino were dropping like flies, Italy donated ? doses but that was for only Italian not bashing them, U.S. through the effort of Senator Duckworth got millions of Pfizer donated in which 200,000 plus was to be set aside to Americans and Expats I got mines in Bangkok Medpark hospital in line weren't just Americans this included Chinese National on top U.S. threw in another 40 million plus in medical equipment. I've lived here close to 20 years doing so I've learn to appreciate America and the education and opportunities I didnt appreciate prior. The U.S. has done bad and good what country who hasn't done bad let them case the first stone from their own glass house. Others who think their <deleted> don't stink got some half ass reason to justify their reason personally I end by saying GO F- YOURSELF. AND DO IT WITHOUT OUR AID.
  9. List: For start 50 Million for Condoms to Gaza!
  10. Maybe you missed some history this US created agency by JFK in the past through normal channels refuse to answer to Congress as to accountability of funds. The agency in fact felt they weren't even being funded their boss US Government that nose thumbing is well known. You speak humanity, fairness giving a bit of warning, if China, Russia did this no one would be saying a thing just like no one is holding China for COVID except U.S. The only blame for any and all resulting in the stoppage of aid until review lays squarely on those who were running the agency!
  11. You must be living in a cave, you can google it and the proof is right there it doesn't matter who found it! he has also said clearly FBI, CIA, Pentagon are all going to feel some pain! I'm also in support of any President who cut, shut, THEN REVIEW AS THEY ARE DOING WITH USAIDS, W.H.O, NATO, UNITED NATION, ON AND ON AND ON! PERSONALLY IF THAT IS TOO PAINFUL FOR THE WORLD BE MY GUESS GO CHINA! AND WHEN YOU DO DON'T COME BACK!
  12. It was started with good intend but it has gone off the tracks like many other programs, it isn't any dictatorships the Adminitration is asking it to be the agency any agency that it is time to review these aids to make sure the money is going to where it is intended this is no different in your own household! So the saving can go first to those who fund the aid when we can help ourselves then we are better able to help others. There has been no indication that we are retracting from the world. What the U.S. is asking accountability for the money tax payor provide for these Aids, nothing more nothing less as you would in your personal life.
  13. It isn't a narrow view the more the U.S. the more we get blasted for nation building have some intend etc.. people around the world have their hands out and when U.S. ask for them to pay their share, be accountable it is what " narrow view " what is narrow in reality is your own view unable to get the big picture. I like you just want our tax money to go where it actually benefits for the intent have you even seen the list of donation or so call aid then you got a U.S. agency with employees who think the money comes from the world and not U.S. alone thumb their nose that they not need to be accountable. It is just USAid, more is coming even if this Adminitration doesn't get it all their way the message has been sent to everyone in the world. To those who seem to think China, is the answer go don't let the door hit you on the way out I say your choice go and live with it in time you will find out who is really the devil in sheep clothing. Any narrow view comes from you own bias!
  14. Right Bravo, the US gives 500 billion to the WHO which they in turn give Thailand like 10-15 million to help with the road death, what does Thailand leaders do every year for that money put up signs on the road yet after 20 years they are still top of the list. IS EVERY DEATH IN THAILAND ON THE ROAD THEN THE U.S. FAULT!

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