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Posts posted by BaronCasey

  1. Tongue ‘n Groove

    Traps with Flaps

    The Glory Hole (gay)

    The Butt Plug (I dare you…)

    Knockers & Knobs (ladyboy bar)

    Trashy Tramps

    The Meat Hole (disgusting but funny!)

    The Money Shot Bar

    The High Tide Bar

    Miss Funny Fanny

    The Rim Job Bar

    Super Slappers

    The Rubber Johnny Bar

    The Beach Boys (gay)

    Here’s my best shot for today: “Lubrications!”

  2. I believe that the amount of cooperation that the Thai’s have provided far exceeds what the Saudis would have provided if the boot was upon the other foot. I spent a little time in Saudi Arabia so I’m reasonably aware of what these people think of every other race or nationality, and so I was not particularly surprised to learn that 15 out of 17 World Trade Centre hijackers were Saudi Arabian. The Thai’s have ample experience of the condescending arrogance and general demanding of these Arabs, so there is no sympathy. For those of us that remember, it used to be common-place to see a “No Arab” sign in the beer-bars of Thailand - and for good reason in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  3. Heard he has got an acting job somewhere

    Rumours emanating from the UK suggest he has been headhunted by the BBC. Jeremy Paxman having gone on a sabbatical, the legendary "Hammer" will be filling in for him presenting Newsnight and University Challenge. Does anybody have any confirmation of this?

    I'm afraid you've been mislead old chap; I've heard on good authority that "Mick ve 'ammer" has been back in the U.K. rallying up support for his application as the new British International Foreign Affairs Minister with remit for Overseas Investment. Apparently, support for him has been better than anticipated and has been coming in from unexpected quarters, including: his own Mum, and her friend Doreen from behind the bar at Tuesday night's Bingo down the High St. Also, Uncle Gerald, who's owned and run the local Peckham Chip shop since Mick was a young nipper, has also pledged his support by creating a special one-off menu item consisting of luke-warm soggy chips sandwiched between two slices of plain white bread and has proudly named it "The Mick's Batty".

  4. It's a terrific Soi. I think it has a little village feel about it. The girls at the Pook Bar are delightful and always very hospitable when I turn up in the early hours of pre-dawn, half-cut and pinch a few bottoms. However I've noticed recently that as I ride pass on my motorbike in any afternoon, one or two of the girls now scowl at me. One of them usually shakes her fist too. I think she likes me.

  5. There are many suspicious elements surrounding the arrest of this individual, most of which have been previously addressed. While not excusable, perhaps he did have a "consensual," sexual relationship with the girl which her mother only recently discovered. But that begs the question of why neighbors or other witnesess did not come forth earlier to report a young girl's visits to a man's home either to the mother and/or the police. With the increased international focus on child abuse, especially in those countries where egregious examples of child rape/molestation have occurred, the likelihood of an older, otherwise sane man raping or molesting a child would seem to defy all common sense and logic. Perhaps the individual in question is indeed a pedophile, perhaps not. As all men know, the little head can and does overrule the big head upon occasion. All men are susceptible to the seductive charms of "Lolita," richly described by the novelist Nabokov in his book of the same name. Regardless of the circumstances of this case, guilt by innuendo or association or outright false statements is unacceptable in any civilized society with an unbiased court of law The evidence for or against him must be clear and unassailable. The embassy involved must take pains to ensure the man's rights are preserved--guilty or not. I agree that this sordid case could happen to any innocent foreigner who got on the wrong side of someone for any reason. If his innocence is established, he should get a public apology from the police and reparations for defamation of character. While not likely to happen, this would send a strong message to the community that if you yell fire in a public place, there better be visible flames and smoke, or you risk getting jailed and/or fined or beaten up by an angry mob inconvenienced by all disregard for public safety.

    Dear Mr overhere. This story by Nabokov to which you refer, involves a middle-aged man who becomes involved in a sexual relationship with a twelve-year-old girl. You claim “All men are susceptible to the seductive charms of "Lolita," richly described by the novelist Nabokov in his book of the same name”. Well. I can assure you with total confidence, that you’re quite wrong - all men are not susceptible at all, the vast majority of normal people find it totally disgusting, hence we have a law against it..! I find your opinion that the story is “richly described” rather indicative, so I can only conclude that you read the book with your ‘big head’ whilst your hand was massaging your ‘little head’. Get help.

  6. Halfway between Pattaya and Bangkok is Chon Buri. North of Chon Buri is a small town called Phan Thong. A few kilometres into the countryside is a temple called Wat Nong Or.

    A couple of K from this Temple, down a load of dirt tracks, there’s an old house on stilts surrounded by paddy-fields where two Adjarns practice Sak Yant tattooing. Both these Adjarns wear animal skin type robes and ornate face masks, and before commencing, they place themselves into a type of self induced ‘trance’ by believing they have taken on the spirit of Por Gai – a Theravada Buddhist spirit known as “Old Man”.

    If you go by bus from Pattaya, go from Sukumvit on the bus towards Bangkok and ask to get off at Chalum Thai (about an hour). Then ring this taxi 081 86 44719 he knows where to go. Or, get to Phan Thong and ring this taxi 08 9808 2618 he also knows where to go (he took me recently). Either taxi need to wait for you to take you back. I got there at midday and several Thais were waiting – just join the queue. Prepare to wait a few hours. Food and drink there OK. Donation 100Baht in an envelope (see the lady). Also donate fruit, drink, cigarettes (this spirit smokes!) on a platter at the foot of the Shrine inside.

    Definitely take a Thai with you (perhaps take a nice bar-girl that already has a Sak Yant and wants another).

    This activity is of significant spiritual or religious significance. So be prepared to make a triple protestation to both the shrine inside, and to the Adjarn himself. If you don’t know how to do this but want to find out, ask someone to show you. If, for personal reasons you don’t wish to perform this action, then maybe go to a tattoo shop in Pattaya instead, because there is a possibility the Adjarn might take offence that you do not respect or follow the teachings of the Buddha…

    Good luck, purchase your offerings in advance, and don’t go without a Thai – you’ll get lost.

  7. Went to The Village Chippy for my first F & C meal! Very good. For 120 baht, a large fish fillet came to the roadside table lightly battered- crispy outside, soft inside & really hot. It was accompanied by a good size portion of chips which also were crispy outside, soft inside & really hot. I'm from New England, so I found their tartar sauce a bit too runny, but tasty nonetheless. Even though I was unable to finish my order (if my TGF ever wants to try F & C, we could both definitely share one of these 120 baht dinners), I think next time I'll try their mushy peas (also for the first time) and probably order some curry sauce, too. The Village Chippy... very good!


    (Try it... if you can't get to Southport!)

    I love it there too - highly recomended.

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