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Everything posted by stat

  1. Since when is there a 8.75% witholding tax on UK dividends? I always received my UK dividends tax free. Thanks!
  2. This is exactly the kind of picture that would warrant a trigger warning for anyone not being from the british isles 😉 If you own a restaurant that has any non english customers I highly recommend not using those pics 😉
  3. It will not be the guys with low income/remittances who will have to pay income tax so I do not really understand your post.
  4. Regarding british food I have a kind request: Pls do not post pictures of a british breakfast on FB etc without a trigger warning for nausea 😉 PS: I love the UK but the food is not good sorry to say. PPS: German food apart from the bread and pastry are not too good either.
  5. So in theory it should be equal after fees. To be honest I seems quite rare that you did not pay any fee on a swift transactions i.e. getting the USD to your Thai account but Citibank one of the best banks in the world.
  6. https://www.keycurrency.co.uk/swift-transfer/ Can you cite an example of what exchange rate was used? The fees usually pale in comparision to the mark up in the exchange rate. https://wise.com/us/currency-converter/currencies/thb-thai-baht Maybe check the fx rate next time when you exchange with the ones from wise or revolut. https://wise.com/us/exchange-rate/bangkok-bank-exchange-rate Wise claims to be cheaper in this case. They even point out if they are more expensive but real life picture could be different. Pls let us know, thanks!
  7. Isn't Wise or revolut better to transfer THB to either bank? At least that is my plan. According to their websites the fx rate is way better around 0.5-1% in case of wise or revolut vs a thai bank. However I have no practical experience and maybe I am missing something. Thx!
  8. Would you chose KBank or BKK Bank? I see KBank has a lot of discounts on Grab that could easily reach 4000 Baht in a year. Thanks!
  9. In the overall picture we are not contributing as much as the car industry agreed, but the thai state does not spend a penny on each expats and gets lots of revenue that otherwise would not boost the thai economy, so it is as pretty good deal for both sides.
  10. It is far easier and cheaper to live 178 days in TH and the rest of the year either in the Phils or split the rest between 2 countries UK included. You realize your cap gains in this special year et voila no cap gains anywhere is possible. This is not working however for real estate as most countries reserve the right to tax it according to the country where the real estate is situated. It works perfectly with interest income and stocks, less so with dividends (withholding tax).
  11. All depends on your personal situation, if your expected tax is low then staying in TH makes sense. If on the other hand you could end up paying hundred of thousands USD p.a. not so much.
  12. German DTA with TH states that TH has the sole right to tax but TH so far did not tax any german government pension, so tax "free". Should still work as long as you are able to not transmit your pension and live off other savings. Germany taxes some german company pensions however. Anyway pensions in Germany have been built by investment of already taxed money until 2015 or thereabout.
  13. Thanks! Good for the UK guys then, in GER you lose all your allowances + you are supposed to detail your ww income and pay 40% plus on your german income when your ww income is over 60k EUR even if you only earn 5K eur in GER.
  14. Correct but then you only pay on your UK income and cap gains on UK property and you can not use the allowances to my understanding. So UK tax rules should only bother those that are still tax resident in the UK. When I moved to TH the german IRS did not bother me at all as I made sure I had no German income.
  15. Thank you for your post! That sound troubeling to a western mind who likes to have peace of mind and a law he can point to if troube arises. I understand this is TiT but there are big sums involved if in the end you have to pay tax for x years. What did the elite visa guys reverse on? There could be a rerun in case of LTR visa and its "tax ememption" status? Thanks!
  16. So is the majority of the UK guys still tax resident in UK as well as in TH? Thx!
  17. That is what I said. TRD wants to tax ww income according to the head of TRD. Several reports were listed here. They want to do it but if they have the means and the political power remains to be seen. Few "rich" expats like to run the risk of having a potential huge tax bill. I am not saying it will happen.
  18. I am talking about anyone who cares about paying taxes will consider leavin depending on the circumstances. You state people will stay, I disagree. When and if TRD starts collection taxes by force people will start to leave. Half the expat community is still not aware. Offshore companies will work for Thais that was my point or for someone who intends to stay in TH for a long time and never return to their home country.
  19. TRD accounced that they want to tax ww income beginning of 2025... For the LTR visa it is also not clear what monies are exempted and if at all. BOI current stance is all is depending on circumstance and one should contact TRD.
  20. I am not talking about people working in TH. I am consulting on international tax matters already and I can tell you there is no easy and cost efficient way to circumvent ww income tax in Thailand (if it comes to pass in 2025). An offhshore company is a possibility but relative expensive for most people and the whole thing could blow up in your face big time when you go back to your home country or any other country, as now you have to pay taxes on your company. There will always be people who believe just hiring a tax consultant results in close to zero tax. Let me tell you it is not true if we are talking about a "working" taxation system like the US, Germany, France etc. A lot of people that are free (i.e. unbound wife, kids, healthy etc)will leave instead of testing a new setup to prevent paying hundreds of thousands USDs IMHO.
  21. The loophole for Thais will not be closed as you can simply park your money in an offshore tax company without ever paying a penny (current status). Now please do not come up with the reply farangs could do the same as westetn tax systems tax the money inside the company even if not remitted or a divdend is paid.
  22. Theoretically you would pay more tax in Cambodia then in TH however I think they do not enforce anything in Cambodia regarding taxes
  23. However they could have come up with this money grab decades ago but never bothered...
  24. Lots of options to withdraw: All just a missunderstanding Change of PM Changes will not be enforced Exception for expats Postponement to 2121 (remember the bridge to Koh Samui, the metro in Pattaya, the 300 Baht tourist tax?) Military coup No explanation and quietly dropped etc I do not care how they withdraw just that they do 😉 😉
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