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Posts posted by minbari73

  1. When I first went to my lady's village, her Mother and her friends/relatives all turned up and they had a little ritual where where they poured alcohol into a pot plant or something, or was it the dirt...can't quite remember - supposed to be good luck or something...of course the local alcoholics turned up as well for a sniff of anything/something/gimme gimme gimme :o


  2. My TW rarely gets angry with me as I'm not really a typical farang :D in that I don't smoke or drink or go out with the boys or do anything that usually pisses off women. But when *I* get angry or pissed off with something or to her at least, be upset with her, she just shuts off, blocks her ears and hums. No confrontation, nothing. She may get upset with me on this count and shed a tear, but there's never any argument, as the anger is not directed at her. This first happened in BKK when I couldn't understand that you can't just flag down *any* taxi and tell them to take you somewhere. I was sick of standing in the heat and was tired of the constant empty taxi's going past ignoring us and she was trying her best to explain that certain taxi's have *routes*, (in broken english, me not understanding at all) being the farang my voice was becoming louder at my exasperation of the situation. She thought I was angry at her for not getting a taxi, and she was upset with me for the rest of the day. Silent tears "teerak upset with me" - From then on I've tried to hold my temper and stay calm mai pen rai style :o , it certainly makes homelife peaceful :D We get on like a house-on-fire.

  3. just to calm u all down, according to my friends, thai ghosts do not travel to other countries, and dont normally bother farang... farang ghosts will bother farang, and farang ghosts in farangland will not bother thai living in farangland, hence no need for the ghost houses, etc.... (or maybe they told me this to calm themsleves down/??? 55555

    ethnocentric ghosts???

    I wish you'd tell that to my wife :D Funny little things aren't they ? :D The things they think ! Coming to live in Perth Oz, the first thing she asked me is whether anyone died in the house. I said no of course, but then I wouldn't have a clue! Any bump in the night, video recorder turning itself off, lightbulb blowing, noise outside and it's "Ghost!" <deleted> don't show her a ghost movie, such as The Grudge, or I'll be accompanying her to the loo 4 times a night. She won't purposely buy second hand things in case of spirit attached, but is perfectly happy to buy something s/h for the baby because he doesn't believe in ghosts (yet).

    When a little girl, she had several bad experiences with apparent ghosts. One of the more popular and scary village ghosts was the "crying pregnant lady" who shuffles past abodes in the dead of night sobbing :D this was one. And when she was a bit older she ran away for a few hours and hid in an old abandoned school and swears she heard a stampede of footsteps above her, again at night, only to be rescued by her cousin.

    Now she's with me and i'm such a big brave manly type :o she has nothing more to fear :D

  4. oh yes there can't possibly be any innocent  people in Thai s h i t hole jails can there?

    I'm sure if you ask them, they will all tell you that they are innocent.

    They were just set up by the system, they are mis-understood victims of society. It wasn't their 10kgs of coke found in their bags, the customs guys must have planted it.

    It wasn't really them in those kiddie porn pics and videos, someone must have faked those thousands of pics.

    Honest, it was a one-armed man that killed my g/f ! (The Fugitive).

    (like that Canadian guy who spent hours confessing to an undercover cop about how he killed his g/f, washed her, wrapped her in a clean white sheet, and buried her in a recently dug grave.

    He thought he was talking to some big crime boss.

    After giving a very detailed account of his crime (secretly video-taped) they arrested him. He was shocked when he realized he'd been confessing to a cop, and, of course, he entered a plea of NOT GUILTY when charged !

    If you want to do something humanitarian, there was another thread about the women's prison needing panties, as the government only gives them enough to supply each girl with 2 pair a year.

    So a few inmates are actually innocent, some *say* they are innocent and the rest are guilty. What has this got to do with visiting a human being in a h e l lhole?

    Gee thanks for the Fugitive reference I would never have got it without the contents of your brackets. Rather poor really, seeing he was innocent and the one-armed man actually did do it.

    The reason the British guy wanted to stay in a Thai prison was because he is waiting for another Royal Amnesty. If he went back to the UK under a prisoner exchange he would have to spend the remainder of sentence in jail, whatever it was 80 million years or something ridiculous. Was he innocent or guilty? I don't really care.

    You hard hearted B a s t a r d s make me sick. :D:D The original poster wanted to do something nice for someone and you pounce on him. The suggestions of going to an orphanage were good, he should do that also if it makes him feel better about himself


  5. Cheers guy's.

    Thanks very much.

    I know they have done wrong but I suppose a vist and some gifts would go along way especially given the enviorment they are in.


    I don't understand why people want to do this, so what if they have the same name. What's he in for? drugs, or kiddie ######ing? why visit people like that? Compassion is the usual excuse for this trip which has almost become a tourist stop off. If that's the motive then there are plenty of deserving thai people who could do with some, and innocent ones at that, before wasting time and money on falang idiots in prison. Why not visit an orphanage or aids ward with some gifts instead? -peter

    oh yes there can't possibly be any innocent people in Thai s h i t hole jails can there?

  6. thats great ! Been a huge help to me at least, now I know for sure whats happening :o:D

    he adds: its difficult to find any info on exactly what the child support payments will be, according to my income etc..there doesn't seem to be any calculator i can find on the centrelink site, can give me any info on that ?


  7. Go where you are going to have the best family support I guess. Medical facilities in BKK are equal to those in OZ.

    I guess from an Australian perspective, you'll get the baby bonus if you are living in OZ at the time.

    From a nationality perspective, the baby will get both OZ and Thai nationality wherever it is born.

    Being in almost the same position as you (you scamp), except married already and on the 2nd stage (two year wait) for the permanent resident visa i've been wondering the same things. We'll (she'll) be having the baby here as that Aus nationality is best for the baby, no doubt. Then there's the already mentioned baby bonus, plus, you may be able to claim some sort of child support payments to help with the situation. In fact you'll probably just recieve them without asking if everything is done properly hospital paperwork wise. You'll probably have to go to the Registry of Births & Deaths for the baby bonus stuff, then onto the Tax Dept. I'm not really sure of the procedure, its something like that. :o There's no way in ###### our baby will be having anything to do with the Thai education system, so there'll be no big move to Thailand for us anytime soon. He's due in August and I can smell the poo and sick already :D

    :D i'm delirious :D:D

  8. My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

    OMG, there is a ban on the word H E L L on this site?...that is so lame...

  9. My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

  10. You can get acceptable ones in Chinatown Brisbane. Try Chinese butchers in Perth

    :D wonders where a "chinese" butcher might be in Perth.

    internet and phone book rather unhelpful on that count :D

    Is there no Chinatown in the wild west ? :D

    Just Northbridge i'm afraid, not really a Chinatown, but one could mistake it for one walking through there sometimes :o May have to don my Charlie Chan outfit and take a stroll through there sometime :D

  11. My TW constantly expouses the quality and taste of Thai hotdogs (sausages or frankfurters to me) and have looked everywhere in Perth Aus for something similar. Being (I think) mostly of pork origin in Thailand, we tried many different types of pork sausages here, American Frankfurters / hotdog brand, pretty much tried everything - Gone to probably every Asian food shop in Perth, but *nothing* stacks up to the slightly strange hotdog taste she knows and loves..asked other Thai friends here and they all say the same thing..only in Thailand!

    Can anyone point us in the right direction ?

  12. I will address this specifically for Bronco, as he's from Oz.

    I ain't he, but I was in a similar situation with my TGF, now TW

    I wanted to address topics addressed in various threads, in one place. So apologies, if I'm repeating some things.

    My Plan: My GF and I have been in a relationship for over 4 years now. Mostly long distance with regular visits by me to LOS. She has also visited Oz twice, 3 month visa issued each time. Have photos with family, friends and doctor's receipt of her time here.

    A third visitor visa may be difficult, possible though :D

    Now we are serious about her settiling here. So I plan to bring her to Oz on another tourist visa of 3 months. Get married ASAP at the registry.

    get photos! Our case worker especially wanted to see them

    Submit application thereafter to DIMA to get her PR. I believe I understand all the requirements about documentation, police and medical checks, etc.

    Any reason you aren't doing the prospective marriage visa ? If she is in LOS atm this would be a good way to go. You would of course have to send her the documentation.

    Current Situation or History:

    I financially support her with a monthly salary into her bank account. Have copies of EFT.

    Good, keep them! Keep everything !

    She got a bank loan and has since bought a house. Monthly mortgage payments.

    Has a car, which is almost paid off this year. Also monthly repayments.

    She was a BG when we met. But she has since been legitimate in jobs such as running a clothing stall with her family; she has most recently worked in an office job for several months, but has no document from employer. Has since left.

    Now works in a family friends beauty salon. Friend will provide letter of employment if asked. Her brother-in-law (an expat Scot), is also willing to provide document of employment for her, but it is in bar/pub? I question how this may be viewed by DIMA.

    Don't lie, but try to get as many statements from her previous employers as possible, translated to english - you don't have to mention the BG experience - just get to mention she was a cleaner or something :D The fact that she owns property, held you in good stead in getting her visitor visas all those times, meaning she had good reason to return -

    GF will stay with my mother and I. The house is in Mum's name. Should I at least look at transferring this into my name? Or will a statement from my mother, suffice for place of abode?

    When doing our PMV Statements from both parents were good in the eyes of our case worker at DIMIA - being in a similar situation to you


    1. Is this a legitimate/legal thing to do? Obviously, when applying for the tourist visa in LOS, the reason is for another holiday.. :o

    I'm worried that you'd mentioned in another reply of DIMA frowning on this.

    2. I also expect that if this were done and my, by now, 'wife' does not get her application approved before 3 months is up, she may have to go back to LOS. Is there any issues that she may face in trying to re-enter? Also what bureaucratic process does she need to go through in LOS to come back, assuming PR is eventually approved.

    That is why prospective marriage visa is good, gives 9 months to marry :D

    3. A longer term question - on the property she owns in LOS. This will be our retirement abode. I will service the debt, once she's in Oz. Is it advisable for her to keep her name, as in the Thai passport, ID card. Will there be issues with the property in future, if she chooses to take my name.

    Very likely, I've heard of this happening, not sure of the current situation

    I do not expect her to relinquish Thai citizenship, if not required to do so; and if it would make it easier to own and maintiain property in LOS.

    What is your advice? I realise the risk that I have, in not having legal ownership of this house. I may consider establishing a private company to transfer the title, so that I have a t least some stake.

    Even then :D

    Thank you in advance for your advice.

  13. My TW grew up (poor)in Buriram, worked in Chiang Mai, BKK and Pattaya and *hates* the hot weather - here in oz the fan is constantly on level 3 and the air con on high, she wraps in the all weather duvet while sleeping as do I - a previous poster mentioned co-ordination - thats exactly my method :obugger waking up with the sweats!

  14. During the second stage (temporary resident 2 year) part of my ladies application, everything was fine during the interview, we had everything required, until she asked for proof of our joint bank account. Even though we really didn't require one (except for the benefit of the visa application) I had added her name to my account. *Very* lucky I did that let me tell you! We raced off to the bank and had the last statement printed and came straight back in. True to the CW's word, 4 weeks later the approval came ..

    Get that joint account happening the moment she comes! and take proof of it too - an atm card is not enough unless it has the same numbers on it..

  15. Is there any requirement in Australia that a Thai wife (or any nationality wife) must change their last name, on passport etc..to that of the husband? I've been told Finland has such a rule about this and if it's not donein a certain time the wife cannot enter Finland for 5 years, just wondered about Oz. Can't find anything on DIMIA site.


  16. Hiya, nice collection of links there Ken/Lat !

    One suggestion...

    Frames = bad :D

    I had a spare hour tonight, so I took your site and completely revamped it, similar to my personal links page here:


    of course I don't have quite the number of links you've accumulated :o

    If you like it, let me know and I'll email it in zip form and remove it from my site.

    It does need more work - such as making the actual links page smaller than 490k, perhaps breaking it into smaller chunks...might take a few more hours LOL


    Hope ya like it!

    BTW I scored more left wing than Ghandi on Voter Guide, but I decided to do it anyway :D

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