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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Hashish - Can we buy it ? If yes, any leads ?
  2. I'll smoke some of that over prikpot stuff.... Wake up next day with a skateboard and an attitude.
  3. When did he write in LP and when did the mobs hit....am curious...early 90s or something ?
  4. To stae the obvious, why do these morons dwell in overseas extradition agreement countries ? Low IQ no doubt.
  5. 158 posts now on this - really ?
  6. "planned ‘tourist tax’ put on ‘indefinite’ backburner" 50% nearer a bar fine now for many...
  7. https://www.healthshots.com/preventive-care/self-care/4-long-term-side-effects-of-dengue-fever/
  8. The manufacturer recommends it only below age 45 for whatever reason ..can't remeber lower age but they do not suggest to take it prior to dengue...kids were dying in Philippines from the vaccine. https://www.cmmediclinic.com/Dengue-Vaccine-Chiang-Mai.html Anyone who has had it will know why its called brokebone syndrome...I felt 100 years old at the worst of it and the sky was rippling slowly like a swimming pool..I was also mis-diagnosed. Dreading getting it again. Highest risk is supposed to be 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset.
  9. Had it once - was hell - hospitalised. If you get it a 2nd time higher risk again to health and mortality. Dengvaxia is also a very risky vaccine...only administered if you have had dengue before and only up to age 45. Need a safer vaccine asap for all ages.
  10. I found ADV-150 too sensitive to movement off-centre vs Nmax..maybe it was the tyre contact area but I never seemed to be done re-balancing it. Aerox = hit your knees on the upper fins if over 180cm high. Personally prefer the latest Nmax to the lot above.
  11. One more lockdown away from a Sri Lanka event...? Doubt it, but if they saying that its near some kind of domino collapse.
  12. If needing taxi girls, semi-lux accom. imported booze and western food always.. - impossible.
  13. Hi, have any of you exited Thailand through Don Mueang Airport in July ? Excessive queuing times to clear immigration ? Just want to plan ahead and not hit massive queues and miss my flight.....
  14. Dear god that price difference....100 grams vs 1 gram ! If they hybridise the Thai and exotic stuff would that make it grow wild vs all the greenhouse gymnastics ?
  15. if your are in Thailand, - you probably are..more youthful attitude to older guys here than the 'walking dead' back in the UK I saw every day...
  16. If they do, that will torpedo a lot of applicants...how many unders 26s etc have that in the bank that want to have a good time in Thailand ? I'd have been screwed back in day on that requirement. Wish they would just move to 90-visa exempt on arrival like Malaysia. Simplicity.
  17. Yip, the entire system is woeful - but why should it be any different from officialdom IN Thailand...has the fingerprint of ill-thought out requirement logic steps with no checkbox below some questions that simply says "Not applicable". Got my METV first time - but it was a fatiguing triplecheck of all requirements and an asnwer to one question that landed in my spam inbox which I luckily spotted.
  18. Ditto, excluding beer....usually windows and doors left unlocked/open when I go out....benefits of no through road.
  19. Yes, evisa site a mess. I wonder how many give up not knowing you can upload blank jpgs or "not applicable" on white background jpg. I think no-one wants to tell them it seems like an unpassable wall for fear of repurcussion on their name. I.E. your application website is a dog's <deleted>/logicbomb/completely unpassable face value requirements headache. The good old days of a triple TV from Hull UK...bit of A4 printed, passport and couple passport sized photos or similar.
  20. Should make a statue like that at general entrance to Pattaya.
  21. God, it just gets more granular on every level of these rules !
  22. But if you border hop back to same address...need to re-register TM30 for same address ? Slightly different to travel within Thailand. Can't keep up at times with all the immi. policy tweaks !
  23. So basically in 2022 if at same address long-term in Thailand, but you visit somewhere else in Thailand you don't have to re-register your main address in Chiang Mai now...? That would be great....less hassle.
  24. That clears everything up.
  25. oh..old news we have "Centaurus" now.... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/12/centaurus-virologists-express-concern-at-new-covid-subvariant-omicron The BA.2.75 variant – nicknamed “Centaurus” ....the new jabbering meme for this year...and exactly nicknamed by who....?
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