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Everything posted by stat

  1. Your remittance into TH will be taxed as ordinary income with a top rate of 35%. They should credit you the 15% though, anything over 15% according to the income brackets you pay. Withholding tax of 10% for TH dividends does not come into play here.
  2. Good post! In my case Germany, TH has the right to tax the pension but they are currently not doing it so basically all germans receive their pension free. If you do not transfer your pension to TH that should be free also. So basically your appartment gets paid by a friend or relative from abroad and you should be fairly safe. But currently we are all in the dark. This will go back and forth for months to come and the baht will slide ,so in the end we could be profitting from this law ????
  3. If you read my post carefully you would have noticed I mentionend to use the cc of a relative, friend etc ... Not even sure if the payment of cc even satisfies the wording of the law as brought into Thailand...
  4. the problem arises if you are still in the country and have not paid millions of baht of taxes. You will not get out then, that is what is was refering to. OA Visa does not get tea money as it is made available outside of Thailand so i guess you are right, not the favorite visa of the IOs.
  5. Maybe consider using credit card to withdraw cash 33x30.000 Baht and you "should" be under the radar. Additional layer of security, use someone elses credit card (family member that does not live in Thailand if possible). I know not allowed by cc companies...
  6. Your bank in the us or Europe is not exchanging data on how much money you have withdrawn from your bank account and brought into Thailand. Only money brought into Thailand could be taxed by Thailand.
  7. Your days in Thailand are easily trackable as you get an entry and exit stamp and all your data is in the immigration system the moment you get your passport back. Regarding the withdrawals I agree they should be difficult to track in the forseeable future. However in a country like Germany they will sue you for taxes up tp 15 years in arrears. So if they come up with a working Information exchange in the next 15 years there might a problem.
  8. Some taxes need to be paid that should be obvious. However the amount is very debatable as most countries overcharge their citizens by factor 3-5 in my opinion.
  9. My bet would be you the saga will go as follows: You owe 1 Million and did not pay so we have a nice cell waiting for you or you could pay 500K tea money + 1Million you owe + 1 Million for new visa. Apparently the thai baht is already suffering from this "great" idea that farangs should pay more tax in Thailand.
  10. At least someone who understands how DTAs work or do not! Going to court over a DTA is very costly and not really advisable if you are not in the middle 6 figure league per year. Going to court in Thailand over a DTA? Good luck with that!
  11. This is very valuable information! So documents from your broker of capital gains were accepted? Thanks!
  12. Funny thing is I give professional advice on DTA applications and taxes...
  13. In case of you receive a pension from the other country yes you have coverage of DTA but only for your pension payments. In terms of worldwide capital gains or any other matter you are not under a DTA in general terms.
  14. This is a very small benefit in my eyes ... If I leave Thailand I would not be coming back for more then 30 or 45 days but that is just my opinion.
  15. Are you aware that a DTA in this regard only applies if you reside in both countries in the same tax year? Apparently not... If you live in Thailand with a retirement visa it is unlikely that you also live somewhere else.
  16. I fully agree to your post! They will never bother to understand a foreign tax declaration. But maybe this is the ideato make the law so opaque that you have to pay tea money as you could never satisfy all the formal requirements.
  17. Sound calculation. Only unknown is what happens if Thailand for example introduces new tax laws or a myriad of other things and you decide to leave Thailand after 2 years. I Agree LTR Visa is good alternative if you are sure you will stay the 10 years and gives you peace of mind (However they can still deny you reentry as in case of Covid or other stuff).
  18. Apparently you forgot the proposed wealth tax... https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/policies/40028162
  19. In Germany the top top rate is 50,5 if you count in solidarity surcharge and "Reichensteuer". In Germany the "normal" top tax rate (45%) starts at 65K USD whereas in the US it starts at 283K. Every comparision shows that Germany and Belgium top the tax charts. FYI https://data.oecd.org/tax/tax-wedge.htm Germany tax wedge 50,5%! US 30%! for average earner. If you are "rich" you are much better off in the US then in Germany. Tax wedge is defined as differnece what the company has to pay in relation to what you get after taxes and social contributions. Granted social security is "better" in Germany then in the US. I hope you can agree to the simple facts by an neutral organisation.
  20. Sorry you are mistaken. Tax is 26,375% and in case of trading futures,options etc there is a max loss of 20K accepted by the governement So if you make a 200K Loss and a 200K Profit you earned 0 but you have to pay 180K*0,26375= 47475€ in tax . I case you want to learn more and speak German (only over 1000 page). Some people will have to file for bankruptcy due to this law. https://www.wallstreet-online.de/diskussion/1317120-1-10/tradings-steuerregel
  21. Thats why I wrote could (happen) and you stated all no problem ignoring all the (possible) red flags . BTW the moment you will learn how this law will be handled is in 2025 and then you could be in deep deep <deleted>... That is what I pointed out no more no less
  22. My current plan is I get donnations from relatives that send me money to Thailand in the form that I have their credit cards. However the law could be read in its worst form that all cap gains, interest, dividends are taxable even without them being brought into Thailand.
  23. Every interest, capital gains on stock, cryptp you earned in the 8 month you stayed in TH could be taxed...
  24. easy sure, you mean like proving that you have 800K Baht in the bank where the bank book has to be from the same day and from a thai bank ???? ... Not to mention that they the receipts you mentioned are in a different language then English in most cases.
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