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Posts posted by daiwill60

  1. Woah, talk about going off thread.

    Meanwhile back to the point.

    The King has been very vocal for many years in his suggestions regarding the issues of flood prevention in Thailand for many years, and rightly so.

    Sadly, what is so obviously evident is that those in various successive Govts, suppossedly serving King and country and who pertain to revere HM so much, have been completely and utterly ignoring nearly every important suggestion he has made or they have been too slow implementing them.

    Therefore, surely we should be discussing how such irreverance for the King and his advice, on the part of successive Governments, is allowed to go on so blatantly, without investigation into why the measures have not been implemented.

  2. A 47-year-old German DJ died in his room after drinking beer with his Thai and foreign friends.

    Has everyone missed a big point here. There were other people present at the incident.

    Post mortem is required procedure I guess.

    Congenital disease, he should not drink , he did drink. Maybe not congenital ilness, but look at the sad case of one Mr George Best.

    There is a real bunch of Sad Gits on TVN these days, who are willing to blame the problems in Thailand on absolutely anything ( eg the detainment of man connected with Pattaya girl jumping out of 7th floor window, even though witnesses report that she did jump, case over after maybe asking him why she jumped). Dont speculate before something happens, but criticise after wrong doings are known to have been done.

    By the way, I am not in denial that things are very susceptible to cover ups in Thailand and as we all know, do happen on a regular basis, but the nature of comments in many of these posts just demonstrate, that everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions, on a mere slither of a newspaper report,

  3. did she eat some food meant for the flood victims?

    No, h90, you must be thinking of that consignment of rotten tinned fish that was given to flood victims by Abisit's government a few years back. :whistling:

    I don't know if that is true or not....how can tinned fish rotten???

    But in fact we didn't get anything in now more than 1 month in the flood from Government.

    Check out the case of John West Slamon Tins, where, if i remember correctly, the tins of fish became infected after they were packed due to bad seals on the tins, they were infected with the worst kind of bacterial infection.

    1978 Two pensioners in Yardley, South Birmingham, UK die after eating tinned John West Salmon, contaminated with Botulism ( Wickepedia)

  4. To all of you who are so deeply saddened by the fact that so many people seem so ready to take the piss out of the PM ( or is it the shit in this instance). Have a thought for the millions, wading waste deep in shit for a much longer period than one night, and no doubt being all tucked up in a nice hospital bed in a private room with her remote control TV , no doubt being waited on hand and foot,, and let them vent.

  5. Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

    That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

    Post of the year!

    <deleted> would you come here as you bloke unless you look like your head caught fire and was put out using a chain. You need to be seriously ugly under 30 to have to get your rocks off in Pattaya.

    Up to the age of 40 I had several farang girl friends in the early 20's.

    Go home young people and enjoy the young ladies with milky white skin and big tits

    Dont you mean, these young chaps, as you once were, who can now travel the world with a lot more ease than you could during those times when you were their age, and who probably have about the same amount of credit available to them as you have in your pension fund, and who would also rather get their rocks off with young nubile girls rather than the slappers one sees on a uk high st on a saturday night. Personally, i can well understand them for wanting to be here doing what you obviously could do when you were 42 and now are to old, bald, ugly and probably incapable of doing anymore, that is why you ain't getting young pussy anymore, SO HIDE AWAY THE ENVY, COZ THE THAI GIRLS MIGHT NOT LIKE GREEN FARANGS EITHER, which will further reduce your chances of having your libidos and egos falsely soothed by dark dusky maidens for as long as your bank balances are bigger than your brains.

  6. Is it me or nobody is asking where is the rest of the money? the one the burglars couldn't take away (note to self, when planning a heist on a government civil servant's home bring an 18 wheeler to haul the loot)

    Some one already had that idea ???

    I dont know if it has 18 wheels though !!!! So where is the 700 - 1000 million baht that has reportedly been seen by the burglars in the civil servants house???? Why do the numbers involvded in this case always seem to be changing so much?

    Maybe other Govt officials / politicians have realised they need to keep their assets somewhere else too!!!!


  7. Meanwhile, vice president of the Lawyer Council of Thailand, Kriengsak Worramongkolchai, stated that the royal pardon decree, which is promulgated on an annual basis, normally excludes individuals convicted of corruption or in drug cases, so it is uncertain whether the decree for this year will cover them.

    He said if it does, many people convicted of corruption as well as fugitives could benefit from the amnesty, which is against the rule of law.

    So all the secret meetings are about how they can word the amnesty decree, to only allow one person to benefit, while the rest of the baddies stay in jail. It is still secret because they havent come up with anything yet, that will sound convincingly good and rational, that also wont let the real baddies off the hook. If they can manage that, then I for one do not want to hear anything about Thai IQ levels on here ever again, or on the other hand maybe it would be worth discussing again, in even more depth if they do let Thaksin back in.

  8. That's a great article! That should have all the residents of Bangkok scrambling to leave. It's also a good article to persuade investors looking to invest money in Thailand to stay far away (or current ones to start leaving) Bangkok. They have know about this for many years same as Venice, Italy, but I doubt one bit of planning has been done in the past around this fact.

    It will be a waterworld of floating bars and bar girls.

    Lookout Chiangmai, you will soon be "Little Bangkok!" Amazing Thailand!

    why would they do that? in 50 years you gonna be DEAD

    What an idiotic response.

    They do it now because things like this take 50 years or so to gradually happen. Nobody is suggesting moving lock, stock and barrel suddenly next month and leaving an empty wasteland behind where Bangkok once stood.

    If nothing got done in readiness for the future by our forefathers, or us here now, there would be nothing here for us now or for our kids in the future.

    Why should we invent electricity? We are gonna be dead in 50 years.

    Why should we build a town here? We are going to be dead in 50 years.

    On another point raised however, Did I or did I not see here recently, that massive investment is being made in Khon Kaen these days in the way of development of Khon Kaen as a Green City of the future,

    it also makes one think , when you hear so many people talking about the amount of people from Bangkok who are buying property up in Isaan, that the capital may already be on the move anyway.

    My wife also recently came across these images ( see attached ), relating to how Thailand may look in less than 50 years. I scoffed at these at first, but ???

    Thailand after Sea level rises etc.docx

  9. That's a great article! That should have all the residents of Bangkok scrambling to leave. It's also a good article to persuade investors looking to invest money in Thailand to stay far away (or current ones to start leaving) Bangkok. They have know about this for many years same as Venice, Italy, but I doubt one bit of planning has been done in the past around this fact.

    It will be a waterworld of floating bars and bar girls.

    Lookout Chiangmai, you will soon be "Little Bangkok!" Amazing Thailand!

    why would they do that? in 50 years you gonna be DEAD

    What an idiotic response.

    They do it now because things like this take 50 years or so to gradually happen. Nobody is suggesting moving lock, stock and barrel suddenly next month and leaving an empty wasteland behind where Bangkok once stood.

    If nothing got done in readiness for the future by our forefathers, or us here now, there would be nothing here for us now or for our kids in the future.

    Why should we invent electricity? We are gonna be dead in 50 years.

    Why should we build a town here? We are going to be dead in 50 years.

    On another point raised however, Did I or did I not see here recently, that massive investment is being made in Khon Kaen these days in the way of development of Khon Kaen as a Green City of the future,

    it also makes one think , when you hear so many people talking about the amount of people from Bangkok who are buying property up in Isaan, that the capital may already be on the move anyway.

  10. I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

    What a ridiculous apologist statement.

    It is entirely unnecessary in almost all circumstances, to include anyone's skin colour in a conversation..

    You can ask where somebody's husband came from without referring to the colour of their skin (unless you are a racist and skin colour is the most important factor).

    "Farang" does not equal "foreigner" unless it is a white foreigner.

    Their are other insults for foreigners with other colour skins.

    Racists are not dishonest, they are racists.

    I am not apologising for anything , merely pointing out that I WOULD NOT refer to someone's foreign partner as 'an immigrant', and probably referring in point of conversation, that they may look or sound foreign. So what the hell is the problem with observing the colour of skin or the accent on someones voice in identifying that someone is not of local origin . Where on earth did you misinterpret that I have mentioned skin colour in a derogatory racist manner.

    Actually, I am currently having a conversation with my Thai wife, relating to your understanding of the word Farang, she has just explained to me that a Thai would refer to a foreigner of european origin (usually white) as a farang as opposed to Thais referring to a black foreigner as a negro whether they are Aboriginal, African or whatever. The use of the word farang now just basically means European descended foreigner, who just happens to be white ( as we are).

    I have read somewhere in the past, that the word Farang is actually derived from the word used to describe people from France many centuries ago during colonnial times, when many French colonised parts of SE Asia, on that basis of its use to refer to me as a white european foreigner as opposed to a black foreigner, I personally do not have a problem with the use of the word Farang to describe me ( although the French connection grates a bit to be honest, after recent events, with my being Welsh), rather than constantly being reffered to as 'Immigrant', as is done in the UK frequently. ie Bloody Immigrants.

    In Addition

    <br><br><br>Perhaps some of the Farang whingers on here would prefer the Thais to refer to them as Bloody Whingeing Immigrants (sound vaguely familiar), they probably have referred to other foreigeners in their home countries using much worse than the Thais using Farang to describe us in general, as well as probably curse us as we knock and whinge about the LOS.

  11. I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

    What a ridiculous apologist statement.

    It is entirely unnecessary in almost all circumstances, to include anyone's skin colour in a conversation..

    You can ask where somebody's husband came from without referring to the colour of their skin (unless you are a racist and skin colour is the most important factor).

    "Farang" does not equal "foreigner" unless it is a white foreigner.

    Their are other insults for foreigners with other colour skins.

    Racists are not dishonest, they are racists.

    I am not apologising for anything , merely pointing out that I WOULD NOT refer to someone's foreign partner as 'an immigrant', and probably referring in point of conversation, that they may look or sound foreign. So what the hell is the problem with observing the colour of skin or the accent on someones voice in identifying that someone is not of local origin . Where on earth did you misinterpret that I have mentioned skin colour in a derogatory racist manner.

    Actually, I am currently having a conversation with my Thai wife, relating to your understanding of the word Farang, she has just explained to me that a Thai would refer to a foreigner of european origin (usually white) as a farang as opposed to Thais referring to a black foreigner as a negro whether they are Aboriginal, African or whatever. The use of the word farang now just basically means European descended foreigner, who just happens to be white ( as we are).

    I have read somewhere in the past, that the word Farang is actually derived from the word used to describe people from France many centuries ago during colonnial times, when many French colonised parts of SE Asia, on that basis of its use to refer to me as a white european foreigner as opposed to a black foreigner, I personally do not have a problem with the use of the word Farang to describe me ( although the French connection grates a bit to be honest, after recent events, with my being Welsh), rather than constantly being reffered to as 'Immigrant', as is done in the UK frequently. ie Bloody Immigrants.

  12. I personally see the use of the word Farang as a way of saying Foreigner, In fact that is what it says in my dictionary alongside 'Kon Dahng Chahd'.

    I sat next to my wife last night at a Loi Kratong event and neat to us was sat an oldish Thai guy who asked where foreign (farang) husband was from. She explained i was from Wales. After all the guy is hardly going to say where is your welsh, ( Norwegian, American, or English ) husband from is he.

    When I listen to Thai people talikng I often hear the word Farang, sometimes I know they are talking about me or foreigners in general. When I was in the UK, everybody, the BBC and Gov't alike, referred to people who settled in my old home country as immigrants.

    I know which one I prefer to be referred to as in polite conversation.

    I did not ask where is your immigrant from, of the turkish husband married to western woman or thai woman married to western husband, i would have probably said 'your husband / wife is (a) foreign(er) (Farang), where is he / she from? Or I may have cursed 'foreign' drivers on the roads of the UK in the summer time , It is not racist iit is actually a non racist term of generlising people form different countries when you don't specifically know where they are from, and that is how I feel when i hear the word farang in conversation with Thai people about me or other Ex Pats.

    I have also had a few cases where I have made an error with a payment of cash to a Thai, and they have come after me to correct it, by giving me money back or pointed out the error to me, rather than them thinking oooh stupid rich faarang , I will keep his money. So Don't knock the Thai's for calling you a farang or treating you like a second class citizen anymore than you would a foreigner who cannot speak your language in your home country.

    Deal with it Guys, Thailand is not PC Britain and never will be, thank you lord, Thailand will never change in this respect, so accept it.

  13. I do not think 'hate' is a proper description of most of us, toward Thailand and its people. As we watched our children grow and mature, we saw antics and mindsets that we knew would be self defeating, thus we tried to change and explain based on our success and failures. We have done the same with adults in the work force, family, friends, etc.

    The way we word our suggestions may seem to some as 'hate' but forums do not lend themselves to proper interpretation due to lack of observing facial expressions, body language and the individuals sense of humor/cynicism.

    Well said. I like the comparison with nurturing children, I think in fact that most who do seem to knock Thailand, are only showing that they are exasperrated by observing the childish bahaviour of certain individuals in the playground and the lack of ability for the masters to control it, or themselves for that matter. Very often in these cases it is the Bullies in the school yard who rule until a collective of fed up people stand up to them and fight back or demand changes.

  14. Preposterous comments by the new leader of the effort to combat disaster. Anyone considering investment with this leadership, risk, and disease management controls should run, run, run faster.

    Generally speaking at the highest levels of government here they don't try to jerk around larger countries or multinationals. They know who pays the bills and not to bite the hand that feeds. However, if given the opportunity they do try it on with smaller investors all the time.

    Unfortunately for Thailand multinational insurance companies are the big boys in the world. There's no way to play games with these guys they will eat Thailand's lunch.

    Yes, you are probably right . I'd be very surprised if the big insurance companies are going to rush to insure anything anymore in this climate of corruption, subsequent corner cutting ( sorry cost cutting ) and lack of planning before implementation ( large or small scale). Sadly, if they do it will be at massive costs, to be counted in with the 30% tea money packages , which all in all at the end of the day may contribute to a great economic downturn in Thailand's status among ASEAN countries.

    After a disaster is usually the time that insurance companies make the most money. People will want to insure against floods and insurers will increase their premiums. People will still pay because they are frightened. It would be very unlikely to have another flood as bad as this in the next few years, so insurers will make a great profit. So insurers will indeed rush to insure against floods in Thailand.

    If flood planning was perfect then no-one would want insurance. There's nothing like a disaster to get people to willingly part with their money.

    I also doubt very much that there will be an economic downturn in Thailand (apart from GDP dropping this year) because all the rebuilding will actually help the economy.

    Thank you for the lesson in insurance risk, I stand corrected somewhat, my point is that companies looking to invest will surely think twice about investing if costs rise.

    Another point is there will surely be businesses losses and bankruptcy failures, and these may be counteracted by the massive implementation of restorative and future protection measures that the current Gov't is promising to invest in, which will help in replacing many jobs that may have been lost. So I suppose this rebuilding investment may only help the economy to a lesser degree, when considering the jobs lost.

  15. Preposterous comments by the new leader of the effort to combat disaster. Anyone considering investment with this leadership, risk, and disease management controls should run, run, run faster.

    Generally speaking at the highest levels of government here they don't try to jerk around larger countries or multinationals. They know who pays the bills and not to bite the hand that feeds. However, if given the opportunity they do try it on with smaller investors all the time.

    Unfortunately for Thailand multinational insurance companies are the big boys in the world. There's no way to play games with these guys they will eat Thailand's lunch.

    Yes, you are probably right . I'd be very surprised if the big insurance companies are going to rush to insure anything anymore in this climate of corruption, subsequent corner cutting ( sorry cost cutting ) and lack of planning before implementation ( large or small scale). Sadly, if they do it will be at massive costs, to be counted in with the 30% tea money packages , which all in all at the end of the day may contribute to a great economic downturn in Thailand's status among ASEAN countries.

  16. So lets take a short walk back to a recent forecast and look at what has been done since.

    Just found this tonight, while looking for a map of what Thailand is expected to look like in 20 years or so, that the wife bought home one day, but cannot find today ( try again tomorrow in work).


    Who had the watch over Thailand when this was going through and does anyone know if it was acted upon?

    The juicy really interesting bits are relating to Bangkok in particular?

    At the end of the day the current Government wasn't even in power when the Nok Ten storm began increasing levels in the dams on 25th of July, and maybe they need to be given a bit of a break on this point. They are not appointing qualified personnel from their ranks , because they probably don't have any in the party. Do the Universities in Thailand offer courses on such things, like they do in the west?????

    Successive Governments have failed to do anything much about the problems Thailand faces in the future, whether or not this is due to a lack of understanding of the problems (due to lack of proper education in the schools) or being more interested in lining pockets or not asking for help and advice from countries like Holland, in order to save face, is a matter for another post.

    Wake up Thailand the threat is real and if you do not take heed soon and change your ways it will happen.

  17. All this whining about prices of cars and mc's here and comparing to back home. Best advice is from Johnnie Walker " Keep on Walkin"

    Since 15 years i living here. Yes i can't hear anymore. Make me sick! They want the cheap living, cheap houses, cheap food, cheap labour, cheap insurance, cheap rentals (homes and cars), cheap property, low taxes, chep police tickets and of corse the cheap girls, but it when comes to the car they start whining. Why this peaple only complain and complain and complain? If can't accept the Thai prices of cars, why they don't buy the cars in their home countries, instead of Thailand? Bring them over if you can.

    Yes, i'm sure as a used car dealer yourself, you're sick of hearing people's moans about the expense of used cars in Thailand, but the truth is that there's a lot of crap here that is sold for a lot of money. You shouldn't be surprised if your customers raise this to your attention.

    Correct Rix, also there is no where near as stringent second hand quality checks here. eg MOT, so half the time you don't know what you are buying or how safe it is , and from what i have experienced when in a crash lately, where the car which was badly damaged, was actually repaired and is back on the road , you also do not know if the car you are buying has been in a smash or worse still may even be a cut and shunt, ie Two cars previously involved in smashes being cut in half and stuck together to make one apparently new car for resale.

    So MR STINGRAY, that is why Johnny Foreigner is trying to point out to all Thai's and sellers of second hand cars what seems to be very unfair pricing in the second hand market, it is not a complaint persay, just an observation on the fact that we farang and also the Thais are really getting ripped off in this market, and the sooner that all people realise this the better. If I have to lose Face by paying a high price but know the car is safe and has a good history, then fair enough. But if I lose face by being in ripped off in a suspect car I have had to pay a high price for, and in which I might also risk losing my face in, if in a smash, then that is another matter altogether.

    Actually, just had a chat with the missus quickly , her old car was a 12 yr old Corolla, 1500cc manual with 400,000 kms on the clock, which the toyota dealership gave her 120,000 bht for against a new car.

    I could have bought a second hand car like this in the UK for about 25,000 - 50,000 bht, from a an independent non dealership second hand car sales place like we see on many roadsides in Thailand, and it would have had an MOT and i could have had it checked by the AA or RAC for any dodgy aspects for a small fee.

    So yes there is a great difference in the cost of a car here on the second hand market. The only rational explanation is that everyone wants one, and while finance is easier to arrange ( as previously stated)for the average Thai when buying secondhand then the high cost for most Thais becomes irrelevant i guess, and any safety aspects are just ignored anyway, seeing how people drive here and how people transport themselves on public vehicles and in other peoples cars or on motorcycles.

  18. This is the best most rational explanation I have read so far in answer to the question of why Second hand cars in Thailand are so expensive. It also explains how the average Thai can also afford to pay these ridiculous prices. However when my missus traded in her old Toyota which was not in bad condition, she got a ridiculously low price for it against her new Yaris. The old car is still being used by the new owner in our town, I can't help wondering how much the dealer my missus traded it in with, charged them for the old car.

    Also from a previous reply on here, it would seem that the best place to get a reasonably priced car is down in BKK, though i strongly suspect there may be a glut of slightly damp smelling cars soon to hit the market at very cheap prices in the near future. Maybe this will also have a roll on effect on the price of other second hand market cars at the same time.

    I've been looking online at used car prices in Bangkok and they seem to be very close to the price of buying a new car. The type of car I would lie to buy is a Toyota vios, or Honda city.

    Is it not worth buying a used car in Thailand or am I looking in the wrong places.

    Please suggest any dealers with more reasonable prices.

    As to why they are so expensive? I believe, and I could be wrong, but I think it is associated with the crazy amount fo tax that is added to the car at the time of purchase.

    You're right. You are wrong.

    Although the difference between new car prices and used is pretty small, for many Thais to buy a new car is out of reach because of financing. To get finance on a new car means having a sizeable deposit and passing more stringent requirements. Buying used however often requires only a small deposit and it's much easier for people who don't have a regular monthly income to get passed for finance. This is what keeps used car prices so high.

  19. Last Friday night I flew from Kohn KAen to Swampee with my daughter who was returnung to the UK. I flew down with an Aerosol of deodorant, toothpaste and a bottle of Shower Gel, as i had done two weeks previously, when I went to meet her at Swampy before returning to Isaan via Kohn Kaen.

    Only this time on my return to Khon Kaen, my bag went through the scanner prior to boarding plane to Khon Kaen, and I was called over to one side and told that the Shower Gel and Deodorant were not allowed to be carried on board. I explained that this was not the case when i flew into BKK the day before or when i flew through there to and from BKK two weeks previously, but no notice was taken of this . My toothpaste was not even looked at on this occasion and i was allowed to keep that. So my only conclusion is that the person doing the checking was being a bit of a jobsworth just for the sake of it, or she was having personal body odour problems, that quickly needed to be sorted out, as the floods had probably washed everything out of her bathroom in her house on the outskirts of Bangkok, bless her !!!!

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