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Posts posted by finy

  1. Tried to buy a mini 2 in Cambodia today, but they don't have any left in the country.

    Not paying an extra $100 for fingerprint ID on mini 3 when mini 4 will be out in November.

    Does Thailand actually have any mini 2s available so I can buy one there when I come?

    Also, they still have 64/128bg models listed which were stopped last year, so are they actually new or refurbished?

    I know I can buy from online, but already taken money out the bank here and my Thai bank cards are set to be cash machine only.

    Don't want to get there and find none are available or I will jump off the tallest building to see if I can fly.

  2. Wordpress dot ORG, not dot COM.

    Go self-hosted and you own your property.

    Here is an example of a few sites I own with a basic premium theme so you can get an idea what they look like - http://ninjabody.com http://lucidability.com

    Perhaps you'd be able to build something better on your own, but something like that is okay to get started.

    I know you didn't ask but I'd get my domain name from Moniker or Namecheap, the hosting from BlueHost or HostGator.

    Don't get name and hosting from same company as they can hold your name to ransom if there is a problem with your site.

  3. I'm worried about what No Appologist was talking about.

    I had to leave when the coup happened and I had over 2 years of visa exempts from Mai Sai, many different tourist visas, and a few overstay stamps.

    Luckily I have a clean passport now, but I don't want to waste it on a stamp I'll use for 1 day to get the bus up to Laos if it will bite me in the ass.

    I don't want to get a flight as I have all the time in the world and I'd rather not waste money.

    I think I'll just get a single from Cambodia and head to Laos 3 months later. Not worth the risk.

    Why is it necessary to enter Thailand if you're going to Laos?

    If you have plenty of time why don't you bus to Savannakhet from Cambodia and get a double entry tourist visa. That'll give you 6 months with a couple of extensions and one border run to Myanmar. Seems to me that saves you both time, money, and an unnecessary visa exempt entry.

    It's meant to be torture.

    I don't mind VIP buses and trains, but only in Thailand.

    But you're right, I could bus it from PP to Laos.

  4. I'm worried about what No Appologist was talking about.

    I had to leave when the coup happened and I had over 2 years of visa exempts from Mai Sai, many different tourist visas, and a few overstay stamps.

    Luckily I have a clean passport now, but I don't want to waste it on a stamp I'll use for 1 day to get the bus up to Laos if it will bite me in the ass.

    I don't want to get a flight as I have all the time in the world and I'd rather not waste money.

    I think I'll just get a single from Cambodia and head to Laos 3 months later. Not worth the risk.

  5. I'm in Siem Reap right now and want to come back to Thailand (Samui).

    I have three options:

    1 - Get a visa exemption and make my way straight to Laos for a double visa.

    2 - Make my way to Laos from Cambodia which will probably be worse than torture.

    3 - Just get a single visa and go from Samui to Laos in 3 months.

    Obviously 1 is the best and easiest option, but I don't want 'extra' visa exemption stamps in my passport if they'll look bad in the future.

    I'll hopefully be able to stay for a year or so before I need to leave for a while again.

    What do you think is the best option?

  6. Thanks for the replies.

    Regarding the first poster, it will actually be a cellular model. I was just hoping I would walk into somewhere like DTAC and buy a new sim card to replace the old one. The place I stay doesn't actually have Wi-Fi and I have a dongle, but won't work on the iPad.

    I looked around for a decent Android tablet but don't think any compare to the iPad at the moment. It is actually the mini I want, so the only real alternatives were the Nexus 9 and Samsung S 8.4.

  7. I'm also blown away by how cheap the US is.

    In my neck of the woods (Edinburgh) it's very expensive to live.

    Sharing a flat in the city with 2-3 other people would still probably cost $500 per month (excluding bills) if you lived anywhere where the police will go.

    Outside the city in a small town my dad rents a small house for over $1000 per month. Crazy.

  8. Never read the whole tread, but a few months ago a dozen 'digital pikeys' got busted at a co-working space and hauled to immigration.

    There was a mix up and immigration thought they were working for co-working space, but after they explained to them how they make their money they were let go.

    I think they even recieved a goodie bag for bringing US dollars into Thailand to spend inside the ecomony, but so far this has been unconfirmed.

  9. All the dicussion here is revolving around being a salarymen. Only a select few people working for others actually enjoy a lavish life. IMHO one needs to take risk and set up their own business if they really want to be rich. By rich I mean having a private plane, exotic car, vacation home in beverly hills, a personal chef etc.

    And for every 1 that succeeds like that 10,000 fail
    But its more like 1 in 100,000 for a salarymen to lead a "rich" lifestyle. Maybe some of the FORTUNE 500 CEO's, and thats it. The International school I went to in KL cost 15k usd a year, a good engineer in Bangkok makes what? 60-70k baht, thats like 24k a year. Man being a salarymen sucks.

    A good engineer, assuming farang, can make Thb 500 to 700k m

    If £15K per month is the ceiling it's easy to understand why digital pikeys are dreaming bigger.

    • Like 1
  10. and its a single room for me,,,,

    look up things,,,

    managers, inspectors, single rooms and loads of money...lol

    Probably too old for porn then anyway.

    I'm pleased for you, you've started out as a welder and eventually worked your way up to QC inspector over the course of your life time. You probably work in the kind of places that affords you a nice wage.

    Still no reason to take it out on the youngsters though. If they're not earning the same as you in 30 years they'll still be earning more than they're earning now.

    Don't know much about welding, but I think I knew someone making a lot of bank working with high tension cables on OZ when he was really young (no doubt through contacts)

    i dont mind a bit of porn, im only 54,,

    i was out last week in soyo talking to a beautiful young congalees girl,, beauitiful my freind,

    ive been a supervisor for years, im good at comunication, and i was good at my job when welding, so they make you up, i paid for my own welding inspectors course, CSWIP 3.1,

    and as for being away for 6 months,,, look at it the way i do,,


    and as for some one doing my wife, i dont think that will happen, my wife is very happy with our life, we have a sucsesful pig,duck, chicken and fish farm, shes to busy when im not there,,lol,

    all this about pickys came about over visas,, im not jelouse about anyone in this world, young or old,

    i have a very good life its the way the pickys go on about what they do and dont do without the proper visas,

    its not about you being younger then me,, ive been there, ive made the mistakes that you will make,

    ive got one regret and that is i should of come to thailand earlyer, strait after i got divorced in england,

    so to you young guns no malis here, no envy here,, you go for it,,

    but you will make mistakes we all do and we all will,

    i still make the odd ones, taking the wrong job offer, ect,

    be happy everyone

    and ps,, i know i cant spell

    When I said that about the wives I was only messing around.

    Young pikeys get a lot of stick on here, so got to fight back cheesy.gif

    It's funny, I'l met plenty of FIFO workers offline and they all seem like decent blokes, but on TV most seem like knobs.

    Maybe it's just an internet thing.

    • Like 2
  11. Also, I remember someone mentioning $500 per day for rig work.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that around $7500 per month?

    That isn't very much when you think about it, especially when you spend half the year away from home.

    Let's say a degree in engineering takes 4 years, so in 4 years a digital pikey could possibly reach about half that monthly wage.

    Then they'll soon exceed it over the next decade.

    Digital pikey for the win.

    Even teachers who earn enough to live comfortably probably enjoy a better life.

    500/day is at the bottom end of the pay scale for people starting, if your going to start trying to prove a point at least work with an average of say 1200/day

    If you excude the very successful digital pikeys like Mark Zuck and Bill Gates, O+G workers will probably make more per month on average over the long term, but it's all about priorities and how badly you want the money.

    For example, with some digital businesses you only need to work on them a few hours per week when they're up and running. If that gave you enough money to live the lifestyle you wanted why trade it in for working 12 hour shifts.

    I personally can't remember any ROV techs or Ocean Seismic Surveyors I knew making anything what you're talking about after years in the job, but maybe they worked for different companies.

  12. Also, I remember someone mentioning $500 per day for rig work.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that around $7500 per month?

    That isn't very much when you think about it, especially when you spend half the year away from home.

    Let's say a degree in engineering takes 4 years, so in 4 years a digital pikey could possibly reach about half that monthly wage.

    Then they'll soon exceed it over the next decade.

    Digital pikey for the win.

    Even teachers who earn enough to live comfortably probably enjoy a better life.

    • Like 1
  13. and its a single room for me,,,,

    look up things,,,

    managers, inspectors, single rooms and loads of money...lol

    Probably too old for porn then anyway.

    I'm pleased for you, you've started out as a welder and eventually worked your way up to QC inspector over the course of your life time. You probably work in the kind of places that affords you a nice wage.

    Still no reason to take it out on the youngsters though. If they're not earning the same as you in 30 years they'll still be earning more than they're earning now.

    Don't know much about welding, but I think I knew someone making a lot of bank working with high tension cables on OZ when he was really young (no doubt through contacts)


    hey souty,

    weve seen these young guns come offshore full of beens and there self importence,,, to go home like broken boys,,,lol


    But at least they've got enough youth and time

    to turn their hand to something else. What kind

    of job can your ability to push/pull a giant

    monkey-wrench get you outside the oil & gas


    Do they share a bed with another guy for a month?

    Could think of a few career paths they'd need to compete with digital pikeys for.

    Btw does anyone in Thailand apart from the desperate even make porn videos, or is it just something people like to fantasize about on TV?

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