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Posts posted by minbari73

  1. You've obviously been to Centrelink and talked to them about all this, did they happen to mention what the threshold is ? Theres a phone number to ring which I will call tomorrow, but if you can tell me now :o


    When you said :

    I think it will get worse as the mystery unfolds, I didn't like the tone of the CentreLink officer today, she made it sound like the AoS has to be done before applying for the visa, but I will find out for sure this week when I go again.

    the actual AoS form says :

    Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs letter to the Applicant advising that an Assurance of Support is required.

    Kinda means to me - Immigration will make up their mind whether you need one or not after looking at your case !

    BTW i'm stealing your idea about a cover page (another thread) :D

    good idea didnt think of that!


  2. Statutory declarations should be completed by at least 2 people aged over 18...

    so goes the 1127 Partner migration act booklet -

    then goes on to say use the 888 form...

    which says the person who completes the declaration may be required to submit up to 3(!) seperate declarations? It gets more confusing by the minute

  3. Which one ? Theres a plain paper one with STAT DEC on the top and the 888 form - which I have already - do they accept either if its for 40sp and 47sp prospective marriage one ? - isnt the 888 for spouse and interdependancy - or am i confused - is interdependancy = prospective marriage ?

    Thanks for the answer !

  4. ok then :o

    Im 36, Australian - she's 25. I've brought her to Aus once already on a visitor visa - i've known her for around 8 months. Not bargirl, met her in netcafe and she was virgin too. Only actually been together as a couple for 4 months. I have no funds for a proper big wedding at this time, and being scared of just handing them a copy of the marriage license and them saying 'sham wedding' we would like to postpone the actual wedding for a couple (or few) months, get a NOIM certificate for prospective marriage and have a little bit more of a family affair aussie wedding later on. As i have next to nothing in the bank, I was wondering if they look at this *only* when everything else is in order and use it as an excuse to reject it ( i realise its the officers discretion whether this happens or not - i have read this forum at length, including UK people having trouble with lack of funds in the bank) or would it be prudent to have my parents be guarantor (as such) as she will be living with them and me if and when she arrives. We are currently going to great lengths to have everything in order and I simply don't want my being dirt-poor, yet employed (and the rest) screwing up the application, wasting 20000baht. What would you suggest? i get different information with simply every person i speak to and i get the idea that just following the guidelines in Booklets immigration have might not be enough!

    Thanks for your expertise :D

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