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Everything posted by stat

  1. Thanks for posting your config. It helps more to see what is working. Its not 3bbb then, cause that is the same provider I use. I use WIN 11 and 5 different browers. Same problem when someone from Germany on win10 tries to access or when I try my android mobile from Thailand.
  2. Thank you for your post! So is it mandatory to file taxes once you have a tax id? If yes can you just file yourself a zero tax declaration or does one need an accountant (price?)?
  3. As soon as you have an abode rented and are willing to stay or have stayed longer then 180 days you are considered to be liable to income tax in most jurisdictions. 180 days is the definition of the thai tax law, so fairly straight forward. I agree most people do not need a tin or the certificate but why do you point that out? I never stated I was in the majority. However more and more banks tend to demand a that tax id or at least they try hard and 50% cut you off as a customer right away.
  4. It helps if you post your configuration instead of a ?
  5. I heard in several cases that the Thai Tax ID is given out regularely after some discussion. In theory you should get one the moment you arrive here as an expat. What is the first official mail a German baby gets? You guessed it the tax ID right after birth, sad but true.
  6. Ok thanks for the info regarding the TRC. So i will try in January to get one but without any hope then. I would like to have the TRC as a backup to block the german tax authorities right in their tracks. I get coverage from the dta only if can prove tax residency in TH et voila I land at the TRC to be safe. You ask the right questions. I have all my bases covered but the more prepared you are the better. Thanks!
  7. Thank you for your answer userabcd! I have not and will not have a filed income tax return, as I do not file income tax as I do not have any taxable income. I am not even sure if I will be in Thailand when it is time to file. So is there any hope to get the tax residence certificate in advance before filling any tax return. In theory it should be possible after 180 days in Thailand as the certificate states IMHO just states that TH has the right to tax me. On the other hand I could always prove with my passport that I have been in TH for longer then 180 or 183 days. Not sure if germax tax authorities will be happy with this. They keep on pestering me with all kinds of questionaires and regulations. PS: How did you open the link? I have 5 browers and 3 devices and link opens on none of them. I even asked a friend in Germany to try to open the link and even there it did not work. Thanks!
  8. How to obtain a tax residence certificate? Is it possible to obtain in 2023 for 2022 for example. What docs are needed The site is down for months from the revenue department I cannot access it at all from any device. https://www.rd.go.th/english/21978.html Thanks for any Info. NB: The certificate is needed for banking and revenue departments in your home country that would love to tax your investment income.
  9. If you can fill a container you get a very good price. Remember to keep all the invoices for HMC ????
  10. I have not received a quote so far. Contacted eagles air and sea 3 weeks ago, but no offer yet. Thai post is around 7500 Baht for 30 Kg. Any other ideas? Booking 2 seats on the plane does not increase your baggage allowance for whatever reason. Flying business is 1500€ instead of 500 with the cheapest carrier.
  11. It will be difficult to find a shop nearby if you do not live in BKK or Patts. Invade is run by a friendly dane for decades, never heard of any problem with him.
  12. Try invadeit in Hua Hin... Highly recommended I bought 2 Pcs with them. Not sure if I am allowed to post the link. They are mainly mail order so they will send the PC.
  13. Its my first online report but not myfirst 90 day report, thx! First report needs to be in person I am aware.
  14. I am thinking of sending 4 big boxes (including a bicycle) of (used) stuff back to Germany that I do not need here. Duration of transport is not relevant to me, but price is. Thai Airways quotes 70 USD per KG which is a joke. Thai post quotes around 7500 Baht per 30 Kg box which i find too expensive. Thanks!
  15. What is the current status on wheter to use the app or the website for the 90 day report? Thanks
  16. No offense, but on which information is your post based? Some posts are just amazing...
  17. What is the recommendation for the 90 day report: Should I do it on Android (Mobile) or an Windows 11 Google Chrome PC. I would prefer the App as I might sell my PC in the future. What kind of confirmation do I get? Somethink official looking with a stamp via post? I need confirmations for the banks that keep pestering me about my country of residence, so the more offical looking the better for me . 90 days report at IO office with stamp were accepted by banks. Thanks!
  18. What could happen if you are 3 month in TH but have not applied for a Thai driving licence. Of course I have a valid international driving licence (correct 1968 version). I am most concerned reagrding insurance problems if one has an accident. Would like to save the 4H hassle of applying for a thai driving licence. Is a 90 day report accepted instead of a resident certificate for the application in case I decided to apply for one? Traffic stop check does not check your pp or am I mistaken? Thanks!
  19. For some countries TAX Ids are not mandatory i.e. Thailand, as you are only obliged to apply for a tax id when transfering capital gains or interest in the same year when they were generated or when you have a visa that allows you to work here. Some banks fail to understand this at first but usually come around to it. In reality I never heard that anyone ever had to pay taxes on their interest earned outside of Thailand, but this could change so dont transfer in the same year to be on the safe side.
  20. Is there a photocopy shop close to Blueport immigration. Can't find anything online and from my memory I cannot recall having seen one. Thanks!
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