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Posts posted by DoctorG

  1. 4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Apparently the police didn't learn any lessons from LA. If the police can murder black citizens with impunity it's no wonder that there are riots. I see that white supremist illegally armed Nazis standing around just waiting for a chance to shoot aren't being arrested, Trump has their back.

    Don't know what they would be arrested for but sure, anything you say. (and let's just call every armed white guy a nazi, yes?) How about the unarmed black ex-police chief who was shot and killed whilst trying to defend his friend's store? Maybe he should have been armed too.

  2. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    The vast majority of those exercising the rights granted them in the very first Amendment of the US Constitution, so important to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison they put "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" before any other rights, have been peaceful.


    Some people have behaved badly, but those people did not include anyone in Layfayette Park on 1 June when 45 had them gassed, flashbanged and shot with rubber bullets so he could engage in a photo-op.


    Now, as it turns out, many of those both fomenting and engaging in acts of violence are white supremacist groups and far-right groups, such as Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, and the 3 Percenters.


    The FBI stated on Tuesday that they found no evidence of "Antifa" in the violent protests, but did find that various far right terror groups were engaged in violent behavior and were fomenting violence in online chat rooms and social media platforms. They identified members of white supremacist groups masquerading as "Antifa" on social media. Twitter also found this and suspended the fake accounts.


    LE in Portland arrested three "Proud Boys" members who had dressed an black (trying to mimic Antifa) and had engaged in malicious destruction of shops and businesses while peaceful protests were happening around them.


    The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Las Vegas PD announce charges against 3 alleged members of the right-wing extremist group "Boogaloo" with violating state & federal laws, "for conspiracy to cause destruction during protests in Las Vegas".


    Interesting that despite no FBI evidence of any violence by so-called "Antifa", AG barr named Antifa a 'domestic terror group' on Monday. He has yet to announce the same designation to Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys or the 3 Percenters.


    Both the FBI and the Dept of Homeland Security have released reports saying that over 70% of all domestic terror attacks since 9-11 have been carried out by white supremacist groups.  Still, the AG has yet to designate any of these groups as 'domestic terror groups'.


    Now, in the cities of the United States, armed troops, claiming to only be "Dept of Justice" are fighting with and arresting peaceful protesters. These troops are wearing no insignia and no name tags, making them essentially 'secret police' and violating US law. These individually and unit unidentified armed troops even attacked members of the press, including some from Australian TV.

    You have made a lot of claims of fact in your post without even one citation. I ask you kindly to provide references for your claims as I would find it disturbing if even some of the claims were true. I don't doubt you, I merely wish to be properly informed.

  3. 30 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    Why not just simply put the responsibility/culpability right back to the user(s) who post lies and rubbish?


    If every user had to be verified with I.D, and actually held personally responsible for their own comments, all the rubbish would end tomorrow.


    If a site allows lies to be posted, and they are deemed to be a publisher, then they too are liable. eg. A NYT reporter writes something libelous, the offended person can sue both the reporter and the paper.

    As to your second point, social media would disappear if we could not write rubbish anonymously ????

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