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  1. march 24 renewal, pathum thani office, required ALL pages copied of both the bank book and the passport.
  2. Did 90 day report feb 5 - on time. many years at PT, never a payment due or paid on it. however, in 2022 left for 6 weeks, and filed 90 days after return entry stamp. was looked at ,but accepted. I still had the old 90 day rcpt dated for for sept in my passport. they scheduled the next 90 day from it, so when I came in at 180 days to do my next report, they fined me 2000 bt. I argued and my wife for the new count date, but they said ok, pay 1000 bt and leave now. my wife paid it as she is cowed easily by police people and arguements. so, on returning from out of country, throw thee old rcpt away immediately.
  3. Ireentered aug 12. 90 days was nov 9. I dated my form nov 9, but reported in on nov 7. all ok, but the next 90 day report was entered for feb 5. they start the 90 day calculation on the day yo actually report, not an ongoing 90 day calculation, so my report was then 88 days. you do not save time by reporting early..
  4. this is a correct account of the ID situation, very common in thaland among the older people. nowadays, when an initial birth registration is done, if only a year available, usually taken from the house paper, january 1st is just inserted, my daughter in law's case on this aspect. my wife, born 1948, the ID only shows the year, hence, also her thai passport. she has travelled the world extensively with little problen, save the explanation here. her passport however will not work in the thai exit & reentry machines. she only has to go stand in line with me. always no problem. at some banks, they often get upset about this for their papperwork, but finally accept it. she married me in canada 43 years ago, and got a cdn passport, although with my last name. I gave her a birth date for it, so that travel document works fine. she now has 2 passports, each with different information, name, dates. we have also tried to fix it over the years, but it is true that no retroactive changes can or will be made in thailand. new info. only, such as name change or married name.
  5. have used fedex many times, both ways. have never seen dhl in canada
  6. I have used fedex several times. very fast, and had no hiccups.
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