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Posts posted by Tarragona

  1. That's strange, I thought he never drank. I met him once with the band and he drank water, as I did. This was at 9 pm at night!

    Red wine is his favourite poison. In one of his books he talks about waking up and polishing off whatever wasn't finished the night before. I think he gets his head together every now and then but it's difficult to stay off it when you're in that business.

  2. My wife was sooo excited to see Carabao in a club about 3 months ago in Bangkok.

    Maybe because it was a small venue or he had a problem with his voice - I'm not sure but I found it a bit slack because he hardly sang much, some other dude cut into many of the songs and did most of the singing.

    Couldn't have been too pissed to remember the words? :o

    Maybe he was ...or I was too pissed to recognize who was who! :D

    I was at a concert recently and Ad was too pissed to carry on - Tom Dundee had to take over. I love the man and see the band 4 or 5 times a year but he sometimes lets himself down.

  3. The OP completely ignores the looting and murders that took place in Thailand in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami.

    And some quarters of the Thai media tried to blame this on gangs of Burmese workers. A senior police officer inteviewed by the BBC in Phuket said that nearly all the looters they arrested were Thai.

  4. The domestic & international terminals at DM both need expansion, this could easily be accomodated on the far side of the sirport, where the military have a lot of under-used space.  The chances of actually bringing this into profitable use are IMHO NIL here in Thailand. 

    Wasn't this suggested, but the Air Force said 'no way'?

  5. I've bought several domain names through Namecheap.

    It's better not to buy your domain name through a webhost, for the reasons given by Mouse. A good domain service like Namecheap or GoDaddy makes it very easy for you to switch the DNS if you change your host.

  6. And if it's just one murder and one brawl, why is Mattich's driver and so many others whose Thai friends have been mentioned in this thread carry guns? 

    But they and others will have been carrying guns (even in their golf bags) for many years before now - but you've never felt the need before :o They work for people and in positions where they feel it's advisable to be prepared.

    And are you sure that when you shoot a Thai attacker the story won't be turned around with you made out to be the guilty party. I can just see the Thai media having a field day about farang on Thai violence :D

  7. To you he's just "someone else's kid" but he may mean more than that to your wife. And you said it - if MIL dies the boy really has nowhere to go.

    What are your wife's objections to him going to boarding school in England? Many would say that would be in his long-term interests anyway. Bring him out to Thailand in the holidays. That may still disturb you but would be a smaller sacrifice.

    Is MIL in poor health? As Neeranam said it's not so many more years before he'll be able to look out for himself.

  8. Your confusion probably comes from the fact that final stop sounds "p, t, k" (or "b, d, g" for that matter, as they are the same) are not released in Thai.

    Thus, when you say "cup" in English, there is in obvious outburst of air after the "p". To get the pronounciation of "khrap" right, your lips should close like an oyster on the "p" sound, not releasing any air, to achieve the proper Thai effect.

    Actually in regular speech, it would be unusual to release the "p" of cup.

  9. Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

    Option 1 - Stop driving

    Option 2 - Go back to your own country

    Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

    The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok


    Well I have plenty of Thai friends who complain about motorcycles. I suppose, according to you, their only course is Option 1.

  10. He'll go to meetings probably once a week, sometimes a bit more often, sometimes a bit less, as Barry says to discuss the use of funds allocated by the government. If he is in with the right group he could well make some money.

    My father-in-law was elected the first time the a.b.t.s were introduced and not so many people were interested. He made the kamnan a bit nervous because he wasn't on the take. By the next time around the possibilities had become clear and he wasn't in a position to compete with those who had become interested in being elected. Really he was too old anyway but I felt sorry for him. He really loved being part of the meetings and often recounted them at great length, real parliamentary style in central Thai dialect.

  11. Am I the only person that thinks Little Britain is sh*t?  :o

    There are a few amusing sketches such as the ‘yeah but, no but’ girl and the guy who fancied his mates granny, but mostly it’s characters with one joke over and over.

    I don't think it's sh*t but it's not that great.

    Someone just lent me DVDs of two series and I watched them all straight through which was probably a mistake as some of it was very repetitive. Though I thought they did a reasonable job of ditching characters who had burnt out by the end of the first series (including the granny lover and the Jock with the recorder).

    A lot of it's been done before - Harry Enfield and Lenny Henry come to mind. But a decent evening's entertainment nevertheless.

  12. Noticed skatewhale seems to be built inside godaddy.com. At Go Daddy instead of your $4 getting 1GB space and 10GB bandwidth it gets you 4GB space and 100GB bandwidth. Cheap and a reputable company!!!

    I've heard some less than complimentary things about Go Daddy hosting.

    Someone posted a link to Webhosting Talk the other day. You'll find a lot of info on the cheap end of the hosting market there. Use the 'search' for threads on specific hosts.

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