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Posts posted by Tarragona

  1. War on drugs me thinks!!!!!

    I doubt that - I don't think there were reports of mass disappearances.

    If they are victims of the southern unrest then surely it can't be a single massacre. Reports certainly would have been circulating.

    If it was a single massacre, then 1992 is a very interesting theory as many people are still unaccounted for.

    If the dates are right then Tsunami victims can't be discounted, though in the Deep South is possibly unlikely.

    They should go through every one of the bodies looking to discover their identities. It seems that the government isn't saying "What ya talkin bout?" but more like "Oh, it's just some migrant workers, don't worry about?" So they're saying they know about it and know who the victims are. Maybe they really were migrant workers but in that case WTFIGO?

    The first question is still, why does it take 2 months of this to reach the Press?

    Not really. That would be the case in many countries suppposedly far ahead of Thailand on freedom of information and the like

  2. My mother has spanked her, my mother-in-law and my wife both use the stick on her from time to time, which I agree with, but I can never do it.

    My wife used to spank our daughter (now 13). Like you, I often agreed with it but never did it. But I didn't threaten to do it either. A few sharp words from me could reduce her to floods of tears because she knew I rarely got angry and when I was it must be serious. I felt my wife did enough of the smacking and that it didn't need both of us to be doing that. My wife was always quite happy with the way of things once she got used to it.

  3. When we first married she did not like sex that much. She has grown to like it more to the point were I do not have to intiate all the time

    It could be that she still doesn't really enjoy that side of the relationship and feels that she can't satisfy your needs. A 'mia noi' could take care of it.

  4. you're right state six,

    nobody overtly said that Asians are physically inferior to Europeans...though you and Doza did suggest/infer something similar by stating that all/most of the best teams/players come from Europe and/or the EPL, while 'almost none come from Asia' (which I still think is ballocks)

    Anyway, thanks for actually putting valid statistics relating to Thailand and the bias of the world cup...Thailand finishing third in the group doesn't suggest that Thai is 'crap' and unworthy of the world stage....that qualifying round came down to two bad games with Korea DPR (4-1 each game) as you pointed out. Yemen and UAE had nothing on Thailand...which Thailand shut both of them out 3 nill in its matches. Perhaps 2008 will be prove different.

    I don't mind reading your views - though it did take me a while to realize that you weren't just out fishing. Your thinking on the football is genuinely flawed though.

    I seem to remember the games where you say Thailand beat Finland and Estonia were King's Cup games. In that competition the European sides are club sides (and not top club sides at that) that are sent over as representatives of their country. They are NOT the national sides but the Thais refer to them by the country name for the purposes of the competition.

    The games Thailand has played against European club sides are not competitive matches. They're the kind of game where the manager replaces the whole team at half-time and then brings on a few kids in the second half. The Thais take it very seriously of course. The atmosphere is great because most people support both teams.

    In the World Cup qualifiers, even if Thailand had topped their group they would still have had to go into more playoffs. That's where they got to last time around, only to be whacked by the Saudis, though I think they did well against Iran.

    The thing about the World Cup is that there are too many teams in it now. They could cut it down by reducing the number of European places but there is really no footballing justification for increasing the number of Asian places - yet. I'm sure this will happen eventually, just as it did with the Africans. Very few Asians have yet to make it in the top professional leagues.

    You also do Thai football fans a great injustice by saying they are not interested in their own national team. Listen to the phone-ins on the the sports radio shows. I sometimes go and watch Thai league games with a couple of friends and their main complaint is how far ahead even Singapore and Vietnam are in their organization of the game at the professional level. The Thai FA is very poorly run (surprise surprise). They do go and watch the national team but not always because the games are always shown live on public TV and also Thai international games often seem to be played at times when people are at work or during the evening rush hour.

    A few years ago I would have agreed that the Premier League was over-rated. The Italian league was better technically but these days I think the balance has shifted, along with the money of course.

    Finally, if you're referring to financial exploitation, then I'd have to disagree with you here. I can't see how the the Premier League makes anything directly from the Thais. The TV rights are passed on by the UK broadcasters I think, and the clubs make very very little, if anything, from the sale of merchandise here. Overseas sales hardly register on the profits column, even for Manc Utd.

  5. For payment options try Moneybookers. They seem to work though you probably won't approve of them because they're European.

    Also, I believe it's necessary to register any online business with the Dpeartment of Business Development. I don't know how actively they try to monitor this. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has registered about any follow-up.

  6. Wanderer, you really are a bit out of your depth on the football questions.

    Yes, Thailand have been the best team in SE Asia for a number of years but they are quite clearly (despite the odd success) not up to the level of the top Asian footballing countries. The single most important reason for the failure to capitalize on their strength in SE Asia is down to internal politics in the Thai FA. They never show the will or determination to sort out the grassroots of the game. They are even incapable of organizing a single professional league - they always end up with a number of competing leagues. League football from Thai games is shown live on TV but I doubt it gets the audience that European games do, and is that really just about marketing?

    You claim that "Everyone knows that FIFA is an eurocentric Europe favoring organization" when UEFA have been at odds with FIFA over a number of issues for years now. FIFA have actually done a lot to promote the game around the world and you should note how the improving standard of the African nations has led to them getting more places in the World Cup finals. Just because China, India and Indonesia have massive populations why should they be represented in the Finals when they will lose to some of the more mediocre Europeans? If they can improve their game to compete with the Europeans those places will become available to them. If Thailand can get their game together to actually be one of the top Asian teams then the chance will be open to them. Unfortunately, they look to be on the downward part of the cycle at the moment.

  7. Get some idea of what she's good at / would like to do, then try and get her to knock on doors and contact companies, not just look at what's obviously available.

    Push her to further her education, take courses to build up some skills (e.g. computer, typing etc.). She could combine that with a start in 711.

  8. Absolutely agree, Thaksin called their bluff and outsmarted allof them - the panic button has already been pushed if the advance campaigning for the re-elections is anything to go by. Sukhumvit is already littered with camaign posters every 3 meters!

    Erm, you may find those posters are for the Senate election later this month, are the posters small with a number ranging from 1 to 180 odd ?

    I don't think there are any re-elections in Bangkok anyway.

    The Democrats will not be down and out because there will be new elections before too long. It's still not clear what will happen to TRT with a new leader nor what role Thaksin will take in things. Remember that Sanoh's faction were already unhappy with life as part of TRT. With enough time to prepare for an election maybe they will move elsewhere.

  9. He's damaged goods and a liability. Watch the sharks in his own party start to circle now.

    If Thaksin really goes away then TRT won't survive for very long in its current form. I'm not sure if he's gone for good or not. The important thing is probably how much influence he loses over his party if he's not premier.

    I'd say he's probably gained some face from this decision. If any of the protest leaders now manage to find reasons to continue demonstrations it will make Thaksin's standing much higher.

  10. I've just watched a neighbour trying to catch a tookay with a noose at the end of very long stick. No chance - he's not good enough. But no way is his wife going in the bedroom with the tookay in there (townhouse)!

    The wife's father once demonstrated what a tookay can do by giving one a little poke with a stick, head on. The tookay clamped on and wouldn't let go.

    Judging by the calls we seem to have a tookay epidemic in this area. People seem fine as long as the tookays know their place and they're pretty shy creatures anyway. Our resident keeps itself to the kitchen but I know the wife wouldn't be happy if it turned up in the bedroom.

  11. BU is not of international standard. If you graduate from Chula or Thammasat, you can do post grad studies in the UK and Australia. That to me is 'international standard'.

    I would have my doubts about the overall quality of a BU education but I know personally BU graduates who have done post grad studies in the UK and US.

  12. I exclude Terry, Lampard and Cole from my criticism.

    Terry and Lampard. Fairy nuff.

    But Cole???? :o

    Goes to ground just as quick as any of those foreign chappies.

    You can add Shaun Wright-Phillips to your long list off cheaters now.

    And as the opposing manager pointed out this is something completely out of character for him - suggests that they're following instructions.

  13. An alternative is:


    On the World Nomads site it says the following:

    "World Nomads Travel Insurance is available to residents of the following countries. Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, United States and United Kingdom residents can buy cover for trips anywhere in the world. Residents of all other countries can still buy cover for the whole duration of their trip as long as they intend to travel to Australia or New Zealand during the course of that trip."

    Another possibility:

    Atlas America

  14. for ป , the lips are pressed harder together when speak.. it's the hard 'p sound , the same sound as when you pronunce 'p' in the words 'speak, space, spirit, spark, etc..' in English. or 'p' sound in Italian and Spanish.

    That's always seemed to be the easiest way to get it for me. Think of words like 'speak', 'space', 'sport' etc and notice how the 'p' is different from the 'p' in 'picnic', 'pound', 'pick'. It doesn't have the aspiration, the puff of air, when it follows 's' in English. The 'p' in 'speak' is ป, and the 'p' in 'put' is พ. If you can pronounce 'picnic' or 'Pepsi' the Thai way then you're using ป.

    Interestingly enough, research done on native English speakers found that when they listened to words like 'speak' with the initial 's' cut off, most identified the 'p' as 'b' (Thai บ).

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