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Posts posted by dansat

  1. I am sorry to say this and i mean nothing bad towards your thai friend. But my advice to your Thai Friend ( who lives in Thailand and who speaks Thai ) would be to either use a phone and call the office or go to the office she needs to go , and ask some questions her self..

    I cant understand why some Thai's ( mostly thai's from poorer backgrounds ) are so scared to ask officals easy questions in there own country

  2. Thai People " Perceive Themselves As The Most Intolerant Society In The World" Who Would Argue?

    Me! I would argue.

    I believe then that is an argument you would lose. The statement is in the context of immigrants coming to Thailand, not how regular people live their daily lives.

    And as one poster said, muslim countries are more intolerant, if I moved to any of these muslim countries as a devout muslim and lived my life as they do I would be totally accepted.

    In Thailand you can come here and do what ever you want as long as you dont bother Thais and keep their wallets flush with cash.

    The point is that even if you live your life as a Thai, speak fluent Thai you will never, ever, ever EVER be accepted as a real Thai and niether will your children, their children etc.

    In that context I could see Thailand as the most intolerant society on earth, easily.

    I live here in Thailand. But i would never wanted to be accepted as a ' real Thai ' I cant see why any westerner living here would want to be a Accepted as a real Thai. There is no point. Even if they did give passports to Farangs who lived here so long i wouldnt want a Thai passport if someone paid me to have one. Just because you live in a country soesnt mean you have to start behaving and acting like the people of that country. I have lived in 5 different countrys for quite long periods of time and i can say that only in Thailand to the local's keep on going on about how westerns should act more Thai and eat more thai food and things like that. Now it is important to rescpect The local Culture. But thats it just rescpect it. People from other countrys dont have to act like the people of the country they live in. The other 4 countrys i have lived in the local people there didnt seemed bothered as to where people where from. Just got judged on how you carried yourself in public. For e.g in a car crash, if it was someone fault then it was that persons fault. Not suddenly Every local coming out to see what happened and then starting to srceam at a foreigner just because they look different.

    I enjoy living here in Thailand, I dont try to act like Thai people. I dont know many thai people well. The ones i do know well, i wouldnt call them great friends becuase i am pretty sure they would not help me out alot if i had problems. Most of my friends are fellow expats.

    I know Farang people here who seem to go out of there way to prove how Thai they have become and how many Thai Friends they have. But yet it always seems to be these people who do the most moaning about Thailand and Thai People.

  3. For a start where you say ' I have 2 properties ( both in wifes name ) ' They are not your properties and never will be. They are 100 % your wifes. About asking what you should do. The best thing you can do with your 2 million baht or how ever much money you have to invest ( lose ) in Thailand, is to put it in a bank account of your name. Even if you put it in a bank account with the worst rates in world you will still make more profit from the interest than you are going to make from your ( your wifes ) planned business.

    Think about what you are doing and dont lose money for nothing. Good look sir

  4. Listen guys who are getting so worked up over this. We Farangs just live here. Thailand is Thailand and will never change alot. Look how the country is run and look at the education system. Thailand is not a place to be taken seriously. Who cares what Thai people think of us. Just try not to start trouble with any of them. If you dont do that you have nothing to worry about. Just go about your life and other people will go about there life.

  5. Why don't you try BUY SELL magazine, i see they distribute everywhere on the island. It is free magazine, they have also an online versoin to read online.

    Where do they distribute ? I have seen the BUY & SELL Samui magazine, but the lastest issue i seen somewhere was from Augst 2008. Is it still going ? and what is the website ? i Googled them but nothing comes up for them.

    If you know let me know


  6. Does anyone know what the printing costs of printing a monthly magazine / paper in Thailand would be ? The Monthly print would be about 25 - 30 pages with the page size being A-4. Would need about 1000 - 2000 copys a month printed.

    I know the price will be different depending on weather it is colour printing or not and what sort of paper it would be printed on.

    But can anyone give me a rough idea ?


  7. We here so many bad stories here on TV and threw other people outside of TV about farangs marrying a Thai lady they have known for a matter of weeks then they are surprised when the thai lady takes them for everything they have got. Now i know not all Thai - Farang relationships end in a bad way. Some are very successful and dont end at all. But quite a few do end up messy. So why dont Farang guys do the simple thing and protect themselfs with a prenuptial agreement. Alot ( not all ) of Farang - Thai relationships have two people where the differences in wealth are big. So it would make sense for the person with alot more wealth before marriage to protect themselfs. Now i am not talking about all relationships, there are alot of normal Thai -Farang relationships where the couple have been together months / years before marriage is even talked about. I am talking about the ( growing ) number of guys who meet girls in Bars and over the internet . Alot of these guys tend to end up marrying a girl after talking to her on the internet for a couple of months then maybe coming to thailand for a few weeks to see her. At the end of the few weeks in Thailand they are applying marriage visa so the girl can go back with the guy to his country. Its crazy !

    Guys have got to remember if they meet a girl in a bar she is coming from a dirt poor back gound, where she is used to having no money at all. Suddenly she see's a chance for a wealthy life for her dirty poor family out in the sticks she is going to take it no matter who she hurts in the process.

    Maybe if some of these guys thought it threw a little bit before getting taken hook, line and sinker they would not end up with all these big promblems, instead just a broken heart. Not a empty bank to go with it !

    Also we would here so alot less stories on TV with people moaning about when there wife runs off with there children or when there wife is gambling all there money away.

    It also makes even more sense if you have children because you dont want your wife in control of the finances for your childrens future education.

    Come on guys protect yourselfs with a simply prenuptial agreement . That way if anything funny or strange starts happening with the mrs you can kick her out of your life with no financial worrys.

    By the way this isnt just about Thai women i would say this goes anytime where there is a big weathly gap between 2 people going into marriage.

  8. Does anyone know how much it is to advertise a business in some Samui magazines / guides. Like in the Essential-Samui ( the little free monthly book ) ? I have been on there website but there is no contact details to ask them how much it is to advertise on a page in there book . Does anyone know the price for them or any other Samui publications where i can advertise

    My business is aimed towards tourists and expats. So it will need to be in Magazines / Guides aimed at tourists and expats here in Samui.


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