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Posts posted by Griffo63

  1. The country under the Shins have gone to sh#t over the last few years under their control. Now, there's a genuine chance to actually move forward and improve this country. So you know what? If the hypocrites from overseas don't like what has happened, screw them. If things improve, why care what the idiots who don't live here say?

    And who gives a sh#t anyway about what America and the European Union thinks ?

    Thailand has a massive nearby country, China, and Thailand can jump in with China. And move away from America and Europe. You notice that most of the Thais who are prominent and have money, well, they look the same as people from China ! :)

    And that's exactly why the US in particular will watch this very closely. They won't want Thailand to get into bed with China and will soon change to support Thailand again if they think this is a possibility.

  2. All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

    The Death Penalty has existed long before 2500 BC, and continues to exist in countries that take crime seriously. There are some people who commit crimes so heinous, they shouldn't be allowed to continue breathing oxygen on this planet.

    As far as "your gun fixation from the days of the wild west." Being allowed to possess a firearm has nothing to do with being fixated with guns or the wild west. I wonder what the world would look like if America didn't exist. It wouldn't take much intellect to figure that one out. You can take all that America bashing on down the road, lol.

    What a great thought.

    No more McDonalds or Coke to make us obese.

    No more insincere "have a nice day".

    No more death and destruction in pointless wars in Vietnam,the Middle East and elsewhere

    No more Hiroshima or Nagasaki just hours before the Japanese were going to surrender anyway.

    No more mass murders of innocent men,women and children perpetrated by killers with easy access to military style combat weapons.

    No more arrogance on the grand scale demonstrated by this poster.Need I go on?

    I'm sure we'll cope OK.

    Have a nice day.

  3. As the OP its very illuminating and interesting read the very divergent and often strong views expressed in response to my comments. Its good that all the views, whether in support or against can be aired.
    My view hasn't changed regarding capital punishment in our modern world but some of your comments certainly got me thinking. Thanks to all for your input to a very very lively debate.
  4. If you take a life you should give your life. Capitol punishment can deter a killer and it will defiantly deter him from ever killing again. You spinless wimps stand back and let a real man do what needs doing. You liberals do not have enough common sense to protect your daughters, wives and mothers so let a good American conservative do a mans job.

    Check your facts. The US has a murder rate per capita 4 or 5 times higher than almost all Europe countries. Some deterrent !!

    Are you implying the murder rate will go down without capital punishment?

    No, I'm saying the facts show civilized countries in Europe with no capital punishment have a murder rate significantly lower than the US. Draw your own conclusion.

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  5. I have two homes in Thailand. One in Bangkok and the other in a remote village in the Sakon Nakhon area(which is newly completed)

    In the Bangkok location I subscribe to True - Gold package.

    When I visit Sakon Nakhon can I take the True box with me and watch the same programmes (assuming I can get a local guy to fit the appropriate satellite dish)?

    This would be a real bonus - not having to subscribe a second time.

    If this is not possible can members advise a good alternative I can get fitted to receive English Language films and series. There is no sensible internet option at this time.

  6. What a pathetic group the Democrats are appearing to be. There is nothing coming forward from them about what they would be doing now if they were in power. The country is in disarray, support for the Pheu Thai Party is at its lowest level in the provinces but the Democrats are quiet. Why? if they want to win an election at some time in the future then they'll need to win in the North.

    Why are they so quiet?

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