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Miami Bob

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Posts posted by Miami Bob

  1. Sometimes I hesitate to read the comments in these articles because I know it will be the usual suspects finding witty ways to trash Thailand and make expats feel superior. Thai immigration may be corrupt and do some stupid things but overall I would say their policies are much smarter than western countries that open their borders to hordes of penny-less immigrants with no job skills or respect for the local culture and many of whom are terrorists and then give them all freebies at local tax payer expense! How stupid is that !

  2. The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

    The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

    A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

    Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

    Get use to "Madam President".

    Maybe "Madam President Warren" someday, but not one of Wall Street's darlings.

    She doesn't represent women in general, she represents rich and privileged women, and all of her friends at the Bilderberg Group. Amazingly, a Hillary Clinton lost the female vote, except the grannies maybe, and big time.

    Yeah, the pundits (employees of major corps) said she won debate after debate. Of course, they did! They said she won debates that were followed by Bernie getting myriads of small contributions from working people, and Bernie historically kicking her butt in the polls despite virtually all of NH and VT Dem leadership supporting Clinton, Inc.

    Stop being a chump. Hillary is not for you, unless you are wealthy.

    Well said. I see you are really awake and informed. Cheers.

  3. The gloves aren't off until debate moderators & Sanders start asking Hillary about her scandals...including the latest bit about the Clinton Foundation. Until then, it is a pillow fight.

    That might be a long time coming as there are moderators of the Democratic debates that are Clinton donors.

    Who are they then?

    Co-moderator Judy Woodruff happens to be a donor to the Clinton Foundation, and faced criticism from the PBS ombudsman in 2015 for giving to the Clintons.

    Woodruff is one of several journalists who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation, which has been criticized as a “slush fund” for the Clintons’ own expenses, rather than on direct giving to charitable programs.

  4. It's absolutely telling and a sad commentary that the best the Democrat party can muster for

    presidential candidates is Free Goodies vs Bull Puckey , the Socialist vs the Serial Liar. This looks like

    it could be a tight race for the nomination.

    On the Republican side it looks like Trump vs whomever gets the most traction. If Trump wins in South

    Carolina by another huge margin like NH, he's likely to sweep the primarys to the nomination.

    If you think the gloves are off with Sanders/Clinton, just wait for the general election. Trump vs whichever

    Dem takes the nomination will be epic.

    Epic yes! I hope Clinton gets the nomination because it would fun to watch Trump destroy her in one on one debates. He may just have the balls to call her on several of her criminal activities during her assent to power including covering for all her husbands crimes against women and then calls herself the "womens rights candidate". Her closet is just bursting at the seams with skeletons. Trump may not be perfect but he is the best hope the country has for getting the economy turned around.

  5. Check and you will see that Sanders didn't actually win New Hampshire. Even though Sanders got over 20% more popular votes than Hillary, she got more delegates. In 1972 the Democratic party rigged the system by creating what they call "super delegates", a system were the party elites appoint "super delegates" that can vote any way they want regardless of what the people want.....and they gave it to Hillary. Hillary is the choice of the establishment global corporate/banking elite [ on the Democratic side of their coin ] and basically own her as well as the mainstream media so you can expect to see all possible dirty tricks used to give her the nomination including outright fraud .

  6. Trump is not just a candidate, he is the leader of a huge movement that is sick of politicians and even crosses over party lines. Remember for the past three years the US congress approval rating is only 9 % ! Americans have really been waking up in the last few years and most Americans hate the federal government now for one reason or another. The more the controlled establishment media attacks Trump the more popular he gets with the people. Trump is making the global corporate/banking elite very nervous. Don't be surprised if his plane blows up.

  7. Mr. Obama is once again grossly incorrect...the real present credible and specific danger to Americans has been the apathy of a government who was elected and sworn to protect it's people...

    After a hue and cry from the majority of American people...plus two recent Islamic terrorist attacks...the government appears to finally be taking the Islamic terrorist threat to Americans seriously...

    One more year of incredibly impotent leadership...

    Again you've mistaken the hue and cry of the yo yos on Fox News for "the majority of American people". Easily done I guess if all you ever listen to is Fox News.

    One more year and then HRC takes over. Someone new to hate. clap2.gif

    Remember the chances are 20,000,000 to 1, for the Islamic Terrorist threat.

    Maybe take a valium?

    I forgot what the exact stats are but 20 mil to 1 might not be far off, or at least until recently when the liar in chief began letting undocumented immigrants pour across the Mexican border from all over the world including middle eastern war zones. We will see what the odds are in the future.
    I can see your hung up on Fox VS CNN VS BBC, etc..... THEY ARE ALL LYING TO YOU, the difference is only surface.
  8. When I read the first word of the headline "Obama" I just laughed and thought....considering the past 7 years why would anyone give any credibility to anything that Obama says? Why even bother reading the whole article, you know it's just all spin and made up BS.

    He's taking a huge risk. Any event now will just blow up in his face, excusing the pun.

    Why is he taking a risk? he is only repeating the information the intelligence community is providing him with. , Are you saying that there is specific and credible information concerning a terrorist threat and he is hiding it?

    That's the problem we don't really know if he is repeating info from the intelligence community or saying it for some other agenda. Obama is possibly the smoothest charismatic liar that has ever lived in the white house so you can't be sure of anything he says.

  9. just so i can keep on living, i always assume any Thai I interact with has a gun.

    it is a good habit i picked up living in parts of the US where citizens can legally carry concealed guns to defend themselves.

    i am thinking you would see way more fights and assaults between Thais if it was not for the fear of getting your head blown off.

    and in a country where there are no police you can rely on the help you it is almost a necessity.

    What a sad statement. The day I think like that is the day I leave Thailand. I have never felt threatened in Thailand. I guess I must live in the wrong place (not) Sure I have seen the odd bar fight (Thais and Farangs) but nothing more than a drunken hissie fit.

    I would NOT live in the US even if it was cheaper than Thailand. Knowing every second citizen was carrying would cause me a lot of concern

    " every second citizen".....where do foreigners get these ideas about the US. Actually I would feel the safest at somewhere like a country western concern in Texas where lots of good citizens are carrying. Notice the terrorist and other nutcases always attack soft targets [ " gun free zones" ] because they know no one is going to shoot back at them.

  10. As for USA the data do not show the number of suicide made with guns. Wich is hudge. It's made for scared people. Just like in France and in Europe where we are supposed to be in a war with Islamic State. We are, all citizens, in danger, we are all possible target for terrorists. But the first decision European Commision is trying to take is to ban guns ownership from Europe. They don't want legal ownership of gun. They don't want honnest cityzens to have gun. They say that it is to fight terrorism! Bullshit. They are affraid of us , the people , not of the terrorists. It's the same all over the world. This campaign is made to help governments to disarm honest people.

    And all the sheep don't understand this. They are so disgustingly ignorant.

    I have heard this argument before that guns protect us from our governments. Is this really true? Can small arms really protect us from tanks and armoured vehicles? Air bombardment? Nuclear and chemical weapons? Basically the argument is silly because a loosely gathered bunch of civilians (militia) with small arms is simply no match for the heavy weaponry that a state can bring to the party. So, its a rather silly argument IMO.

    I have heard your argument before also but there is more to it. The US gov would not use nukes or even air bombardment etc on the US cities. There is so much talk of revolution in the states now and if it did break out it would be guerrilla type warfare with a rifle behind every tree and building. That type of warfare has allowed rag tag militias to hold off or even defeat big armies many times in history. And don't forget in most revolutions there is a point where the rank and file of the police and military have to decide who to side with.... the incumbent power structure or the people or opposing power structure. I'm not advocating revolution by the way, just saying.

  11. As for USA the data do not show the number of suicide made with guns. Wich is hudge. It's made for scared people. Just like in France and in Europe where we are supposed to be in a war with Islamic State. We are, all citizens, in danger, we are all possible target for terrorists. But the first decision European Commision is trying to take is to ban guns ownership from Europe. They don't want legal ownership of gun. They don't want honnest cityzens to have gun. They say that it is to fight terrorism! Bullshit. They are affraid of us , the people , not of the terrorists. It's the same all over the world. This campaign is made to help governments to disarm honest people.

    Got that right my friend.

  12. Quick Poll : how many of the pro guns guys here have a gun in thailand for your own safety and travel with it at all time, because they are scared to death of the bad guys with guns?

    I had a carry permit in Florida mainly because of carrying cash home from my business at night but I can't legally own a gun in Thailand and even if I could if you had to shoot a Thai good chance you would be blamed no matter what the real situation was. So I settle for a dog and a machete at home. Just use your head and remain situationally aware.

  13. In 1993 gun deaths in the US were 7 per 100,000 [ about where this article claims Thailand is now ] and by 2013 had dropped to a little over 3. According to the FBI website violent crime in the US has dropped by 49% from 1992 until 2012 and is now over a 50% drop. Meanwhile gun sales during that same period have exploded especially in the past 7 years of Obama when over 100,000,000 more have been sold. The FBI just stated that during the "black Friday" super shopping day last week a new record was set for the most background checks for new gun ownership in history. The above information is probably a bit shocking to my Brit friends out there.

    Here is a good video that explains things you won't see on outlets like CNN, BBC, etc.


  14. I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

    indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

    After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

    God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

    The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

    We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

    The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

    " President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns." Oh my god, you far left tin hat wing nuts are even further off the wall then I thought. "represents the vast majority".... don't you ever look at pole results....most people have finally seen through Obama.s lies now and he's crashing badly accept for the far left that's still hypnotized by his " charismatic demeanor ". I suppose you can find some white house propaganda site that spins or just lies about pole results to argue with my point. He's even a better liar than than that coke head Billy Clinton was and way better than alcoholic Bush was.

  15. Some of the protesters did travel to the area but most were locals including families of the victims. They were protesting against Obama using their situation to push his anti second amendment globalist agenda. Spiritrace is correct in his post, it is a mental health issue but they won't talk about that because so much of mainstream medias advertising money comes from big pharma that makes billions off the drugs all these nutcases are put on. I won't even go into the possibility that the US government [ or the globalist that have hijacked it ] may be behind some of these attacks to push disarming the public or I will be attacked as a "conspiracy theorist".

    If you check the FBI website you will find that from 1992 to 2012 violent crime in the USA DECLINED by 49% and has continued to decline since 2012 despite the fact that gun sales have increased during the same period. Annual gun sale have increased by roughly 400% every year since Obama took office in 2008 and violent crime continues to decline accept in cities like Chicago and DC that have the strictest gun laws preventing law abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves from all the criminals who obviously don't turn in their guns.

    If you check you will also find that Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe even though all men after finishing their mandatory military service are required or at least encouraged to take their military assault rifle home with them. It's not the guns, it's the mental health of the society and counties like the US and UK are in big trouble in that regard.

    You forgot to mention that the CIA orchestrated 9/11.

    I'm not sure if your being sarcastic or not but yes it is possible that individuals within the CIA may have been among those in the US power structure that were involved. More and more keeps coming out about that now especially with the 28 pages of the 911 report that a few senators have finally been allowed to read and say it clearly implicates the Saudi government. the official story is a total fairy tale but I don't want to go to far off topic.

  16. Some of the protesters did travel to the area but most were locals including families of the victims. They were protesting against Obama using their situation to push his anti second amendment globalist agenda. Spiritrace is correct in his post, it is a mental health issue but they won't talk about that because so much of mainstream medias advertising money comes from big pharma that makes billions off the drugs all these nutcases are put on. I won't even go into the possibility that the US government [ or the globalist that have hijacked it ] may be behind some of these attacks to push disarming the public or I will be attacked as a "conspiracy theorist".

    If you check the FBI website you will find that from 1992 to 2012 violent crime in the USA DECLINED by 49% and has continued to decline since 2012 despite the fact that gun sales have increased during the same period. Annual gun sale have increased by roughly 400% every year since Obama took office in 2008 and violent crime continues to decline accept in cities like Chicago and DC that have the strictest gun laws preventing law abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves from all the criminals who obviously don't turn in their guns.

    If you check you will also find that Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe even though all men after finishing their mandatory military service are required or at least encouraged to take their military assault rifle home with them. It's not the guns, it's the mental health of the society and counties like the US and UK are in big trouble in that regard.

  17. When is the local authorities going to amend laws about illegal gun ownerships and also control legal gun ownerships. Introduce the immeidtae death penalty for those in possession of illegal guns and make an exmaple of at leat the first thousand by immeidate public executions of them getting shot in public, as least seeing them cry and pee in their pants before these dogs die might deter the rest of the dogs.

    The whole reason I read this article is I wanted to see how many posts it would take before the hang em high anti gun extremists would chime in. Not bad, took until the second page.

  18. Well said.

    Amazing how laziness goes out the door when some cash is waived around. This despite holding possibly crucial evidence that can catch this madman.

    It may not be laziness.

    It may be fear.

    Depending on who is behind this, witnesses may fear retaliation.

    Chances are this is not a "lone gunman" kind of thing.

    A numerous different "organizations" could be behind it.

    Young idealistic fools can be convinced to do many things.

    In fact, there is a good chance the perp is actually dead and disposed of already.

    He may never be found alive or at all.

    Smart criminals cover their tracks.

    and this is Thailand.

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