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Posts posted by daiwill60

  1. Is it true that the flying bugs , that look like big flying ants , that come out in the evening after a period of rain during the day ( the Thais call them Malang Maow) can actually get you comletely off your face after eating about 10 of them or so.????

    If anyone knows the proper name of this bug can they inform me and possibly if you know what it is that causes the effect???

  2. The average Thai does not taste milk again after they leave the tit.

    I've seen Thai children in farang land grow to over 6ft tall due to the western diet and milk at schools.

    In reality this will not happen in Thailand because of the logistics of the dairy industry.


    Now't to do with the pateranal source of the gene pool thaey are spawned from then , eh ? I have also met Thai kids ( farang dads ) who can speak Welsh English and Thai fluently, maybe that is also due to the source of gene pool and the lack of ability to sleep any time anywhere, thinking of that, I was also under the impression that as a kid growing up in early teens, it was good to sleep and that is when you grow, so how come Thai kids are not 7 foot tall?wai2.gif

  3. I cant belive someone would be fooled by this scam. ! And it says above shes well educated, i say there is more brains in a glass ashtray !

    It is not that easy. While there are scams floating around the internet that are pretty obvious to most of us, the very fact that they are still used is proof that they do succeed. A scammer fires of several hundreds of them from some crappy internet cafe in Lagos or wherever and if he gets one victim that pays via the usual Western Union or Moneygram agencies the scam has paid off. WU and MG are the preferred payment modality because once the money has been picked up it cannot be traced and recalled. A good indicator for a scam is the insisting on WU or MG, even if the scammer claims to be head of a bank.

    Other scams are more sophisticated. Recently we managed to kill a facebook site of a "SLY Heart Foundation" asking for donation to do complicated heart surgery on children for free. The FB page was decorated with stolen pictures from children in hospital (including a Chinese toddler suffering from the tainted baby milk - labelled Kiki from Lebanon), medical personnel in action and a fake CV from the "founder" which I had the pleasure to "shoot down" personally. The page got over a thousand "likes" and most certainly enough donors who were willing to contribute to this noble "enterprise".

    Dating scams are the most despicable. These criminals prey on lonely and desperate men or women by producing a fake personality - a Robert Redford look-alike oil rig worker who lost his wife and is struggling to raise his 8 year old daughter, or the young woman ( photo of model attached) who wants to escape a horrible environment in a refugee camp. After they have established a solid base of friendship they come up with stories of mishaps and ask for money. While most of their victims cut and run at this point, there are enough that are willing to help. Again, one in a thousand victims willing to pay is good enough to continue these scams.

    Most of the scammers use prefabricated scripts they buy from "professionals" and pretty much get lost when they have to deviate from them. Often they work in teams. Once a victim is "hooked" then a more experienced scammer takes over, posing as "barrister" or "banker".

    That subject is a lot more complex but I do not want to flood this thread.

    edit: typo

    Yes, a Thai female friend of mine recently asked me to look at some guy who had befriended her on FB. He had picyures of his daughter and he ahd been educated in the UK but lived in a non existent part of the USA or somewhere etc etc . My friend copied the photo of his beautiful daughter and put it into Google search, only to find that the picture was part of a story of a young girl in The USA who had gone missing and later was found dead by some means or another. Luckily my Thai friend was not at all taken in by this sob story sad xxxx, who was using images like this to prey on people.

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  4. Sorry guys I am doing my best, I have my Google earth in Thai for some reason ?? dont ask.

    Any way maybe this will help , it is the best i can do at the moment.

    There is a sign outside the road entrance , near one of those little wooden bus stop things , trouble is as always in Thailand it facing traffic from klaeng not laem mae phim .I noticed the other day thee is something written n the bus stop that says Vippisana meditation centre or something like that . It is about 1,5 kms towards Klaeng ( coming from laem Mae Phim) after the PT filling station, on the right hand side after sunthon phu.

    I have attached wht i could manage on google earth ,

    If any one knows where i need to click to get back to english i would be grateful , thanks


  5. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mae-Phim-Meditation-Centre/450355461708254

    Then come here, where you can also do liver detoxification or just give a few hours on a Sunday morning helping local kids to learn some English, or just make new friends, all nationalities welcomed, we are currently a small group looking to expand.

    You can also take advantage of free Thai lessons if you wish.

    We only ask that if you would like to make a donation to the upkeep of the temple and grounds, it will be gratefully accepted.

    We have small Kuti type accommodations available, if you would like to spend a few nights with us, in order to do both evening and morning meditation sessions.

    We are approximately 10 kms south of Klaeng on the road to Laem Mae Phim.

    Just click "like " on the Facebook page if you are interested.

    We look forward to seeing you.

  6. The beach Know as Ban Ao Khae is good and very safe. Owner of bar on beach ensures most of beach is kept clean, preumably due to the presence of HRH King of Sweden's family being regular residents very close to the beach . Good food in the restaurant, and very peaceful location. Dont know about the diving prospects there , sorry.

  7. Same commentator as last year, and events were better organised with less waiting time between races

    Often the hold-up was one boat failing to start - engines are 'off' until a minute before the red lights goes green

    Saw one boat recovered - holed by an opponent's propeller and sunk very quickly, but was recovered and hauled ashore after the race was over.

    Overall a great local/community event.

    Good tv coverage last night on CTV; last year there was a second race event in April, downstream from the dam about 1km from here, I'll watch out for billboards if it's on again this year.

    Please do, keep me posted , i'd love to go and see this , it looks good fun. unlikely that we will see the billboard ads up here in Klaeng.

  8. Tourists in general need to take a lot of the blame, as they are the ones creating the demand. They should stay well away from chained up animals like elephants, tigers, bears, etc. It's very cruel to treat animals this way for the amusement of tourists. And shame on all the tourists that perpetuate these cruelties. The cruelty is often obvious to see, bit most tourists just don't care, as long as they get their precious photo.

    So you want to ban horse racing ?

    sorry you are way off on this ,race horses generally get tip top treatment from vetsand owners and are not generally paraded around on crowded beaches of tourists, though horses are used for rides on the beach at hua hin and inexperienced riders are allowed to ride them , which is also very dangerous IMHO. What happens with elephants over here is really bad, considering the treatment they are given and the life they lead. Actually could also not believe it when i saw a young elephant being paraded through a very busy soi in Hua Hin , at the time of a crowdedhigh street night market, imagine how that could have turned out? Did not see any race horses there though.

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  9. I am in Klaeng, it is ok but not a lot to do . Near to Laem Mae phim though , so that is ok. Would rather be in Rayong though.

    Understand there was a big fire that took a few restaurants out in Laem Mae Phim over the last Loy Krathong celebration. Have not been able to get down that way since Loy Krathong. Any knowledge what the area is like now? Rebuilding?

    Yeah it took out the first 10 or so restaurants as you come around the corner onto the beach road. hasn't affected anything elsr too much though.

  10. is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

    Is that from personal experience, or just rumour?

    Afraid to say but it has happened to me in some pubs in south west Wales.....and I'm Welsh (but have a london accent)


    Right then , ya bunch of anti welsh morons ( trans: carrot heads basically) , a cousin of mine Llanelli once went into a bar in Bala, and it hushed , with the odd murmer of "bedd di hwn" or something similar, it was accepted that the lads in the bar ( in the 70's) spoke a different dialect and all was forgotten, as it was under stood that this was what they were speaking in the bar before they walked in , Not English swahili or anything else , ( as also do in Thailand) , mind you it did kick off when an english couple walked in and the conversation went the same way, but they couldnt speak Welsh and one of lads at bar made comment , about the english gf , and my cousin ( S WALES ) felt ashamed to be Welsh and told locals the same, and all kicked off. He never went to north wales again after that. But a lot has changed since then , as a lot of the English are the only ones who can afford to buy the homes there now due to past London based politics and a new Assembly more recently, but when the Welsh critics walk into their local bar , it would be wise to remember that when in the local remote villages near their local idyllic holiday cottage , they cannot change the language of the locals who have been brought up there. I for one do not speak Welsh and am somewhat ashamed of this fact, but my heart is there and always will be , and the language will survive, I hope, and that is why i was happy when my english paritner at the time, agreed and was enthusistic to send my daughter through school in the welsh medium.


    so if you are english and have a thing against the Welsh or don't want to attend the St David's day party, stay the fuc_k off here and away from the party , it was not a post to generate opinons on the Welsh race, which is one of the few original Gaulic races in the UK , the rest and all of of the English are no better than illegal immigrants anyway, are you ?? it was meant for the Welsh amongst us, not the usual TVn drongos and trolls.

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