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  1. I've posted similar in Phuket forum for local recommendations , but can anyone share any experience of having this done to a new car, was it worth the cost, does it need very regular top ups etc - thanks
  2. Anyone had this done in Phuket on a new car? Had a couple of quotes one was about 13K the other 6K ish Any recommendations or feedback if you've had it done? - Thanks (Phuket Town area most convenient)
  3. "Capital gains and investment income earned by a resident from sources outside Thailand are not taxable unless remitted to Thailand in the year of receipt." I thought this may have been out of date but its dated 16 October 2024 and mentions Paw 162 & 163.
  4. No, if you earned and remitted that money whilst Thai tax resident it is assessable. He is suggesting that money earned abroad in a year when non tax resident can still be assessable in the year it is remitted if you are tax resident in that year. (I disagree)
  5. Answer to Q14 is perhaps clearer: No tax is payable when you bring accumulated money from working or operating a business abroad into Thailand, because accumulated money is savings from earnings in years you were not a resident of Thailand
  6. The Revenue Dept Q&A seems to answer this is See Q5 & Q 14 https://sherrings.com/foreign-source-income-personal-tax-thailand.html
  7. No Samsung running Android 14, actually although it said can't install it, I noticed its icon was on the screen anyway and it seemed to open ok. I'm not sure if the Localphone account is unavailable because I put Thailand or if it's doing it because it detects my location is Thailand, I'll try again sometime.
  8. Localphone looked good, but the app would not install onto my android phone, I signed in online and it says "We’re sorry This service isn’t available in Thailand. Change your country". I don't mind changing the country but not much point if I can't install the app.
  9. Yes this will be an issue for those with income levels under the UK personal threshold, they may pay no tax in the UK, but will end up with a tax liability in Thailand due to lower allowances, and with no tax paid in the UK theres nothing to credit against Thailand tax It may be an issue with capital gains from a property sale also, IF taxed on bringing into Thailand. In the UK there is (a now smaller than before) annual exempt amount 3000GBP, but more importantly if you have rented out your UK home to move to Thailand the UK gives PRR relief for the time you lived in the property +9 months, and if you owned the property for a long time and you are UK Non Resident > 5 years you can rebase the purchase price to April 2015, so gains are only calculated from April 2015 to sold date in the UK.
  10. It says "The CRS aims to combat tax evasion by individuals residing outside Thailand", if you are only a tax resident of Thailand I wouldn't have thought you need to mention any other country. For the UK you can check your tax resident status here https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/guidance/check-your-UK-residence-status/start/choose-tax-year A non resident may still have to do a UK tax return for some forms of income arising in the UK,, but still remain a UK non tax resident which is what I think they are asking. I doesn't ask where you pay or complete tax returns it asks where you are a tax resident.
  11. As you say many things are might, could, or possible, in the DTA I have been advised very differently to what the 2 very heavily promoting advisors are saying, who are promoting their filing and obtaining a TID services, especially around the DTA for capital gains property (real estate). Even if there is liability it's not easy to understand what the Thai tax liability may be, as regards deductions or how the gain is calculated, again I have seen different ways of working it out, A visit to the TRD is ok but they really won't understand the fine details of all the DTA, but it needs to be clearer before a taxable event not after it, how can there be any planning without knowing.
  12. That would be nice, but doesn't it just mean between one states domestic tax rate and the DTA (if it specifies a lower rate), rather than the most beneficial rate between the two states?
  13. What fx rate is used when working out gains on sales of a foreign asset? Example: An asset is bought for 50,000 GBP in the UK, the exchange rate on that day is 64 It is sold some years later for 100,000 GBP, the exchange rate on that day is 44 Is the exchange rate used for the day of the transactions? So buy at 50,000 GBP = 3,200,000 THB @64 Sell at 100,000 GBP = 4,400,000 THB @44 Gain = 1,200,000 = 27,272 GBP Or is everything on the current exchange rate (44 in this example) Buy at 50,000 GBP = 2,200,000 THB) @44 Gain = 2,200,000 =THB = 50,000 GBP Also are the any other allowances etc beyond the normal personal allowances and 0% band? Like the expenses to acquire the asset? Or in the case of land/houses mortgage interest, expenses, capital improvements? Category 1,2,3 income has a 50% max 100,000THB deduction (salary, pension, goodwill etc) Cat 4 (interest), Cat 5 30% (rental property 10% other property), Cat 6 10-30% (professional services), Cat 7 60% (construction services), Cat 8 60% (business, commercial, farming). Could a capital gain come under Cat 5 30% if its property (a house/land) or 10% for other property (a painting for example) 10%, or is it Cat 8 business 60%)? Thanks,
  14. Thanks, Yes, the stomach is less today, and the nausea has gone also. Both of these I think are down to the antibiotics I don't have a strong headache or fever or any of the other meningitis symptoms I read. Neck is mostly from the bottom of ear straight line down and then at the base of skull. It's not very painful I'm just aware of it. I am still thinking of ear infection, but the antibiotics should be helping that as well as the throat, or would it normally take longer than this to work? Mission is my usual hospital, but the ENT there is the same DR as the clinic, they told me only have 1 ENT. Mahogany after hours clinic of Vachira does not list ENT, not been able to call to check it. Bangkok Hospital said 2,500+ for consultation so will avoid that. Can't really get until the weekend, obviously if something changes and becomes urgent I will go earlier but will maybe try the after hours clinic.
  15. Not really feeling any better since the ENT Dr visits, not sure if its the Cefuroxime (since Sun eve) or Methycobal (Mon eve). The ear buzzing (left ear) is not the main thing now, I still have it but not all the time and not too disturbing, I noticed this ear is also more noisy when I block it. I'm generally feeling unwell since starting the meds. Have a stiff neck at back/ sides, both ears (earlier right only) feel 'strange' not exactly very painful but a feeling like when you have congestion, and a minor pain both sides under the ears. Still have sore throat, seemed a bit better Sat/Sun but worse a bit Tue/Today, again not very painful but if I had a bacterial throat infection shouldn't the antibiotics be helping a bit by now? Slight nausea at times, wake up every morning with blocked or runny nose. Some stomach pain shortly after the antibiotics. The ENT didn't say I have ear infection only throat (ear is nerve problem unrelated), but I read you can't diagnose inner ear infection by looking anyway, and he only looked very quickly. My right ear feels/sounds slightly squishy inside when I press it, left side less so. Could I have an undiagnosed ear infection? If its no better by the weekend I may just go to my usual general Dr for another opinion.
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