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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Currencies going up or down - double-edged sword. It's benefit/problems depends on the economic sector you focus on that are using it.
  2. I read after asking the other day, that foreigners cannot at the moment use Mae Sai/Tachilek. You can go north-east from there and go over to Laos from Chiang Khong..it will cost you $40 visa on arrival though...small basic town on other side. Plus side..big bottles Beer Lao fot 40 baht !
  3. Wonder where Viet Nam is in that ranking ? I thought they are the highest IQ in the developing region ignoring Singapore (developed) ? Anyway, my money is in Vietnam over next 20 years from these developing nations.. they are going pull in the tourists and manufacturing from Thailand like nobodies business meanwhile dancing pony gov.t policy makers go round in circles daily - as they seem to be not "samart".
  4. I'd wait to be on the safe side till the add-on rules are published. Never set yourself up to be put over a barrel by someone in officialdom.
  5. 600 baht a month for electricity in a house with a/c on briefly over 1 hour or less to take humidity away at times in one room...stunningly cheap vs what I was paying in the UK with gas/electricity up 50,000 baht a year or more on old bills with cheapest supllier for my area. Standing charge on gas/electric in UK alone more than my bill here. It is of course another pressure on breadline income people here - and I get that.
  6. The best proposal these dancing ponies can come up with is - well thought out stable, simple rules that are not chopped and changed every few months...it's the spectre of ever shifting sand rules that adds a bit of background stress to being an expat here...always staying up to speed on the latest changes to rules to stay. In the world, is there any other country that dials their tourism and immigration rules so much as this one...?
  7. Exactly the conclusing on belly toning I'm coming to - except it is going to upper neck problems. Thanks for sharing that.
  8. just move to suburbs of CM that are not saturated with foreigners. You keep the amenity of CM that CR does not have and can get off the beaten path here fast. Look along ping river going south...easy and fast back into the city might find a house like that on stilts next to river = covered one direction for near noise.
  9. They will have their wifi at entry points..they added me to network in kl.
  10. Yip, that whole MySejahtera thing is a nightmare. It was best to register through their alternate web portal first, not phone app with QR screenshot of vaccines. I had to reach out to them on twitter as their phone app support was awful. I had to get them to complete it also on arrival....utter mess vs thaipass before. Usually tech savvy, the Malaysia app was a brickwall for me. Here is website interface - faster. https://www.mysafetravel.gov.my/application
  11. 5000IU plus a centrum pill that had "100% RDA Vit D" over a very long time 2 years plus..it was higher back last year...10,000IU in Europe.
  12. I actually came off D3 just now...had symptoms of overdose....bone pain etc...between sun and good D3 food I think that is enough here vs overcast northern hemisphere climes.
  13. Ooooh, nasty for Mae Sai bounce...additional covid insurance and ATK test result for what is in effect an OUT/IN in less than an hour for most.
  14. Best gift the country could get would be a solid month without these strategy idea morons being given a mic...it's relentless.
  15. ...anyone know border bounce situation Mae Sai July 2022...? Needing ATK to get into Myanmar then your vaccine cert. to get back in ?
  16. Anywhere that is good and doing group classes of Pilates in Chiang Mai now mid-2022 ? Seems to be quite pricey 1-2-1 option only looking at a few.....
  17. Over the long-term I just guess these shell company property ownership paths could have issues to be dealt with $$$$.
  18. This is usufruct, right ? I'd not touch it with a bargepole here...the owner and local govt. cabals extorting your position in some manner after you sink money on the house. R.E.N.T....least you can move easily if the landscape changes....new karaoke/metal grinder next door.
  19. Does that not involve minimum employees/pensions and all the rest if you mean forming company only to buy prop ?
  20. They should give out high 24%+ THC weed to the Thai side workers. It will improve their work rate, I'm sure.
  21. and the cascading 1984 style 'narrative control' that seeped across most relatively free speech platforms in that period. Thanks China...you're awesome.
  22. Yes, thanks for the biolab virus that wrecked the world for 2+ years.
  23. GLOOMcore religion. Could not stay in a country with that religion as the dominant one.
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