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Everything posted by falang07

  1. Well, it was the very first thing that came to my mind. Too many young people died suddenly in the last 2 years for no other obvious reason.
  2. the pharma industry must love you ????
  3. "adding that more than half of the cases reported between November 6th and 12th are not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated, leaving them vulnerable." More than half? So something like the elections in the US, 49% : 51%? Or is it the other way around? The vaccinated having more serious symptoms? Just wondering ????
  4. Nothing lasts forever, be happy you did not fix your salary in crypto ????
  5. "the gun went off entirely by accident hitting Somchai in the groin" What a coincidence!
  6. I am sure this is impossible. No license = insurance is void. If the insurance is not attached to a specific person, then any person can ride it and be covered IF AND ONLY IF they have a valid driving license. Period.
  7. How could such naive people get hold of hundreds of millions Baht is beyond me.
  8. C'mon, exactly this has been done to us for some 3 years so please stop this nonsense. Finally the stupid mask mandate is over!
  9. Amazing, thanks for sharing!
  10. wow, a mask will save the mankind, no more diseases ????
  11. In previous years it was called flu and schools did not close because of it (most of the times). It is called "training the immunity".
  12. After I have seen how Thais are scared of Covid and keep using the masks like crazy, I stopped believing that they are not afraid to die because of Buddhism. Bull***.
  13. This quite substantially lowers the real value then, especially in times of further possible Covid 2 or Covid X when it might be again difficult to travel.
  14. OMG, he has NO shirt when on a boat and/or swimming, we are all doomed now.
  15. Nothing has changed, the US flights have not been banned when the USA attacked other countries either. And they were attacking countries far from their home land, somewhere whey they should not be at all. Russia, on the other hand, is protecting their immediate neighbourhood and regions that they had in their possession historically, too. I do not remember USA having any interests in Libya or other countries apart from the oil and greed. AND let's not forget that even the land they call home now was stolen from the "Indians". .
  16. So you want a maid who will also give you free massages (I am sure you expect the extras, too :-)) and want to pay her a few thousands a month? C'mon, you either pay a proper price (i.e. tens of thousands per month) and can expect some win-win situation and a reasonable trust in there (she gets reasonable money so she will be happy, too), or you can not afford such a maid and this is not going to work.
  17. I would say the real ones would be better, why bother with fakes ????
  18. I would try Povidone or even alcohol, just to kill any germs immediately and effectively.
  19. just make sure you are fine with the fact thet they will wire it to you via their local Thai partner so this will not show up as an international transfer on your bank statment and you will not be able to use it for buying a condo, for instance
  20. If it is urgent, you might try to travel to the Thai borders and connect to one of the operators from the neigbouring countries and use roaming to receive the OTP SMS through them.
  21. I have the same problem with AIS. Bank is in Cyprus, stopped receiving OTP messages. Not possible to resolve, AIS keeps saying not their problem. It is obviously being blocked on the Thai gateway working above the mobile operators.
  22. I suppose you are fully vaccinated so what are you afraid of? And why did you get the vaccine if the first place if you do not trust it?
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