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Posts posted by Skeetjones

  1. Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
    Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

    If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

    What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

    If we sat down and drank a beer together and you get out of line, guaranteed in real life I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So shad up with the don't insult me stuff and shut your vagina cheeks.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    you obviously don't know me son shine you may find you get more than you bargained for lol ive spent the last 25 years of my life in the fight game, worked the doors on some of the worst places in england unbelievable threatening violence because you cant hold a debate because your wrong lol

    I didn't threading violence. I said I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So please shut your cherry pie. Go ahead and make up your war stories about the toughest alley ways and royal rumbles of the bar scene. Yawn

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Today's Tv.com silly noise complaining about Thailand.

    As I cant understand what they saying

    then just turn off the sound. Substitute your own soundtrack by playing music or whatever.

    Silly noise sorted.


    Sorry attempt at trying to be funny. Fail

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  3. Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
    Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

    If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

    What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Firstly you dont know me so dont call me stupid, if you did no me you wouldnt call me stupid,secondly your saying because the word Thai is in the title i am refering to thier culture ? So in your logic if i said a thai person had a tv I would be reffering to there culture if you wish to debate the subject thats fine but refrain from insulting me.

    If we sat down and drank a beer together and you get out of line, guaranteed in real life I'm going to clown on you and your going to sit there and take it. So shad up with the don't insult me stuff and shut your vagina cheeks.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol
    Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

    If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And where do I criticize thai culture? I wasn't aware TV was specific to Thailand, I think you'll find its multi cultural if there was annoying sounds on the tv anywhere I would have a moan, just so happens I live in thailand now, I love the culture and never moan about it but if your gonna generalize about anything said in thailand is about the culture then you are the one that needs to rethink.

    What does the title say stupid? "THAI TV SILLY NOISES" someone is generalizing right there. Shut your butt cheeks and read.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  5. Exploitation (in various ways) is rife in Thailand (which is probably a whole other topic).

    It is a perpetual (negative) cycle.

    Then that (negative) perpetual cycle becomes normalised because most people hang out in the same circles.

    Behaviours which are seen as offensive or distasteful etc in most countries, and which people would never dare to utter or practice openly, are soon seen as perfectly normal within certain enviroments.

    The problem is these individuals then think its normal or acceptable everywhere in Thailand.

    IE: Sitting in a coffee shop i overhear to decreped looking old men (looked like parts of their body might just flake off at any given moment) talking about rates of paying their hookers and discussing what they do (sexually). In a nice coffee shop. Get a grip gents..get a grip..

    Hilarious to listen to two portly old men bitching the other night outside a well-known nightclub on Sukhumvit after a freelancer one of them had propositioned asked him for 3,000 THB.

    I couldn't believe the disgusting things they were saying about her. All I could think was, "go and have a look in the MIRROR, man".

    These boys were 25-30kgs overweight, double and triple chins, sweat patches and, although they weren't dirty, their clothes looked like they had been stitched by a chimp. A blind one at that.

    Don't these guys realize that these girls have to be compensated for having fat, disgusting men all over their bodies?

    So sad my people have to resort to these actions.

    They must hate them selfs in the morning when looking in mirror after sex with these men. But put a fake smile on while they send money back home... Smh

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  6. Very few men over 50 look good, George Clooney, Jose Mourinho etc don't look too bad, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them with a 25 year old stunner, I look better than both, that's why I have a GF who is 30 years younger than me and she is jealous if I talk to one of her superstar pals, she pays her money and makes her choice, when it gets too much I just move on, yes, I have my limits, no matter how much she pays me !


    Lord help me from laughter!!!

    Best trolling I've seen yet.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. i would say its not hard to find a real relationship here. what is hard is finding a real relationship in a red light district. or finding a real relationship with a model. finding hard working average looking women here is easy if you dont mind being open and honest.

    That's the thing. Any foreigner can get a overweight, same language speaking, boring, nagging, white average, run of the mill, woman the same age as they are with the same qualities.

    BUT NO.

    They want to the 18 year old, fresh girl, who speaks the opposite language, opposite skin color, nothing in common, have opposite cultures, are "submissive" and clueless.

    Cause in there own countries they would be labeled as creepy and a danger to society.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  8. Why on earth do they insist on using the sliding whistle snare drum ect its annoying if its funny i can see that, i don't need stupid sounds to emphasise it ,its as if they are creating the programs for 5 yr olds,on anther note when watching tv here does anyone else make up the dialog for the soaps in there head? As I cant understand what they saying it is much more fun to put words in there mouth,it always ends up like a dirty phone call though lol

    Why are you criticizing Thai culture and way of life if you choose to LIVE there? Tired of reading posts by you foreigners complaining about THAI customs and THAI attitude. Take your butt to Cambodia or Myanmar and complain about them.

    If it wasn't for THAILAND you would still be home miserable with a overweight wife and kids, driving a Datsun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. if you really committed the crimes you confessed to in the OP, only the court should decide where you live

    you should hand yourself in to the police and let the justice system protect the rest of society from your violence

    if you do this in america you will probably receive some free help to fix / control your mental health issues

    Lol. Be quiet woman. Stay in the kitchen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    nothing tough or manly about beating up women

    if you aren't brave enough to face justice i'm sure karma will catch up on you later

    best regards, miss brit

    How about me and you catch up later, since your gods perfect gift to earth.

    Shut the hell up about the abusive bs. Read my past posts explaining the situations before you open your mouth. Damn <deleted>.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. I'm by no means am living wild.

    I've lived in Thailand for 3 years so I need no paragraphs about the 'rules' and life style.

    I'm in a bad relationship and I admit that.

    My mom is leaving and I will be alone in the state no moral or any type of support if / will the relationship goes sour. That worries me.

    It's been on my mind, just asking for some opinions. I don't need to hear how someone will beat me to death or I'm headed for jail.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    If you know you are in a bad relationship, as you say, and are asking what you should do about it then it is clear you have a normal life problem that most adults at age 30 know how to handle. You dont.

    So you should get some help. If Mom or family hasn't been helpful in this capacity (some families can be and others cannot... it depends on a lot) then you should get it from a professional. Go get some therapy. And end the relationship.

    Generally speaking... in today's world you cannot get a decent job and career without some kind of advanced degree - MBA, MA, or some kind of graduate school. That's general. People will disagree but based on what you have said it is probably a good idea for you.

    Don't look to Thailand for good schools, unless you talk about Sasin, which is as expensive as a grad program in the USA and is only really good if you plan to work in Thailand, even though it is as good as many grad programs in the USA, in fact.

    One part kind of shocked me: still living with Mom at age 30?

    I can't relate. I left home at 18 when I went to college and have never been back for more than a visit. I love my Dad and my Mom a lot. Great people. But I never wanted to live under their roof after I was 15 or so.

    Get help. Its not unusual to need help of this kind. I know many people who have needed some help at different points in their lives and it made their lives better.

    Some good points.

    But I'm not living with my mom at 30.

    I asked if I should go back to Thailand at age 30. If I can find a job in BKK and make it on my own then I will do that 110%.

    If I live at my moms house in the village and help her with her business then what's wrong with that? Where else am I going to live in a VILLAGE? A fancy apartment? The village doesn't have those. Only makes sense to stay at moms house.

    My two aunts, their boyfriends, ex wife and kid...Live at my moms house. My moms ex boyfriends mom and dad and cousin and her nephews lived at my moms house all at one time.

    That's how asian family's work. You all should know that. Your bar girlfriends family live the same way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  11. OP - don't listen to all those that try to make you feel guilty or not normal having a relationship with your mother at 30 years old. These people wear their own head and heart and they try to make it fit for you. Keep close and loving to your mother and don't start listening to all those people that think that breaking away from their mother at a young age somehow makes them more of a man.

    I'm not sure what's weird about it? Being close to my mom is weird? She has been through 4 divorces. She's older and alone now. If I knew she had a man at home taking care of her then I would be more confident not being so worried all the time.

    Must be an asian thing. All the asian people I know here in there mid-late 20's mostly live together with some older family member still, weather it's mom living in their place or uncles / aunts helping the younger generation out.

    I haven't lived with my mom since 24. And only because I moved back from Thailand.

    I'm not sure what weird about being close to my mom, when I know she's been planning to move back to Thailand, I'm trying to spend as much time with her as I can. She also lives alone in the not the best of apartments. She's always had my back, and I need to be there for her also. Her other son, rarely ever sees her maybe 7 times in the last 3 years. So I have to make sure she's ok.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  12. if you really committed the crimes you confessed to in the OP, only the court should decide where you live

    you should hand yourself in to the police and let the justice system protect the rest of society from your violence

    if you do this in america you will probably receive some free help to fix / control your mental health issues

    Lol. Be quiet woman. Stay in the kitchen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  13. ADVICE: (If you are a Good Person)

    Do not waste another minute.

    Come now.

    You will not regret your decision. Most things you believe are concerns will melt away after your arrive with a little very hard work. Keep your future goals clearly in mind and do not get sidetracked at bars or brothels, or on the golf course, which is a waste of time.

    Best Advice:

    Try to do something which is meaningful while you are here, such as study of the Thai culture, because this is the best place for it, and it will pay back to you many times over the hours you spend.

    Learn the language!


    I never eat nothing but Thai food, simply because I think it is about the best in the world, and SPICY!

    I love it here, I love the people here, I love the houses here, I love the climate here, I love everything but the Telecoms here, and those I dislike MakMak!

    Good luck to you, and treat the locals as well as they will treat you, which is better than in most places in this unfair world.

    Above advice is free.

    The hard part is yours to do with this opportunity what you will to create a happy life for yourself in a foreign land.

    Lol this must be copy and paste.

    I've been lived that Thai life. "Mak mak" lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Just for a reference, what part of the States do you live, and, where born?

    What is copy and paste?

    I lived in the North Eastern US, for many years, about 20. Then, I got outta Dodge.

    I think I would have liked Maine, but never tried it.

    My stomping grounds are the TriState Area, but spent significant time on Martha's Vineyard, New London, before spending a year or two in Naples.

    Dey Gots Da Cookoo Nuts down dare! In Naples.

    The hell are you rambling about? You must be drunk.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  14. I know a bloke who had a short arm disability. He compensated for it by teaching himself quite fluent Thai language and went for Thai women with no English skills. When he secured a chick to become his GF (he had a couple in succession), he would not teach them any English, so preventing them from swapping him for a disability free foreigner.

    Sounds insecure to me lol.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  15. ADVICE: (If you are a Good Person)

    Do not waste another minute.

    Come now.

    You will not regret your decision. Most things you believe are concerns will melt away after your arrive with a little very hard work. Keep your future goals clearly in mind and do not get sidetracked at bars or brothels, or on the golf course, which is a waste of time.

    Best Advice:

    Try to do something which is meaningful while you are here, such as study of the Thai culture, because this is the best place for it, and it will pay back to you many times over the hours you spend.

    Learn the language!


    I never eat nothing but Thai food, simply because I think it is about the best in the world, and SPICY!

    I love it here, I love the people here, I love the houses here, I love the climate here, I love everything but the Telecoms here, and those I dislike MakMak!

    Good luck to you, and treat the locals as well as they will treat you, which is better than in most places in this unfair world.

    Above advice is free.

    The hard part is yours to do with this opportunity what you will to create a happy life for yourself in a foreign land.

    Lol this must be copy and paste.

    I've been lived that Thai life. "Mak mak" lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  16. Don't. We are full already.

    Oh yea? You telling me I shouldn't go back to the country my mom is from and where my blood relatives stay. Where I have a legit reason to go, and live if I feel I should.

    BUT. Let all the non Thai foreigners run around with there drunk heads cut off, with there hands down the pants of the nearest bar girl half there age, claiming Thailand as there own country?

    Suuuuuuuuure ok buddie. Lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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