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Posts posted by finy

  1. I only live in Asia so I can wear shorts, a vest top, and flip flops every day.cheesy.gif

    I don't know why people care about iffy characters anyway. If you're stupid enough to get scammed it's your own fault, but if not just let them get on with their lives.

    I've met some shady characters who were obviously dealers in their own country, but when you meet them in a gym setting them come across as nice guys.

    I've also met a few people who totally creeped me out and I wanted to get away from them as fast as possible.

  2. 2 blank pages in my passport, but the 12 month multiple visa I have now is a nice safety net.

    Of course I'll need to come back in 2 (possibly 3) months to order a new passport, but the weather in SHK is poo at the moment and I miss my house with kitchen on Samui near Tesco cheesy.gif

    If anyone knows how I can prove my address in Thailand without giving the criminal embassy 3000bht for a stamp and running up and down from Samui to BKK I'm all ears.

  3. I'm just talking about Western Union.

    You can transfer money into your account for free and it will take 3 days, or you can collect at an agent within a day and as long as you transfer £501 it will cost you about £2.51 in fees.

    I keep my money in the UK and transfer abroad when needed, but I guess you're right and if I was transferring a huge amount of cash over I'd look for the cheapest option.

  4. In Chiang Mai they opened a Bangkok Bank account for me with a tourist visa.

    In Bangkok they asked me to go to embassy to get passport certified first.

    In Koh Samui they said they couldn't do it, then I showed them my other passbooks and they opened it right away.

    They basically don't know what they're doing lol

    BTW on their website, BB, it does state anyone can open a bank account.

  5. Left Thailand about a month ago and got a 12 month visa for Cambodia.

    Don't have any blank pages in passport now, but do have a few half pages + an entry left on a double tourist visa that expires on 12th Sep.

    My passport is full of visa exeptions and tourist visas.

    My current guest house is getting taken over at end of month and it's closing for a while, so thought I might pop back into Thailand for a few months then come back to Cambo to order my new passport.

    If I get bus to Bangkok do you think I'll have any problems crossing the border?

    I can print a bank statement and show my 12 month visa for Cambodia, but don't know if that will be enough.

  6. I know a good place to stay in Lamai for 6.5K per month if anyone is interested. Has kitchen, sat TV, electricity, water, secure, 2 min walk to beach, 5 minutes to gym and tesco, plus a few minutes further to get into center of town. I thought it was decent anyway, I can post pics if someone is looking.

    I actually stay in Sihanoukville now and prefer it to Samui, so I don't think I'll becoming back but it's still a nice island.

  7. My guess is most of the people telling you to stay in the UK are old.

    Times have changed and school isn't important any more.

    Home school them. Apart from general knowledge in a few different subjects math and language (English) along with maybe physics are the only important ones.

    Teach them about sales and marketing too, which you will learn yourself as you build your online business, and your kids will be running their own companies like everyone else will in a few years when the machines take over (unless everyone wants to end up on the dole).

    I am not old but having raised 4 kids I have a good idea of what it costs.

    He cannot go without family health insurance for 1 thing as the $$$ he siad he has is not near enough to self insure when you have kids involved...& even that single item will be a big burden on the finances he said he has.

    I wasn't really referring to health insurance, but more to do with schooling.

    I have pretty decent grades, including a few highers. Also lots of technical qualifications during my time in the air force.

    I make more money now than I did after 5 years as an aircraft tech and I believe it's simply down to having a basic grasp of English and the ability to think analytically, plus everything else I've taught myself in the last few years.

    Stuff like geography and history are important, but I can't believe people still pay for international schools when they could just home school their kids.

    Please note: this advice doesn't apply if they want to be an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc.

    • Like 1
  8. My guess is most of the people telling you to stay in the UK are old.

    Times have changed and school isn't important any more.

    Home school them. Apart from general knowledge in a few different subjects math and language (English) along with maybe physics are the only important ones.

    Teach them about sales and marketing too, which you will learn yourself as you build your online business, and your kids will be running their own companies like everyone else will in a few years when the machines take over (unless everyone wants to end up on the dole).

    • Like 2
  9. Walking about with bare feet is my biggest pet peeve.

    And telling me all about their monumental journey, which would be great if I didn't hear the same thing from every other backpacker I speak to.

    But I like backpackers as they're free-spirited and the birds usually have sexy tanned bodies which might be something to do with the lack of food they've been eating over the last X months.

    I would consider myself a backpacker as I live out of a 30ltr backpack, but I hate going around looking at things so I don't know if that counts.

  10. Do you know what I find really sad about all of this?

    Oil workers (I'm targeting these people because they're obviously smart and they have 6 months of free time on their hands) could easily take their month of free time and build a 6-figure B2B service business within 3-5 years, possibly even less.

    Then they could work from a beach (or wherever in Thailand they live) and spend all the time in the world with their family, all while having no boss, making more than they're making now, and not having to work 12 hour shifts on a rig with sweaty other men.

    But instead they just dismiss digital nomads as losers because if you search online for ways to make money you are fed MLM and filling in survey offers.

    I'm sure other smart people could do it too, and you could fire your boss and wake up when you want.

    I ask anyone with some intelligence to look into it a little more because they might like what they find. <deleted> you're just offering someone a solution to a problem and charging them for it. Who cares if it's offline, online, or on the moon?

    • Like 1
  11. It's an unregulated biz and encompasses everything from 419 scams to selling handicrafts and million dollar plus antiques.

    C'mon dude, surely you can say the exact same thing about a plumber or an electrician who runs around fixing homes off the books.

    A digital nomad is just someone who sells services, physical products, or non-physical products online.

    I bet George from TV could run his business from anywhere making him a digital nomad.

    Yeah, you do get people who sell pyramid schemes, etc. But like I said, there are bad apples in the online and offline world.

    The fact your painting the entire online world in a negative light through ignorance isn't very fair.

  12. Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own life.

    I am sure the average self respecting drug dealer says the same thing...wink.png

    BTW whats an in/outer ? some new sex game involving a TGAU rolleyes.gif

    I'm not sure if there is a connection between someone who deals drugs and someone who decides to run a business from a website instead of a physical store.

    Weren't you the guy that mentioned selling stuff on eBay? Yeah, running to the post office to collect bulk supplies and running out again to ship them one by one sounds like an online business to me whistling.gif

    And in-outer could just be sex involving nothing else, so I don't even need to know what TGAU means.

  13. Thailand isn't interested in busting these digital gypos or whatever they are called. Selling fake designer stuff on ebay. Thailand just wants them to cough up the cash for a non-imm visa which they all seem very reluctant to do.

    fake designer stuff on ebay, "professional" gambling on line, porn sites, these are some of the reason's why there will never be a "digital nomad" type visa/set up simply because it cant be controlled as what some one gets up to as regards running an on line "business"

    Yeah you're right there SP most of these digital gypos are porn mongers. It's the small timers selling the fake stuff.

    That's not a very nice thing to say considering the unsavory stuff people could say about in/outers (which I think you are?)

    Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own life.

  14. the vast majority of "digital nomads" are not nomads at all, they are working through shelf limited companies in places like HK and other places, and they are working on line to clients in their own countries and invoicing company to company to offset/minimise personal tax payable in their own countries or so they can be paid by their "clients", as some clients will not pay indivduals directly for on line work in their own countries due to taxation issues unless you have a legal entity set up, ie a limited company or similar vehicle

    How many people do you know that the above actually applies to?

    I personally know dozens of digi nomads in Thailand and have connections with scores more.

    None of them fall into the above category.

    They are nearly all one man and his laptop making his own living in life. They don't work for or through any companies in foreign countries and very few have clients of any sort.

    This is what I'll do when I go back to the UK or a European country tbh and I think it's pretty common.

    Set up a company in HK (where you don't pay tax on money you earn outside HK) and just pay myself a wage when I'm living in UK for more than 3 months of year.

    Why should I pay full tax when Google, Starbucks, and Amazon can get around it cheesy.gif

    I would do the same in Thailand too if they wanted to tax me on my earnings, which I'd be totally fine with paying.

    It's a shame people from the US can't do stuff like that, but I do know people with companies in HK who don't pay any tax on the first 100K they make per year when they're living outside US.

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