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Posts posted by minbari73

  1. I would like some advice on getting my Thai G/f a visa to visit Aust for about 1 week at christmas ...N/year .

    We have known each other for nearly 2 years .

    We  have chatted online for this time .

    I have been to visit her 2 times .

    We sms every day for the last year .

    Phone call every day for last 6 months .

    She has a job in accounting , she has worked for this company for  about 9 years . And he boss will give refrence that she  can have holiday and that she will return to work

    She lives with her family in bkk .

    But she not have a lot of money ....

    What would be the best way to  apply for tourist visa ?

    I worry about the bank statment  that they will want to see .

    Can i get a statatory deceleration  in australia stating that i am happy to support  and sponser for this holiday to Aust .

    I have  printed all the emails we have sent each other , have copy of phone and sms records .

    i will be going to visit her in 3 weeks time and would it be a good idea if i went with her  to apply for visa ?

    Any advice would be welcome

    Thank you

    Do you have any records of your net chats with her? If so, print a few samples.

    Definitely get her boss to give her a signed letter of leave and something to the effect she is a trustworthy employee.

    Definitely draft some sort of letter, it can be a Stat Dec, but doesn't have to be, stating where she will be staying, that you will be funding her visit, purchasing travel insurance and at all times be responsible for her. Have it signed and stamped/witnessed by a JP or Commissioner of Declarations.

    Try to get lots of photos of you two travelling and ones of you together.

    Your payslips would be good too. It's just a visitor visa, so the amount of cash you have in the bank shouldn't matter too much. I only had a couple of grand there when i did mine.

  2. My wife has recently become fascinated with a certain flannelette towel, treating it as a kind of security blanket and jokingly not letting me touch it or near it even :D

    She's explained it to me as being less 'Yup' than other towels, which are apparently

    more 'Yup' than this particular one. I find it all rather endearing of course and go along with the joke. She's explained "yup" is the way it crumples and stays crumpled for a while and the way the cotton is standing up on the towel. But she can't or won't explain the fascination with the towel. Anyone had a similar experience with their Thai Lady ?


  3. It's a total pain in the ass - I don't use one in normal surfing and I don't have any problem - can one of the mods PLEASE make it so it's a choice and not a requirement of logging onto this site ? It used to be a choice of actually clicking the link, now its a pop up - why <deleted>.


  4. Having *pushbike* helmet laws here in Perth Aus and having actually been pulled over once by a D of all people, for no foam helmet, i was totally stunned on my first trip to Thailand to see toddlers riding helmetless, sometimes up to 5 on the same bike! Those riders I did see wearing something, didn't seem to mind it was simply a piece of tupperware plonked on their heads! Time after time I saw huge groups of bikes stopped at lights (Pattaya) about 80% of them not wearing helmets and the lone helmetless farang is the one pulled over by the copper

    :o Hey I was in another country, who am I to think like that ! :D

    I also like the riders with no helmet but wearing smoke masks :D

  5. Hiya - the best bet is go to the Australian Thai Embassy site and read as much as possible! Be warned though, not everything you will need to do is spelled out there!




    My lady discovered after a phone call that she had to actually go in there and get the letters of introductions needed for the medical and police checks. Maybe I'm blind, but I couldn't see this detailed anywhere on the site. Ask the Embassy which hospital and Police you will need to go to for these checks. When complete, the hospital will send the information to the embassy directly in wait for your application - there is a time limit on this before they throw it out. 6 Months I think.

    Your boyfriend will most likely need to prove his income, or guarantee that he will be able to look after you when you return to Oz. Your boyfriend will need 2 statutory declarations from friends.

    Best tips?

    Make appointments! Once you have everything ready (and I mean everything) ring them and make an appointment, it may take a couple of weeks. Try to always speak to the same case worker if possible. If you make a mistake somewhere your file will go to bottom and you will wait more.

    Get translations at Embassy approved offices.

    Gather as much evidence of your relationship as humanly possible! Letters from friends, relatives and anyone who has seen you together. Bombard them with information!

    Wear very nice clothes, no jeans, open foot wear or heavy makeup, or masses of jewellery, the women there look you up and down! Buy a suit or something! Tell your man to do the same! No offence and no accusations, but if you dress like a hooker and display your tattoos with pride and he flops in with thongs, shorts and a singlet, depending on who you see there, you may not get the best first impression from the case worker!

    Do *everything* required. And more ! Read the website, go to the embassy and get all the required booklets and study them. Ask questions.

    Supply them with as many photos as possible. Especially of you together.

    Present your evidence neatly and in folders. Check and re-check everything, especially the forms. Make no mistakes.

    Regpye posted a while ago a cover note for his 'evidence of relationship' inwhich I tailored to our needs:


    v Applicant – YOUR NAME

    o 47SP Application Form.

    o Signed and Dated Letter from Authorised Marriage Celebrant.

    o Certified Copy of Passport.

    o Copies of Land Title, Home ownership and other documents. (Translated to English)

    o 4 Passport sized Photos.

    o Thai Police Clearance Check.

    o Medical Information and X-Rays. (already recieved)

    o Previous Employment Records.

    o Statement of Our Relationship – contents:

    § Copy of Passport Pages showing visit to Australia.

    § Certified Copy of ID and Other Documents (translated into English.)

    § Our Relationship Details written by YOU (translated into English.)

    § Evidence of mutual travel together in Thailand. – Plane Tickets, hotel bills etc.

    § VCDs of Travel Together In Thailand.

    § Emails. (printed)

    § SMS Messages (printed)

    § Sample of MSN Messenger Conversations (printed)

    § Correspondence to HIM from YOU - Postcards.

    § Correspondence to Western Australia from overseas friends during 3 month stay.

    § Previous Travel Insurance Card (expired)

    § ATM receipts from Thailand / from HIS bank account

    § Motorbike ownership details, registration particulars

    § Telephone bills with calls made to HIS Phone number

    § Hospital Bills from Medical Check

    o Further Information:

    § Copy of Notice of Intention to Marry

    § Letters from Mother, Sister, Uncle, Friends and previous employer (translated)

    § Certificate of Single Status

    § Birth Certificate


    v Sponsor - HIS NAME

    o 40SP Application Form

    o Certified Copy of Passport.

    o Certified Copy of Birth Certificate showing Australian Citizenship.

    o 2 Passport size Photos.

    o Australian Police Clearance Check.

    o Signed statement from employer.

    o Payslips from employer.

    o Certified statement of Support from HIM

    o Statement of Our Relationship – contents:

    § Copy of Passport Pages showing visits to Thailand.

    § Our Relationship Details written by HIM

    § Photographs showing some of our contact. (See seperate Photo Album)

    § Emails (printed)

    § Correspondance to YOU from HIM - Postcards

    § Bank Statements.

    § Previous travel insurance documents for YOU

    v Two Statutory Declarations by Supporting Witnesses.

    o XXXX - Friend - 18 years

    o XXXX - Friend and work colleague - 15 years

    v Further Statutory Declarations by Supporting Witnesses (Parents)

    o XXXX – Mother

    o XXXX – Father

    There were things here that weren't required, but we supplied anyway, I suppose all this helped in the speed of the approval. :o

    It may be difficult for your BF to gather the information he needs while Thailand, so it may take some time to organise or a trip back to Australia to do. It took my lady nearly two months to gather everything, trips to local offices in her province to get evidence of no previous marriage etc, but it was all no problem. I wasn't there with her when the interview took place, but that didn't seem to matter.

    Hope that helps!

    PS - My lady flies in tonight and we Marry on Sunday. I'm so happy :D:D:D

  6. Fiance went in for her interview (Aus Embassy)with a friend helping her carry stuff, handed over documents, bank cheque, proof of relationship etc, 1 hour interview, the lady there was very nice apparently. This was yesterday and today she gets a phone call from the case worker saying to come in tomorrow the visa has been approved and to pick it up! I was at the very least expecting a 3 week to 3 month wait or longer!

    Just a quick thanks to all the fellers that gave me advice here! Regpye etc..

    Ta very much !

  7. well, my first mistake was just a typo

    i put a 0 instead of a 1

    the 60 pages included telephone bills ,itemised

    email logs,bank statements,20 odd photos over 6 month period

    >> i've been told that the more photo's you have the less of other 'proof' you will need, dont know if this is true tho, maybe thats why she gave a hard time - it all seems a bit fake to me, forcing couples to take millions of photos just to 'prove' a relationship :D when people can provide all this other stuff

    joint lease agreement, 2 oz citizens gave referrals, i had everything required they just wanted more of it and they actually wanted to see the emails in full not just the logs so had to print out a lot

    >> yep, apart from the joint lease agreement as she'll be living with my parents and I for time being, we've done all that. Referrals from two friends, also referrals from my parents, her mother and sister and other friends and her old boss as well. Printed out every email we had, and samples of MSN chats and well as SMS records. Bank statements etc and also about 900 photos - no phone records as we used the net mostly at the start and both our phones are pre paid - we both did history statements about 5 pages each, hers in thai that was translated.

    she did not go into specifics of the assurance of support

    but only asked if i was capable to make it happen

    gf said they asked about how long was it between when we met til when we slept together , so that shocked me a bit !

    >> I wrote about this in my history statement, saying when our 'physical relationship' started. I wondered at the time of writing just how detailed this thing needed to be ! No answers anywhere of course :o

    we wrote the history letter together, was only one page but a full page and signed it together and wrote how we met , and our plans for the future

    hope this gives you an idea but its not pretty

    by the way , i was once questioned by police because of my room mates activities and that was a lot more pleasant than the embassy

  8. My fiance is about to do the same on her own, prospective marriage visa, we have everything thats been asked for and more, nevertheless I have a few questions :o

    Can I ask what were the errors in the application ?

    The 60 pages, what did that include ? Was it what they asked for, or was it something extra? Did you have everything required? Translations etc?

    With the assurance of support, is it likely they will ask for this? Did they mention threshold of earnings ? I'm getting very mixed answers concerning this, WA centrelink tell you that its 32000 before they ask for it, eastern centrelink say its 17000...where approximately do you sit?

    Did your GF tell you what questions were asked ?

    How detailed were you in the History of Relationship statement ? Did your GF do one ?

    My lady has been told she will see a farang - personally I can't see this happening upon interview time.


  9. Thanks - I tried ringing immigration on this subject - - - > talk about runaround ! < - - - only after talking to 4 different people on the subject, and 4 *other* different people at Births, Deaths & Marriages did I get a definitive answer - "if they ask for it, you will have to do it" B&D wanted to charge me $125 for a bloody piece of paper ! Thieves.

  10. TGF is soon to do the Prospective marriage visa run to the Aus Embassy and was wondering whether she will need proof of her single status, never married etc.. that said - will I need something also ? The celebrant who did our NOIM letter seemed to think that because we have both signed said letter, saying we are both single, that was enough. Something tells me we may need more :o

  11. As far as I can tell its a lot more difficult to get visas now than it was a few years ago

    - take those "witnessed" reference letters again, in fact make new ones and get more from other people too, even thais

    - take as many photos as you can and as muc h proof of your relationship as possible

    - a witnessed letter from you wouldnt go astray either

    I think its only a lot easier the second time when the first time is a success ( and this time you have more evidence and have done everything they require to the letter) - but your first is a few years ago, so who can tell ?

    My visa 'experience' so far is fairly recent, with one tourist application visa done and successful and about to do a prospective marriage one - but my situation is quite different I think, so good luck !

  12. >Write our statements of relationship, one by applicant other by sponsor, stating >how we met, how long we have been in the relationship, how it developed, >running of the household, sharing of finances, bla, bla, bla.....

    You would probably have a lot of history to write down, as would your lady ! Tell me, just how much are you going into ? I've currently written about 4 A4 pages so far describing our meeting and the above stuff. I suppose they would be looking for inconsistancies between what I write and what She writes, I just hope the translation she eventually emails me (for checking) contains none! I absolutely have no idea what she's written ! I wonder how much a translation would be over here

  13. When I brought my TGF back, she of course filled out the 48R form. I was to sponsor her, but it wasn't sponsored visitor visa. I had prepared and submitted a letter with the application signed by a JoP that stated I would take out full travel insurance and fully support her for the period of her visa. This seemed to take care of those particular questions in the 'additional questions' section. One thing tho, we didnt submit medical tests and I dont seem to remember them asking for them ! My Lady had seperate land deeds and her name on house deeds as well and threw that in there too. Question 6 she put 'engaged'. and described me as fiance'

    Question 17, she ticked 'no' and attached no itinerary details as we hadnt booked a flight at all at that point. The woman there didnt even ask about that as far as i can recall

    hope that helps

  14. AoS

    Just got back from seeing CentreLink, the critiera is worse than what you think.

    The amount needed is $32,485 per year TAXABLE INCOME for that last 2 years and ongoing.

    If on any pension, i.e. DSP it IS NOT counted as part of your income.

    >>>-- yep

    Guess they just don't want anyone coming to AU unless they are filthy rich.

    >>>-- i spose - ahh well its only money and its not like they keep it, unless ya use the welfare system, like ya got a choice :o

    Thanks Amanda.

    >>>-- ###### Beotch !

  15. To take your wife back to AU you will have to sponsor her for 2 years.

    To sponsor her you have to fill out an AoS and meet the requirements.

    If you don't have sufficient funds, a house to live in and a means of keeping her for at least 104 weeks, a bond will have to be paid ($3,500AUD) This bond can be held for up to 10 years (usually 30 months)

    --Yep i just rang Centrelink and the threshold is $32,000 per annum - earn below that and its likely immigration will ask for AoS - PLUS theres another $1000 or so on top of that $3500 I can't remember what for tho

    Well I'm on $29000 so I guess i'm gonna hafta cough it up

    I'm still confused tho, I'm wondering whether this prospective marriage visa is for 9months or 2 years - I know you have to Marry within 9 months - am i getting the wrong idea somewhere ?

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