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Posts posted by newsite12

  1. This seems rather odd.

    Ever since this morning, everytime i try to log into my hotmail, i keep getting auto-redirected to Google Thailand.

    My homepoage is actually set to google.co.uk, Now I would usually think that i had picked up a mischievous virus. But the same thing is happening on my girlfriends pc since this morning also.

    I would never even begin to assume that Google was hijacking MSN, but it does seem pretty strange to me.

    Anyone elso out there having the same problems, or maybe you guys reading this from outside Thailand, Just wondering if the asian servers may have been attacked.

  2. Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

    We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

    It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

    If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

    These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

    Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.

    Its not all about money -- its also about power over a child and the stealing of innocence --- its much darker and horrific than just money

    Yes, I realise that there are other motives, but at least if we stemmed the 'Industry' It would be an in-rode. It is the 'Industry' that I believe is the vilest act. The fact that an 'industry' is in esistece fills me with disgust, let alone that it can thrive in the public's face. I am lost for words. Where else would this ber allowed, i have racked my brains trying to think of a country or city where this can exist side by side with the common people.

    Yes their are religeous occults and sects that participate in the act as for a twisted ritualistic purpose. These are usually hidden by a shroud of secrecy and NOT pushed in the faces of people wandering around the soi getting their daily shopping in.

    I think once everyone who purports to be disgusted by this sick trade, should put their money where their mouth is and rise up en-mass and crush these evil monsters into the ground... I do know for one thing.. If these dvds turned up on the streets and markets of my country, then i doubt the seller would live long enough for the police to come and save them. It would be instant mob justice.... What is wrong with the Thai people that they can happily walk on by and get on with their shopping??

  3. Firstly I would like to say that I always feel absolutely disgusted by the nature of child pornography, the mere mention of it generally makes my skin creep.

    We are conatnatly being told that paedophelia is a genetic emotional disorder that can lay dormant in a person, and can be easily switched on and almost impossible to switch back off again.... This is one thing. However, where is the 'excuse' for those who do not have this disorder?? By this i mean the profiteers, the people who are willingly supplying their daughters and nieces or who are in any way involved in the supply of the victims or anyone else involved in the production process of these vile and ghastly forms of twisted 'entertainment'!

    It is apparent that money has a huge part to play in coaxing an individual's desire to get involved at any level of the supply chain. I find it abhorrant that someone can stoop to such depths for the sake of making an 'easy' earner. These 'MONSTERS' (I will not call them animals), even animals don't do that to survive. That also goes for those offering immunity and consideration to this sick industry.

    If I was starving in the gutter, I would comfort death before resorting to these sort of practices to feed myself, and I can not see poverty however extreme as a valid excuse.

    These poor kids will grow up with haunted and disturbed personallities for life. These monsters are actually stealing a perfectly good human life in its youth and smashing that person's entire future to pieces. This goes for the providers of the victims, the performers in the DVDs, the distributers and sellers of this material, the technical staff, the police, judges, defending lawyers and of course the depraved beasts that buy and watch them.

    Each and everyone of them should have their assets removed entirely, houses, cars, businesses, money in the bank... everything should be sold and given to children's charities, and then they should be stripped naked and whipped half to death and then one by one fed feet first into a huge mincing machine and then fed to the pigs. because that's what they are... Pig Shit!!! The lot of them.

  4. Thank you for the positive input. I was not intending to form a company originally, however, certain problems have sent me down the investor route... Since gaining an investor, things have sort of moved ahead at an unexpectedly fast pace. A lot of work now needs to be undertaken and i would prefer it to be done under a 100% legal fasia.

    I remember contacting Sunbelt about a visa about 3 months ago and the guy on the other end of the phone recomended to start with a 30 day tourist visa which they could sort out for about 10,000 baht. Since then, I view Sunbelt as a very expensive comodity. Probably brilliant at what they do, and can probably make the near impossible.. possible, however, it would cost a lot.

    Call me a cheapster... But I am in a position where I do not have a lot of disposable at the moment, and all money I have (or coming to me). Is earmarked for the running of the business project..

    I envisage, in about 2 months from now, that money will not be a problem, as my business will be very cash rich... But in the interim, it would be good if I can find a cheaper way than sunbelt... i am frightened to ring them for fear of their quote.

    Yes, you can do it all without using a lawyer; but for sure you need someone who can speak and read Thai plus is familiar with the procedures, paper work and locations of your various local Government Departments.

    You will need to set up a real Thai business address (this can be difficult to set up at a residential address, as landlords will rarely agree to this), plus a Thai Shareholder(s), who must hold more than 51% of the company's stock.

    However there are still some significant company set up costs that you cannot avoid, even if you do everything yourself.

    For two work permits you would need to form a Thai Company with a Capitalisation of 4 Million Baht (3.5 Million if your Partner is legally married to a Thai). Capitalisation is a Government fee and will cost you 17,500 THB (500 THB per 100,000 THB of Capitalisation).

    You will a non immigrant Type B visa, which has associated travel plus visa costs and cannot be obtained inside of Thailand.

    You will be asked to show evidence of your employing 8 Thais, plus provide photographs of your office and employees seated at their desks.

    The initial government fee for two Work Permits would be 6,000 THB.

    Aside of any company on costs, you have the annual auditing fees which are a minimum of 12,000 THB, the first audit of accounts will be due this December, irrespective of which month your company was formed in


    Doing some quick arithmetic, you are looking at finding an absolute minimum of 35,500 THB before this December, excluding any professional fees, premises, taxes or visa costs.

    Thank you for all that info.

    I think that applies to running a Thai company though... I am actually running a UK company, which will have Thai assets, also 2 Thai staff. It's a complicated one and one that stamps all over the grey areas. That is why it is so confusing.

    I don't want to register a Thai company because of the obvious potential pitfalls. but there has to be some form of setup for a foreign company operating a Thailand office, with thai (taxable) interests that can qualify us for holding work permits.

    This is the head burner. i think a lawyer is definately going to have to be in the mix.

  5. not to be negative but - you have already set up the company, and now you are asking about work permits, should you have not done that first. Thailand is a real stickler for rules about working, and work permits will be needed. see here - http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3691515 and search results here - http://www.thaivisa....h&fromMainBar=1

    all the best

    Thank you for the positive input. I was not intending to form a company originally, however, certain problems have sent me down the investor route... Since gaining an investor, things have sort of moved ahead at an unexpectedly fast pace. A lot of work now needs to be undertaken and i would prefer it to be done under a 100% legal fasia.

    I remember contacting Sunbelt about a visa about 3 months ago and the guy on the other end of the phone recomended to start with a 30 day tourist visa which they could sort out for about 10,000 baht. Since then, I view Sunbelt as a very expensive comodity. Probably brilliant at what they do, and can probably make the near impossible.. possible, however, it would cost a lot.

    Call me a cheapster... But I am in a position where I do not have a lot of disposable at the moment, and all money I have (or coming to me). Is earmarked for the running of the business project..

    I envisage, in about 2 months from now, that money will not be a problem, as my business will be very cash rich... But in the interim, it would be good if I can find a cheaper way than sunbelt... i am frightened to ring them for fear of their quote.

  6. It's a shame you are out of Bangkok. I would have staff attend and would be happy to use her services for my companies.

    Depending on the amount of students for that month, she may run a course in BKK

    Will she teach in Thai and English or just Thai?

    She teaches them mainly in Thai, because that it the majority of her students and to teach in both languages at once would be too difficult, confusing and time consuming.

  7. I need a bit of advice here. I have had a hunt around, and I think i know how the land lies, but you never know fully till you have heard all the varying comments.

    I have just formed a business partnership with an active investor. We have just registered a company based in the UK. I myself am a UK citizen and my business partner is Australian.

    My business partner is married to a Thai lady, and I intend to follow suit within the next 12 months. Him and his wife are currently based in Aus and I am based in Thailand, although they are returning to Thailand soon because of the partnership.

    The company owns 3 websites at the moment, with many to follow very soon. One of the websites is sat on Thai servers and is in Thai language and is geared up for the Thailand user. However, all the websites' checkout systems feed to a UK business account at Barclay's Bank. So essentially this is a fully loaded UK registered company with a trading asset based in Thailand.

    What i need to know, is the best route for me and my partner to take, as to be able to run our company fromThailand, in such a fashion that we are able to get work permits. Now my partner differs from me in that he is married to a Thai citizen. So I believe he is able to be here anyway on a marriage visa. However, he will need a proper work permit to legally do work for the company on Thai soil.

    The same for me. Now I have already been doing a bit of work here and there on the websites, getting them ready for full launch, and I know that I should not so much as log in to my admin account, as this can see me arrested for working without a permit. But anyway, I only did what was needed to keep things barely afloat. I am ready to commit full time to the project.

    I need to know what is the least frictious way to get a work permit to remain here working full time on the project. The company will be paying us the minimum salary for the first few months which I believe to be 40,000 per month for farangs. We will probably employ the services of some Thai staff also, which should be mentioned in this post.

    So I would really be grateful if anyone could give us a few guiding tips so that we can operate 100% above the laws of the kingdom.

  8. If this is in the wrong place, then please move it for me. This is not a job advertisement, this is for anyone wishing to have a Thai member of staff trained.

    My girlfriend has a Masters degree in accountancy and is setting up her own accounts training facility.

    She is also a good English speaker. She is experienced, in that she has already taught tax accountancy at Nakhon Ratchasima College with a high pass rate. Courses are only 3000 Baht for the 1 month course,

    Courses run from the 1st of the month to the end of the month, and will run for 5 days a week.

    Courses will consist of all the standard business accounting, book keeping and tax accountancy.

    She also does casual accounts work on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. She also does company audits.

    Her rates are very cheap indeed. If anyone has an employee that they want training so that accounts can be done in-house (with obvious savings) then send me a PM.


  9. I have a fair idea of why you do not see many f these shipping containers around.

    I have been looking into doing the same as I own a 40 foot container in the UK that holds all my possessions and is currently stored on secure land.

    Looking into the importation codes here in Thailand, I noticed that if you want to bring the container in as a separate item, then you need to do a separate import procedure for the container (as a semi-permanent structure i believe) but don't quote me.

    I believe that customs clear all internal goods in the container and expect the container to be re-exported in an 'in transit' capacity.

    I don't know why this exists. Usually the whole container is passed, As an ex importer of many years, as soon as the items were delivered, then that is it as far as customs go... If the container went back to China or wherever was irrelevant. the contents were always the point at issue.

    I am taking a stab in the dark here... but maybe there is an import duty levied on a container, if it is going to take up permanent residency in the kingdom.

    Just a thought.

  10. This thread makes me think back to my backpacking days in Africa. A place near Livingstone in Malawi where we stayed for a week or so called Wanki.

    I remember the butcher on the main road called 'Wanki Meat' which had a big picture in the window of the proprietor holding a huge white pudding.

    Never bothered me really,

    I have a photo in the UK... pity I never thought to digitize it... You would laugh.

  11. Don't worry about it mate.... come over as long as you are not hanging around in the wrong areas, there you won't see a thing. If you are staying in BKK, then you will quickly know where to stay away from. Just follow all the other farangs, and you will be ok.

    I came here in the height of the last troubles and i didn't see a thing out of place. Mostly because i never went looking for it, and I didn't spend much time in BKK anyway,

    News reports tend to condense a viewers perception of a problem, especially when they are thousands of miles away. In reality, these things are spread thinly across a large area.

    If you are not staying in BKK, then i doubt you will have any problems.

  12. I just tried several times to log onto my facebook account and got the ITC message that is normally reserved for porn and gambling websites.

    At first I thought it was a bit of server bleed over. and that no way would they block Facebook, (there would e a riot, methinks).

    But I got hold of my girlfriend on the other side of town and she confirms that there is a problem.

    She has done a check on the Thai web boards and they are full of the same reports.

    I would imagine that the ITC is attempting to impose a partial block of certain pages, and that I think they are using a trial and error approach... i am a web developer and I understand the complexity of such a task.

    After all, they are a government funded agency, and there are laws of prohibition in place, especially at such a sensitive time, and facebook being the largest sounding board in the world, it is just a matter of time before they step up to the plate and attempt something like this.

    I would suggest that you give it a day or two to settle down, give them time to filter the subversive stuff, and it should be business as usual.

    If what they are attempting does not succeed, then i doubt they would have the green light to issue a blanket ban... even China wouldn't have the balls for that.... lol

    I appreciate, i could be totally wrong, but this is my take. Just trying to shed a bit of light on the subject for the benefit of the majority that do not understand these sort of procedures.

    If you get the dreaded 4 line message, then go to your address bar and delete the "home.php?" from the end of the url string, and you will get access.

    To the admin and moderators...I noticed a similar thread was posted, and subsequently locked by the administration... I have posted this thread as to help those ex-pats that are stuck for an answer to this problem. We all have to appreciate that facebook is the only lifeline that a lot of people have with their loved ones back home.

    Hope this helps.

  13. Nice try guys. I am never coming in here for any advice.

    Did anyone not notice where he mentioned suicide?

    If this thread had been "Farang jumps in front of Freight train in Korat" , I am sure we will all throw in our heartfelt sympathies and wonder why he never talked to anyone?

    Three months of emergency funds? Now we all cant be Suze orman smart, cut the guy some slack and tell him what he can do to provide for himself.

    In most countries, throwing oneself in front of a train would be quick and painless. However, I am led to believe that due to the constant late running of the trains here, I would probably starve to death before the train arrived.

    Might this work for you?


    Hey thanks.

    I sent him a PM... may turn something up. That's my line of work right there.

    Thanks again.

  14. SHAME ON YOU SIR!!!!!!!

    No, shame on you for posting all of these details, opening yourself up for criticism, asking for advice, and then getting defensive when people are giving you the kind of feedback and advice that you don't want to hear.

    well there a saying you make your bed you lie in it

    all for some thai pussy lets see how long there family want you after you got no money for a while lets see if they give you the air fare home till you sort yourself out

    from a cynic

    But they know I don't have any money... not all Thai people are driven by money. They have offered me plenty, including money. I have even been offered my ticket home if I really need it. I have rejected it. It's not my style.

    I don't want charity. Just wanted a bit of advice from farangs living here, who obviously know all the tricks in the book between them. I'm not into handouts. I know I can and will turn it round, I have been in much tighter spots than this when I was younger... Much tighter. It's nothing new. But it is the 21st century, and we have something now that wasn't available when I was in a jam when I was younger 'The Internet'. This great information portal that can connect everyone together in one place. It's where we come for information.

    Unfortunately, what is supposed to be an information website as its domain name suggests, it seems to be far too overpopulated with people with cynical outlooks that enjoy wasting their time and the time of others with their judgmental philosophy of other people's lives and situations, which demonstrates that you really do not have much of a life... Why are you here?... What are you for? Is there even a decent reason for you to be here?

    Really, if you can't offer me any tangible advice, then find a topic that you qualify to advise on.

  15. This is a flagrant display of the sort of person you are... You have so much contempt running through your mind for other people. I do believe that you are creating so much bad karma for yourself, that you will burn for eternity.

    The mere fact that you are GLOATING, about making cash from the misery of yet another farang who has been ripped off in Thailand.

    Just the thought that you are making yourself a vehicle for this to happen. Fills me with disappointment for my fellow man.

    I hope you and everyone involved in this caper end up where you deserve to be.... IN THE GUTTER!!!


  16. Paypal is going through all his accounts. After many complaints about recieving fake goods from him they are probably now contacting all his Ebay buyers to see how many he has ripped off after which they will refund all the money they have lost.

    That's why it takes so long, he will get the balance in due time.

    Fortunately this 'member' has no access to my email accounts or paypal and ebay accounts.

    Yet, this 'member' claims to know the whole story..

    Hey Livinginexile... Can you also tell everyone what my paypal email address is, seeing as you have access priviliges. Oh, and while you are at it. Do you have the next set of lottery numbers?



  17. You didn't answer the question about being arrested for seeing your children. how does your wife stop you from seeing them as you implied?

    Good luck on your business. Don't forget though that you can't move product legally from Thailand without the required visa. Just a heads up before the next dramabomb drops into your lap.

    My ex only has to say NO and she will get full backup. I am not subject to any official banning orders, but i know that if I insist on seeing them, then she will merely go through official channels, and while that happens the kids will have it bad. The kids are likely be forced to say they don't want to talk to me, so as to support her case.. they will have their possessions smashed up and put in the trash if they do not comply, she has done it before and she will do it again. The kids are terrified of her.

    While all this is going on, I will be restricted to visits in a 'contact center' with 3 social services idiots looking on and writing down every word said... A bit like a prison visit.

    I would rather not see them at all, if it means this will be the result of me claiming my 'rights' as a father. My plan is to get my project going eventually, while staying here cheap, and building some reserves so that come November i can return to the UK and pay her some cash and see my kids, for a few weeks. After that I will play it by ear.

    But to answer your question. If she really wants to.. She will do what most mothers who want to punish their ex. She will say that my visits are upsetting the kids and that they don't want to be with me. She will lie and cheat, then i will have a restraining order put on me.

    If i went within 100 metres of their house after that, i will be arrested and cautioned, if i still infinge, it is a mandatory 7 days in prison without court case, If I still do it, I will get 30 days in prison without court case. This happened to a friend of mine in Oxford. He was warned off... then he was locked up for 7 days, when he came out, she had moved, and he has never seen his daughter since. that was 15 years ago.

  18. Thanks for warning about paypal and ebay. I exported containers for many years from Asia and so have a lot of experience in trading Asian goods. I still supply a few old customers in USA and UK but as time goes byre have slowly unwinded my business since I have far better things to do now and since making my permanent home here cannot spend the time and effort to support customers. I have often considered doing what I did before on a large wholesale scale on a very modest scale using such places as ebay as a hobby to bring in a little money. I dont need the money but like to keep a bit busy and so it seemed ideal that rather than exporting many containers a year and employing at one time 20 staff it would be fun to just do it in a small way to make a bit of beer money. The payment problem has stopped me so far and your experience has only supported my concerns in this area.


    That's one less horror story we will be reading in a few months down the road.

    Try Google Checkout, it is free, and they never freeze your account. It is a fantastic alternative to paypal... Which is why Ebay banned its use on their website.. obviously if Ebay accepted Google Checkout as an accepted payment method, then paypal would cease to be, and that wouldn't sit well with Ebay seeing as they own paypal.

    Did you know that if you state that you accept certain payment methods that are not part of Ebay's acceptable payment methods. Then their filters will pick it up and you get your listing deleted and a warning email from Ebay.

    If you so much as say in a listing description on Ebay, that you accept payment by Google Checkout, their filters will pick it up and you will have your Ebay account deleted and you will be handed a lifetime ban!!

    That is how scared of Google Checkout Ebay is...

    Now for the really good news on the horizon.

    Google are in the process of setting up a huge operations center in Arizona I believe. They are currently training 800 staff there, and they are also establishing offices and training staff globally.

    You know why?..... They are soon to be starting up Googleauctions in direct competition with Ebay.. only difference is... there will be NO FEES same as their Google Checkout.

    Word on the grapevine is that it will be funded with advertising.

    So, i anticipate that Ebay and Paypal have had their time and rode the monopoly for long enough. Its time for something new. If anyone can crush Ebay and Paypal out of existence... Google can.. they are on borrowed time now.

  19. so if u attempt to visit your children a police officer will arrest you?

    how much of the 1000 baht have you got left? any plans yet on what u will do?

    All of it, I usually eat with my gf's family. But thanks to some very kind offers of help via PM, I may have some help in getting a little investment for my project to start it rolling.

    My project is not just an idea as suggested by a member, but is a set of fully functioning websites, that just need marketing capital. I have removed paypal as a payment method and have applied google checkout, which is 100% free of all fees... that's a bit of advice for all you other guys who have been shafted by PP.

    I can if i really need to, spam the websites as a way of getting paying traffic to the website, but to be honest, this project is too good for that, and over-spamming can have tmy site de-indexed by the search engines.. activation emails junked by the email spam filters, and even the websites removed from servers. So, while spamming may work for some sites etc... This web project has too much to risk, and marketing should be done through the proper paid channels to give it the success it deserves.

    I have put a lot of time, effort and money into this project just to risk messing it up for the want of a bit of quick cash. If I ended up in the gutter, at leastmy project is safe.. it is the route back to seeing my kids again.

    Don't worry too much about me.. I been up there, i had it good for a long time, and now i'm at the other end of the scale, but i will be back up there.. i'm just glad i never shat on anyone on my way up the last time, because YOU DO meet them coming back down again.

    Have fun.

  20. Sorry I just don't get why you can't live in England and visit your children. She can't just tell you that you are not allowed to see them. :whistling:

    This may open a few eyes of those who have never lived in the UK, and who seem to view the place through rose tinted spectacles. You should do a little research and you will see that the UK judicial system is a twisted, mangled and unfair system, that is antiquated and refuses to move with the changing attitudes and times.

    It is given powers by the government to not only over control the population, but to abuse and chastise the citizens.

    Local councils use emergency anti-terror legislation to spy on cars illegally parked, so they can hand them a fine, which goes into the council coffers.

    The same councils who lock up 90 year old pensioners in prison, who fought in the war, just for not being able to to pay their massively over inflated council tax bills. While pedophiles are free to leave prison after only a few months, then to be housed by the local council in a flat overlooking the schoolyard of my kid's primary school....oh yes!! it's true.

    Another example of UK (fairness) is that to drive on the road you need 4 pieces of paper.

    1. Is an insurance certificate... without it you will be fined and receive penalty points on your license, which will increase your premiums.

    2. Is an MOT certificate to ensure your car is safe, such as, your brakes work ok.... Without it, you will recieve a small fine.

    3. Is a driving license, to ensure you are safe to go on the road. without it, you will recieve a small fine, and penalty points on your license, ( which you don't have.)

    4. Is A car TAX disk. Without it they will seize your car and CRUSH IT!!!!

    Anybody notice anything?

    1, 2, and 3 are all obligations to other road users, and 4 is an obligation to pay money to the government. Anyone notice any difference in the punishments?

    This is the same legal system that has just given powers to the new child support agency If a father cannot afford to pay child support payments, or if he is late with the payments... they have the ability to

    1. To take money from bank accounts without consent and without a court order.

    2. The power to freeze accounts.

    3. Seize the proceeds of house sales.

    4. Impose curfews.

    5. Confiscate passports and driving licenses.

    6. Lock you up in prison.

    Anyone notice anything curiously familiar about these measures???.... Let me enlighten you.

    These are same powers that were rushed through Parliament in the wake of the 9/11 outrage.

    These are the same powers that are meant to be protecting UK citizens from the threat of terrorist attacks.

    Not that I am condoning non-paying fathers, they should pay and most of us do. But don't you think that the above measures are a little heavy handed? But anyone that lives or has lived in the UK are not surprised for one second at these measures, after all... they are more than accustomed to being controlled with an iron fist. Stalin could have learned a thing or two.

    This is the same government agency that on its website continually mentions the term non paying father, not one reference to non paying mother. I know guys that brought their kids up after the mum ran off to be with another man. So what about the non paying mothers???

    But is all OK, because UK citizens are very well tuned to being treat like criminals and always being controlled. Did you know that in 2005 there were more CCTV cameras in Oxford Street in London that there were in the whole of New York City?.. It's true... Did you know that on average, anyone in the UK is caught on security camera more than 300 times a day, just by doing their daily things?...it's true. Did you know that in 5 years from now, not any person will be able to drive around the UK without being tracked from street to street and town to town with your car registration number being scanned by security cameras mounted on motorway bridges, and in speed cameras. If you have any outstanding fines or late child support payments, the powers that be will be able to press a button and will have a profile of everywhere you have been and when you went there.

    Like I said. Go to the UK and live there for a year, and then you will know why I can't just live in England, and you will see that she CAN just tell me i can't see my kids.

    This is 21st century Britain.

    Enjoy it.

  21. She was always a whore and always will be. It was me who comforted her through her divorce, and helped her pick up the pieces. Unfortunately one thing led to another and she got pregnant. I stuck by her even though she was far from being my ideal choice, but that's how I was brought up. It was ME in fact that took on her 3 teenage kids from her previous marriage, which SHE incidentally destroyed through... you guessed it... Infidelity

    So if she was "always a whore," that means she was a whore when you met her, a whore when you married her, and a whore when you had two more kids with her (after the first unplanned pregnancy). It sounds like you weren't bothered by the fact that she was a nympho, as you called her, when you started a sexual relationship with her. It also sounds like you knew she was a cheater when you comforted her throughout her divorce. Did you really expect things would change by marrying you? I'm sorry, but if you choose to start a relationship with someone you know has a long history of cheating, I can't feel sorry for you that you were cheated on as well.

    When you meet a woman for the first time and listen to her tales of woe, of past relationships and mistreatment at the hands of a past spouse. You tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, it is human nature to want to believe someone when they sound so sincere, but it depends on how cynical you are. I personally try to go through life not being a twisted and cynical individual. I do understand that in some facets of life, it pays you to be cynical. But if you apply that attitude to everything in life. You run the risk of becoming bitter and twisted in the mind. That is not a healthy attitude to live by if you want to enjoy life with a carefree will.

    If I was to go through life rejecting everything people say to me as a lie. I don't think it would be too long before I developed a personality in line with a lot of people that use this site, with a twisted and skeptical perception of everything they see, hear and read. That in my view, is not a healthy personality. I think it would be very difficult for anyone to like me if I was like that. It wouldn't be a very nice thing to go through life if nobody liked you.

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