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Posts posted by Mango-Guy

  1. That's very rare for a Thai (especially an educated Thai) to not understand the value of money !!! What does "part of the deal" mean ? Could it be that you live in a location that she is less keen on ? I know (educated) Thai women in the UK that work / run business here while there family is in BKK precisely because the $ signs are ringing in. Maybe she just misses Thailand and wants to go back regardless of money in international terms.

  2. I love reading posts from the few Thai women that dare to enter the Farang Pub, but I don't think "being a Thai woman" (a qualifier that appears in almost every posting) necessarily makes the poster an expert on Thai women.

    Just as my being a farang does not make me an expert on "farang men" - either way it's just too broad a subject.

  3. I'd definitley aim for as much Western education / language as possible as the kids will pick up the Thai culture / language just by being there. It's almost a losing battle for an LK to become fully Thai as the farang parent will always be an achilles heel - the better aproach IMHO is for the LK to be raised as an international person (which she is and which is a competitive advantage) that has near native credentials.

  4. Stroll, that's an interesting point about money. We HAD a Thai friend for a number of yeards, but we got tired of the constant requests and guilt-tripping about borrowing money - especially when we were short ourselves. It was a shame to let a friendship of many years go, but constant money requests (even though we would eventually manage to get repaid) turned things sour. :o

  5. I was going to write a sarky comment following on from Shopgurls convulted theories about (sheltered) Thai girls gravitating towards farangs, but thought I'd start a new thread on the subject.

    I don't believe that so many Thai guys are gay or near gay. And I wonder about the true extent of their infideities.

    However, I don't really know any ? How about you expats, have you managed to make any Thai male friends (mates, buddies - not boyfriends !!) Maybe brother in laws or something ? How about Thai speaking farangs, do you have Thai male mates?

  6. I didn't have any problem reading your mega post, though writing in paragraphs would make it easier. You hit on most of the negatives in Britain but what about the positives:

    - great pubs, great beer, great laughs

    - food from all over the world (if you're in London)

    - fantastic motoways, beautiful country lanes

    - honest coppers (generally)

    - long summer evenings

    - crisp winter mornings

    - "jumpers for goalposts" (fast show)

    If you're in your 20's you have plenty of time to do whatever you want. Spending a year or two in Thailand would be a good idea, and would at least make you stop wishing you were there, but stick to the beaten track like BKK, Pattaya, Chiang-Mai. Learn the language, that way you won't need to keep yapping about Golden Balls to your brother in law. You could even try living in both places: 8 months in LOS and 4 months in UK (for work). Loads of opportunites as time is on your side.

    PS: Next time you're in the wrong when driving, try saying SORRY. I cut someone up a few weeks back, he pulled beside me to slag me off and I just apologised - I mean it WAS my fault. Totally disarmed the guy and made us both feel better. :o

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