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Posts posted by Griffo63

  1. This might sound like a naive question but I'm not clear where the corruption is within the rice pledging scheme.

    I understand the government bought the rice at inflated prices against the market price, with the intention of "shorting the market"; forcing up the price and selling for a profit. India and Vietnam upped their production. Over supply not short supply in the market. Market prices fall. Oops. Money out exceeds the money in so no more money to pay future bills. Economic ineptitude

    So where is the corruption? How do they do it? Who are the main beneficiaries? How do they hide it?

    Comments on my naivety not helpful. Facts and/or considered opinions sought.


  2. What a miserable future you have on your 26k baht per month.

    Village life with 2 kids and an extended family. No money beyond basic living. £500 a month is nothing even here. Get yourself a decent job at home. Send your wife the £300 per month - she'll be delighted. Come over every 3 months to visit. Get a proper life

  3. It's possible that the name of the unfortunate deceased is actually Brown Frank, though it is far more likely that, as is common in this country, the Thai reporter has transposed the given and family names. A simple understanding of foreign names, both farang and others, and a rigorous check, would go some way in adding to the accuracy and integrity of such reportage.

    I really enjoying reading posts about bad punctuation, mis-spelling or (in this case) possible transposed names. Shame the posters haven't got more important things to do in their lives. Hopefully my spelling and grammar is OK

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  4. Get real guys. If you're from the UK, US or Oz then this is just the sort of action your countries would take if people were working illegally. Very few Uk citizens speak Russian or Chinese but it doesn't people from those countries visiting the UK.

    The problem with the Russians is their mafia tendencies - just look at Pattaya now. If we want to stay and live in this country let's support initiatives like this designed to sweep away this criminal element. On to Pattaya next please

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